War Memorial Gary Trouton

The late Geoff Allen - a Tribute

January 2011

Mally, on behalf of the Stoke ferry Village hall,. pays tribute to the work of the late Geoff Allen

Dear Ray, 11th December 2010

Following the recent passing of Geoff Allen, I feel that I must place on record the enormous contribution which Geoff made to the original saving from oblivion, and the subsequent successful growth and progress, of our Village Hall. Many years ago, Geoff recognised the likelihood that the Hall building would fall into disuse, and he organised support for its redemption, persuading a group of initially sceptic local people to form a committee and firing them with enthusiasm to do what they could to keep the Hall alive.

In those early days, the task was often a struggle, but Geoff could always be relied upon to rally the troops when necessary, frequently dipping into his own pocket to fund essential expenditure before the Hall's cash-flow improved and self-sufficiency was achieved. For many years, Geoff was an active and dedicated Chairman of our Committee, relinquishing the role only when failing health began to take its toll. Afterwards, he continued to take great interest in our activities and achievements.

It is true to say that the Village Hall would not have become the valued local asset it is today without Geoff's vision and active participation in our development, and his contribution should not go unrecognised. The Hall is one of his many legacies. May he rest in peace.

Yours sincerely,

For and on behalf of the Village Hall Committee

Mally Reeve (Chair)

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