War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council July

August 2011


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 13 July 2011

Those Attending: Cllr T Ryves (Chairman), Cllr Mrs J Buckley-Stevens (Vice-Chair), Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr E Taylor, Cllr Mrs D Clements, Cllr R Bivons, Cllr B Seymour, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk) and 6 Members of the Public

Apologies: Cllr J Nicholas-Letch and Borough Councillor C Sampson

Minutes of the last Meeting: Cllr Mrs Buckley-Stevens proposed acceptance, seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon

Matters Arising:

a) Laurel Bushes overhanging footpath from bungalows near playing field have still not been cut back - the Clerk to chase again

b) Car Dumped in Buckenham Drive - This has now been removed - thanks to Cllr Ryves for attending to this matter.

Drs Surgery :

Cllr Mrs Clements gave a resume of the problems that are being encountered relating to the Surgery in Boughton - in particular when prescriptions are requested for collection from the Stoke Ferry Post Office they are not always there on the allotted day, the waiting time at open surgeries 2-3 hours, the length of waiting time to get an appointment with a doctor and the very hit and miss attendance at the Community Centre in Stoke Ferry. It appears that the Boughton Surgery cannot cope with the vast area it covers. After considerable discussion it was agreed that a letter be forwarded to the NHS and the Doctors Surgery pointing out that a better service is required in the village, particularly with the extra houses being built therefore population increasing considerably, what are the obligations on the Boughton Surgery to the village. It was felt that a surgery facility was required twice a week, all through the year not just during school term time, possibly a Locum Doctor providing this service if the main doctors are unable to. It is understood that Boughton Surgery is not likely to be extended, it was also asked what area is covered by Boughton ie the number of villages.

Village Liaison Meeting Update

Cllr Mrs Clements attended her first meeting this afternoon and provided a graph supplied by the Environment Department of particulate emissions from the factory - these seem to be at a satisfactory low level. The matter of a further monitor in the vicinity of the Corner Shop was discussed, it was suggested that if the PC wanted a further monitor it would be for them to make arrangements for this to be put in place. It was agreed that further questions be asked at the next meeting in October in particular requesting copies of previous readings from the monitor near the Post Office. Cllr Bivon said perhaps we should get advice from the Environmental Health Department.

There was no news on the Dukes Head and Millers Arms. The murals on the Dukes Head are getting rather tatty and Vion may paint these over at some point.

The question of a second PC representative on this committee was raised - Vion advised it would be a good idea to have a deputy representative in case Cllr Mrs Clements was unable to attend at any time. This will be put on the agenda for the next meeting.

Freedom Of Information - Updated Document :

The Clerk asked if anyone had any queries relating to the updated document that she had circulated. A couple of corrections to telephone numbers were pointed out. Cllr Mrs Buckley-Stevens asked to be added to the Personnel Committee. This was agreed by all present.

British Sugar Transport:

The Clerk informed the meeting that Cllr Mrs Clements and herself had met representatives from British Sugar advising them that lorries for the Sugar Beet Factory were still entering the village. They would take this on board and again advise their drivers or sub-contractors not to go into Stoke Ferry. It was suggested that a further approach could be made to Highways asking them to improve the signage at the Bridge Road/A134 roundabout. It was also agreed that the Clerk should write to BS to confirm the points raised at the recent meeting.


Non Material Amendments to Planning Consents by the Borough Council

First Floor extension at Hope Cottage Oxborough Road

Construction of 13 Social Houses including new Village Hall and 30 parking spaces and new access at land adjacent to Furlong Drove

Norfolk County Council - Planning Application

Proposed Power and Recycling Centre, Willows Business Park, Saddlebow, Kings Lynn and Proposed Energy from Waste facility and associated buildings.

Approved by the Parish Council

Outline Planning Application - Demolition of existing storage building and new residential development at Sandralan Lynn Road

Cllr Ryves felt that with future planning applications he would like the Planning Committee to meet and discuss any application rather than pass it round to all members. Those not on the Planning Committee would still see the various applications and can discuss their views with the Planning Committee. The Clerk will therefore arrange a meeting when future applications are received. In the case of an application for a large development the whole parish council would meet.

Accounts for Approval

E-on - Direct Debit -

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