Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Boughton News

September 2010

Update on Boughton events

Speedwatch Update August 2010.

Firstly the Parish council offer a big thank you to all 9 members of the Speedwatch Team who have turned out over the last five months to carry out Speedwatch sessions. It is a credit to you all for your perseverance and community spirit for which we thank you on behalf of the parishioners.

You will recall that Speedwatch was set up in response to concerns raised by parishioners regarding speeding vehicles passing through the village. As Speedwatch rules require the support of Parish Council we were pleased to support this initiative.

Some facts:

Throughout each session a large warning sign is placed at each end of the village, as well as permanent notices on all village main speed limit signs.

Speedwatch has been operating since March 2010. 30 monitoring sessions lasting some 45 hours have been carried out.

In that time just 12 vehicles have been noted as exceeding the speed at which, under Norfolk constabulary rules, a record may be made i.e. +36mph. More vehicles were travelling at up to 36 mph

A third of the vehicles recorded were parishioner's vehicles. Three quarters parishioners recorded complained about being recorded, although not about the fact they were speeding.

Understandably there is concern in some quarters regarding the recording of speeding parishioners. Whilst it is right and proper to record such instances, we are aware this could present a negative atmosphere. However the principle of trying to reduce speeding through the village is sound.

Currently the Speedwatch Team are taking a break. In order to assess the level of support for Speedwatch continuing, we propose to invite all parishioners to have the opportunity to say whether they wish to continue with Speedwatch via a Q & A sheet to be distributed to every household. Once we have the responses the Parish Council will act upon the wishes of the Parishioners accordingly.

In essence we are looking to Speedwatch being run by parishioners, with the backing of the Parish Council, assuming of course there is still the support in the village for the activity to continue. As many of the existing team who want to will be welcome to continue, including a co-ordinator & assistant.

We will await the results of the parishioner's responses before going any further and will report at the next meeting.

Boughton Parish Council

War Memorial.

The Norfolk Constabulary Forensic dept investigation has solved the mystery of the obliterated words of the inscription.for us.

West side of plinth :-

'In memory of those who fell in the Great War 1914-1918.

This cross is humbly dedicated by the inhabitants of the village"

East side of plinth :-

Malachi - verse 3, chapter 17.

"And they shall be mine saith the lord of hosts in that day when I make up my jewels."

Bill Miller has very generously offered to have the inscriptions renewed by Mildenhall Memorials. It is hoped that our new minister can rededicate the Memorial during the Remembrance Day service. The forensic officers who worked on this for us have expressed a desire to attend the rededication.

A letter of thanks has been sent to Norfolk Constabulary. Our thanks must also go to Bill Miller for his work, and we will write to Bill when the work is completed.


Stone Picking Afternoon

Thank you to everyone who turned up to help us on the day. Approx 45-50 people gave up their afternoon despite the very changeable weather.

With everyone keen to make a start it was gloves on and buckets to the ready. Several had eager eyes on the prizes which were up for grabs.

Two hours flew past as we chatted and giggled not really thinking what a sight we must have looked all bending over with our bottoms up.

Thank you to all who made and donated cakes, tea and coffee this added a further 60.00 to club funds.

Thank you also to Gary Reardon who ensured we had water and electric for the afternoon.


It's back again this year the free-to-enter Scarecrow Challenge! Running from Saturday 23rd October to Sunday 31st October can you rise to the challenge once again with a spectacular scarecrow? Perhaps a Halloween theme? Prize awards (adult & child) at the barbecue to be held on Sunday 31st on The Green. More details in next month's G4 magazine

All Saints' Community Project

If you are still thinking about sponsoring a chair in the church, we are still looking for donations. Please contact Paul Coulten for details and the form. The chair choice has been approved by the DAC so we just need to get the last monies together.

To help with fundraising we have taken a pitch at the Wereham Car Boot Sale on 12th September. Have you got items that you always meant to take to the charity shop? The box of items that was packed up three years ago and not opened since. Have you any items that you could donate for us to sell on behalf of the project funds? If you have some donations please contact Moira on 500955. No clothing. Any items not sold will be donated to a Cancer charity.

Volunteers to help on the stall would be helpful. Time slots can be 30 mins or an hour between 9 am and 1 pm. Any help would be much appreciated

Pots, pots, pots! I'm going potty..............

............with all my unwanted black plastic plant pots! Would anybody like them? Free to good home(s).

Angela Faherty 501335

Boughton Seed Exchange

If there is enough interest I would like to have a gardeners seed exchange and coffee morning in late October/early November. More details next month.

So start saving all your seeds and making a note of what you would like from other gardeners locally.

Proceeds from the seed exchange coffee morning to go towards the Boughton Community Project.

Val Acaster.




7.00 for 7.30 pm


Tickets - £6.50 per person

available from Fincham Stores

buy yours early to avoid disappointment!

bring your own cutlery, glass and drink

.... Raffle ....

prizes of chocolate & wine

Pam Wakeling

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