Wereham Parish Council meeting
November 2011
Minutes of the Wereham Parish Council meeting
held on 8th November 2011 at **7.30 p.m.**in the Village Hall.
Apologies: G. Key + Mr. & Mrs. G. Baddock
Present: P. Norris - Chairman, C. Humphries, Mrs. Newell, Mrs. Koopowitz, D. Deighton, Mrs. Bruce, Mr. T. Thompson W.N.B.C. Arboricultural Officer together with 23 members of the public.
The Police Support Officer had another meeting to attend and therefore needed to leave so presented her report first. There had been one break-in into a shed in Queens Close during the last four weeks. It was reported the telephone number to call for Police matters which are not a life or death matter is 101, with real emergencies the number is still as it used to be 999.
1. Minutes: It was proposed by Mrs. Koopowitz and seconded by D. Deighton that the Minutes of the meeting held on 13th September 2011 be signed as a correct record subject to the amendment that P. Norris’s name is deleted from litter picking inCavenham Road.
2. Matters Arising:
4.1 The tree has been trimmed around the Street Light over the Memorial and this has allowed the daylight to the Street Light which now works correctly. This work was carried out by G. Baddock and B. Bruce who are both to receive a letter of thanks.
4.2 The clerk was instructed to write and invite Elizabeth Truss M.P. to attend a Parish Council meeting as per her offer.
3. Willow Tree - Mr. T. Thompson: The Chairman introduced Mr. Thompson, thanked him for coming to the meeting and asked him to ‘talk us through’ his letter stating that another Willow tree should be planted in lieu of the one which was removed. He read to the meeting his letter to the Parish Council and a letter from Mrs. Lynn W.N.B.C. Conservation Officer stating her views on the legal side of the Willow tree situation. Mr. Rye asked if Mr. Thompson had made an inspection of the properties adjacent to the pond to ascertain what or if any damage has been caused to any of them. Mr. Thompson replied that his remit had not included that matter and he stated that roots will go to water and only to broken or damaged pipes when water is in short supply and are very unlikely to go into working underground pipes when copious quantities of water are available as close as the pond. The Chairman then proposed closure on this subject until further answers were to hand regarding the 15 questions raised in the Parishioners letter. Letters received by the Parish Council on this matter are as follows:
25/5/11 Mrs. Rye - complaint about possible damage from roots & loss of light
1/8/11 W.N.B.C. Confirmation Willow tree should be replaced withWillowtree.
20/9/11 Mr & Mrs Rye - complaint plus Parish Council requested to consult nearby Residents potential damage to buildings, sewers, paths, water pipes etc: A.W.A. and Insurers
26/9/11 Mr & Mrs Rye, Mr & Mrs Voutt, Mr. & Mrs Bliss & Mrs. B. Roberts Complaints plus 15 questions.
9/10/11 Mr & Mrs Rye — acknowledgement of invite to meeting plus four requests for either representative or written report be available from Structural Surveyor, A.W.A., Insurance Co. & Electricity Board.
3/11/11W.N.B.C. Conservation Officer reiterating the views and information given by Mr. Thompson.
4. Planning: Mrs. R. Hobbs & M/s Dearsley Planning Appeal dismissed for the erection of a pair of semi- detached cottages inBens Lane. Their Agent Adrian Parker wrote informing the W.N.B.C. have now confirmed that the Village was wrongly categorised and the Parish Council is requested again to state if there are any additional areas for development consideration - the clerk was instructed to reply
5. Payments: British Legion Poppv Wreath