Wereham Parish Council
August 2011
Minutes of the meeting of Wereham Parish Council held
on Tuesday 10th July 2011 in The Village Hall at 7.30p.m
Present: Mrs. Koopowitz - Vice Chairman, C. Humphries, D. Deighton. 0. Key, Mrs. Newell, Mrs. Bruce together with ii members of the public.
Apologies: P. Norris
Mrs Koopowitz handed copies of the Draft Village Plan to those members to whom it had not been emailed.
1. Minutes: The Parish Meeting minutes of the 10th May 2011 were proposed by Mrs. Bruce and seconded by Mrs. Newell as a correct record.
The Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on the 10th May 2011 were agreed and signed as a correct record as proposed by Mrs. Bruce and seconded by D. Deighton.
2. Matters Arising: Willow Trees around the Pond - a letter was received from Mrs. Rye expressing concern for the foundations of her property and loss of light if the removed tree is replaced by another Willow tree. A discussion followed with the public taking part and it was suggested that another type of tree be planted but the clerk is to contact the Tree and Landscape Officer of the Borough Council and request his advice.
Glazewing have agreed to Litter pick 4/6 times per year - Clerk is to write and thank them.
Burial fees - the Clerk had omitted to bring to the meeting, for which she apologised, the list of other Village fees for comparison. D. Deighton has accessed various fees from the internet which he will present on a spread sheet - the matter was then deferred until the next meeting.
Photographic evidence from a member of the public of the defect areas of the A134 is still awaited.
3. Planning : None
4. Payments: Petty cash - £52.66, Nfk Playing Field sub- £20.00, C.G.M. Ltd grass & grounds maintenance ££812.52, Pearce & Kemp - St. Light maintenance £233.21, W.N.B.C. Cemetery rates £18.22 Proposed by Mrs. Koopowitz & seconded by Mrs. Newell pass for payment.
5. Litter Picking: This item is to be deferred until the next meeting but it was noted that G. Baddock, as a member of the public, in the past has litter picked around the Pond and is prepared to continue but suggests that all areas have two peoples thereby 'halving the load'. While on this subject the state of the Memorial was discussed and it was agreed that a working party ought to be organized to carry out a 'tidy up and clean' together with removing some branches from the adjacent tree which causes the Street Light: sensor to think it is permanent night.
6. Cemetery: P. Norris requested via Mrs. Koopowitz that letters of thanks be sent to R. Lankfer for allowing all the rubbish and hedge cuttings to be deposited on his land, Bill and Karin Newell and Ivan Voutt for tidying the Cemetery and cutting the hedge. Mrs. Bruce agreed to ensure that the rubbish bin is placed in the appropriate place for emptying each week and then re-positioned inside the gates after emptying. All other matters relating to the Cemetery to be deferred to the next meeting.
7. Play Equipment Checks: C. Humphries agreed to carry out the weekly inspections and Wicksteeds are to be asked to carry out the Annual Inspection and specifically reporting on possible remedial works to the play surface.
8. Correspondence: Norfolk Link : N.R.C.C, Signpost: W.N.B.C - house name change - Russets to Diddle Dee Cottage, Back Lane : N.C.C. - Andy Wallace reply to our letter reference highway matters - all noted. Mrs. Rye reference Willow Trees. W.N.B.C. request for suggested names to become members of the Internal Drainage Board - Graeme Key wishes his name to be put forward and Mrs. Bruce would like her husband Stephen Bruce to be put forward.
9. Village Hall Constitution was handed to all Councillors and the Draft Village Plan and it was suggested that the documents be read and 'digested' so that any questions and I or suggestions can be discussed at the next meeting.
10. Any Other Business: P. Norris requested via Mrs. Koopowitz that a letter of thanks be sent to Mrs. Patricia Evans for tidying the footpath along the A134 at the Manor Wall. The Street Light over the Memorial is permanently alight and one in Queens Close is permanently out clerk to contact the Contractors. A very large pot hole in Cavenham Road is still in need of urgent attention. A discussion took place regarding the Village Hall and it was confirmed it is about to be given a clean up. A copy of the materials and their cost was presented totaling £1551.85 this figure includes items such as heavy duty vinyl, dust sheets, paint, woodfiller etc: the Village Hail Committee are hoping for a substantial contribution from the Parish Council towards these costs. There is an apple tree branch overhanging the footpath at the junction of the A134 and Church Road - P. Norris has volunteered to contact the owner and possibly offer help. The clerk is to contact Maxey and Son reference an outbuilding at the old Post Office. The Roundabout at the junction of A134 and B1160 is in a very untidy state - clerk to try and get it tidied up, Mrs. Koopowitz asked on behalf of W.W.W. for permission to plant hedging in the gaps along the Al 34 Playing Field hedge - this was granted and it was confirmed that the work would be carried out in the Autumn. The Gas Compound in the Playing Field appears not to have been cut for some considerable time - clerk to deal with the matter. B.S.C. Tomato Greenhouse - an invitation has been issued via Charles Humphries for a minimum of 15 people to visit them during August / September - anyone wishing to take up this invitation should get in touch with Charles Humphries. It appears no-one had any objects or comments regarding the B.S.C. proposals.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 13t September 2011. The meeting closed at 8.5 5p.m.
Parish Clerk