Northwold Parish Council
June 2011
Present: Mrs R Crisp, Mrs V Lynch, Mr M Peake, Mr D George, Miss A Muir, Mr F Eglington.
2 members of the public
1. Apologies for absence received from the Safer Neighbourhood Team.
2. No Declarations of Interest were made.
3. The minutes of the meeting held on 01/03/11 were agreed as a true record.
4. Matters Arising from previous meetings
4.1 Community Action Northwold (CAN) has requested that the agreed location for the notice board for Whittington be changed. The Parish Council decided, having heard representations from Whittington residents, that the notice board should be sited by the telephone box along the A134 at Whittington. Highways has granted permission for this location to be used. However, CAN would prefer the board to be placed further down Whittington Hill by the bus stop.
The Council felt the decision made at the March Parish Council meeting should be upheld and a letter will be sent to the secretary of CAN to this effect.
4.2 Enquiries have been made regarding how the chafer bug problem at Northwold Playing Field can best be dealt with. The meeting was suspended to allow members of the public to contribute. Mr Adrian Jenkinson has sought advice from a grounds maintenance consultant who has suggested as the grubs are too advanced for treatment at present the ground should be made good by removing loose turf, restoring levels with topsoil and overseeding.
The whole area would then need treating with a product to control the emerging grubs in June/July.
A verbal estimate of around £2000 to treat the grubs has been received from a second consultant.
It may be possible for the Parish Council to purchase the chemical to treat the grubs and arrange for someone to spray the area. Mr Jenkinson was asked if he could provide a price for the treatment.
A letter has been received from Northwold Cricket Club outlining the recent groundswork undertaken by the Club and stating the cost involved. It was noted the Parish Council appreciates the work the Club has done and it was agreed to give a donation of £400 to the Club to cover their expenditure on the Playing Field.
5. Reports
5.1 Chairman's Report
* The Parish Council has been asked to provide an escort for Elizabeth Truss MP when she visits Northwold Carnival. Ms Muir has agreed to undertake this role.
* Mrs Sharron Freemantle has asked if anyone would be interested in attending First Aid classes in the village should they be offered.
* Community Action Northwold has compiled a list of possible Parish Council actions from the results of the recent village survey.
5.2 The Clerk's had nothing further to report.
5.3 Manor House Update - no further update
5.4 A134 Crossroads Update - no further report
* Some discussion took place regarding planning permission for such items as satellite dishes and solar panels in a conservation area. Mr. M Peake offered to investigate this matter and report back at the next meeting.
* It was reported that the Sports and Social AGM has been held. A request for a copy of the accounts will be made to the Club.
6. The following payments were agreed:
MHB Services (street lighting maintenance) £51.20
E.on Energy (street light electric) £150.11
Village Hall Committee £10.00
Country Grounds Maintenance £296.17
Clerk Salary £259.20
IR £126.00
Glasdon £559.28
7. Correspondence
7.1 Norfolk Link etc.
7.2 Letter received from Northwold Bowls Club regarding insurance. The Bowls Club has been informed that the Club needs its own insurance cover.
8. Planning
Mr. M Peake took no part in discussion relating to agenda item 8.
8.1 Extension and alteration at 66 High Street, Northwold 11/004176/F No comment
9. Parish Council elections
It was noted Mr Jim Morris and Mrs Teresa Waller are not standing for election on May 5th.
10. Further reports/items for the next agenda:
10.1 It will be checked whether Highways are aware of the sunken drain covers in School Lane.
10.2 Mr. F Eglington reported that the ditch along Inghams Lane will be cleared by landowners a bit at a time.
Parish Clerk