Northwold Parish Council January Meeting
March 2012
Present: Mrs R Crisp, Mrs S Bury, Mr M Peake, Mrs V Lynch, Mrs S Jackson, Mr A Collins, Mr F Eglington, Mr D George. 1 member of the public
1. Apologies for absence: Miss A Muir
2. Declarations of Interest:
Mrs S Jackson declared an interest in matters relating to Whittington Churchyard/Cemetery.
3. The minutes of the meeting held on 06/12/11 were agreed as a true record.
4. Matters Arising from previous meetings
- The Parish Council allotments both have tenants. One allotment is being shared by two tenants.
- It was noted that the lids of the grit bins appear to be blown open in strong winds. Consideration will be given to either facing the bins in a different direction to avoid west winds or possibly fixing catching to the lids.
5. Co-option of new Councillor
Mrs Sue Leet has volunteered to re-join Northwold Parish Council and she was co-opted to fill the one remaining vacancy. Mrs Leet duly signed her Acceptance of Office and Financial Interest form.
6. Reports
6.1 Chairman’s Report
- The Chairman informed the Parish Council that the Council’s Christmas tree in the Church has been taken down. The Chairman has undertaken this job in past years but has stated that she is unwilling to do so in future years.
6.2 The Clerk’s Report
- The Clerk had nothing to reports at this stage of the meeting.
6.3 Community Action Northwold (CAN) Update
- No update from CAN as no meetings have been held over the Christmas period.
6.4 Manor House Update
- No update regarding Manor House.
7. Whittington Cemetery
Northwold Parish Council is proceeding to seek planning permission for change of use of part of Whittington Playing Field to use as a cemetery. The Environment Agency has been consulted before any application is made and the response received from the Environment Agency was discussed.
The proposed site for a new cemetery at Whittington overlies a principal aquifer in the chalk. The aquifer may support water supply and/or river base flow on a strategic scale. The regional use of groundwater in the area makes the site vulnerable to pollution. There are also wells in Whittington that may be used for domestic supplies and this would need to be checked with the Environmental Health Department.
Due to the environmental sensitivity any planning application will need to be accompanied by an appropriate risk assessment to determine the potential pollution risks to controlled waters from the proposed cemetery development. Site investigations may be required to determine soil structure and groundwater levels either prior to the determination of any planning application or to discharge any planning conditions. It is likely that if the site is deemed suitable for use as a burial ground then the Environment Agency will recommend that certain planning conditions are imposed regarding the distance of burials from water courses.
Mr. M Peake has contacted the agent engaged by the Parish Council to apply for planning permission for further advice and it is likely that Mr Peake will dig test holes and once further information regarding the soil structure etc has been gained the agent will be instructed to carry on to investigate the likelihood of planning permission being granted.
The Clerk will also contact the Highway Engineer for advice regarding access to the proposed site.
8. Agreement with Northwold Sports & Social Club for hire of the Club building
As agreed at the December meeting of the Parish Council the Sports & Social Club will be contacted again regarding signing a new agreement for hire of the building. Concern was raised that the Club may be trading illegally if it has no premises hire agreement in place.
9. The following payments were agreed:
MHB Services (street lighting maintenance)