News from The James Bradfield School
January 2011
The end of year reprt from Stoke Ferry school
The James Bradfield Church of England Community Primary School.
OfSTED Monitoring Inspection.
On Friday 26th November, the school was visited by an OfSTED inspector who spent the whole day with us. During the day he monitored classes being taught, he talked to parents, children, governors, teachers and support staff about their views of the school and how we were doing. He also interviewed some of the Advisers from Norfolk Children's Services and spent time with the headteacher, looking at the progress the children have made, the standards that they are reaching in their work, how well behaved they are and how safe they are when they are at school. The inspection was very thorough and, at the end of the day, the inspector wrote a report on how the school is moving forward.
I am extremely pleased to tell you that the inspector was of the opinion that "at this time the school is making good progress in addressing the issues for improvement and in raising the pupils' achievements". (OfSTED can only give one of four grades in an inspection: inadequate, satisfactory, good or outstanding and it is unusual for any school to make good progress in a monitoring visit.)
The report went on to say that "the senior leadership, teachers and non-teaching staff, members of the governing body, parents and pupils all share a consistent and ambitious vision for the future of the school and this is a major reason for the good improvement evident since the [original] inspection."
This report was very encouraging for the school and recognises the hard work and commitment shown by everyone. I would like to take this opportunity to thank every child, parent, member of staff, governor and friend of the school for all their support with the work that we are doing. This report recognises how far we have got, but our new task is to work even harder and raise standards even more so that every child at James Bradfield Primary School is given the best education possible. The children, staff, governors and parents are committed to this programme of improvement and I would like to invite every person in Stoke Ferry, Wretton and Boughton to support us in this. These youngsters are our future and they deserve the best.
Andy Beeson, Headteacher.
Another beautiful Christingle was held in School on Monday 13th December with each child making and holding a lit Christingle - Mr Beeson, the Headteacher, is always relieved when the candles are blown out.
Mrs Elsey from Christ Church Whittington now has the unenviable job of counting the money sent in by children and parents which will go to The Children's Society.
The service was taken by Mrs Nicholas-Letch & the new vicar from Boughton Barbara Burton.
A fantastic performance of Cinderella was produced by the whole School- but not as we know it. The ugly sisters were - well ugly. Prince charming -charming and cinders sweet BUT the prince marries an ugly sister and good old Buttons got his girl, yes he marries Cinders. The little mice were enchanting and all the performers did a grand job - especially the Fairy Godmother who was a little past her sell-by date - she even had a bus pass
Carol Nicholas-Letch