Northwold Parish Council minutes
July 2011
Present: Mrs R Crisp, Mr D George, Miss A Muir, Mr M Peake, Mrs S Bury.
1 member of the public
1. Election of Chairman
Mrs R Crisp was nominated and seconded and with no other nominations re-elected as Chairman.
2. Mrs R Crisp duly signed the Chairman's Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
3. Apologies for absence
Mr F Eglington
4. No Declarations of Interest made.
5. Councillors signed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
6. Election of Vice-Chairman
Mrs V Lynch was nominated and seconded and with no other nominations elected as Vice-Chairman.
7. The minutes of the meeting held on 05/04/11 were agreed and signed as a true record of the meeting.
8. Matters arising from previous meetings
8.1 Northwold Cricket Club is to continue playing at Northwold Playing Field and the Parish Council will need to reach a decision whether or not to treat the chafer bugs this season.
8.2 It is hoped the new notice board for Whittington will be erected in the near future.
8.3 Mr M Peake reported that satellite dishes can be erected in a conservation area if placed on the rear of a building. Planning consent is needed for dishes to be placed on the side of a building which fronts the road. Solar panels are acceptable on the roof of a building but would need planning permission to be placed on a wall. There is concern that permission may be needed for a satellite dish which has been erected opposite Northwold Church.
8.4 Highways have been informed that the drains outside Northwold Primary School appear to be sinking.
9. Reports
9.1 Chairman's Report
* The Chairman commented on the need to encourage others to join the Parish Council. The recent local elections resulted in six seats of the nine available for the Northwold Ward being filled and one of two for Whittington Ward. It is hoped co-option of other members can take place at the June Parish Council meeting.
* Mr D George was thanked for repairing the Parish Council notice board at Little London. He offered to also undertake maintenance work on the Parish Council notice board located at the Village Hall.
* Thanks were voiced to Mr D George and Mr R Eyles for moving the grit bins. The bin for Whittington will be located when it is likely to be filled with grit nearer the winter.
* A request has been made from an allotment tenant to use water from the cemetery. It was felt the Parish Council could not permit this as there would be no way to monitor usage.
* Mrs Crisp attended the SNAP meeting held on May 6th at Downham Market Fire Station. Mrs Sharron Freemantle who also attended the meeting, representing Community Action Northwold (CAN), provided notes from the meeting. Mrs Crisp spoke to an Environmental Officer from BCKLWN regarding dog fouling around the parish. It was suggested a dog waste bin by the Recreation Ground might encourage correct disposal of dog waste and signs will be provided by the Borough Council reminding people that there is a fine of