War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting 14th March

March 2012


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre  At 7.30pm on Wednesday 14 March 2012

Those Attending: Cllr T Ryves (Chairman), Cllr Mrs J Buckley-Stevens (Vice-Chair), Cllr Mrs D Clements, Cllr J Nicholas-Letch, Cllr R Bivon, Cllr E Taylor, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk) 7 Members of the Public, Mr Mike Peel West Norfolk Community Transport

Apologies: Cllr Mrs M Leamon and Borough Councillor Colin Sampson

Minutes of the last Meeting:

Cllr Mrs M Clements proposed acceptance of the minutes seconded by Cllr Mrs J Buckley-Stevens

Matters Arising:

a) Kebab/Pizza Shop Lynn Road - The Clerk advised the meeting that Environmental Health had inspected the premises and found a number of issues which will be brought to the attention of the freeholder - a schedule of works will be drawn up including a timescale for completion.

b) The Common - The Clerk had received a phone call from Environmental Health advising they had located the bags of asbestos. Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised that the asbestos was still there. The Clerk will chase this up again.

c. Community Car Share Scheme:

The Chairman introduced Mr Mike Peel who had kindly agreed to come along to talk about a community car share scheme, how it works and the problems which could be encountered. The most important element is to have sufficient volunteer drivers for it to work. There are increasing requests for journeys to hospital appointments as hospital cars are not so readily available now. The drivers will wait at the hospital up to one and a half hours, longer than this they would have to return later. The charge is 45p per mile plus a £2 administration charge. If possible bookings should be made 24 hours in advance of journey. Mr Peel advised it would be useful to make contact with other schemes that are operating, also advertise for drivers, CRB checks were also mentioned. Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised that NCC will pay for CRB checks to be carried out.

The Chairman thanked Mr Peel for attending the meeting to explain the scheme.

The Chairman asked Cllr Nicholas-Letch what the current situation was with the scheme he was organising, he advised that a decision should be made tonight if the PC wish to go ahead and comply with the terms of the letter which is to be sent to NCC, ie the scheme is for residents of all ages of the Parish of Stoke Ferry for doctor’s or hospital appointments. The driver is paid a fixed rate of 45p per mile for a trip. The parish will appoint a Scheme Co-ordinator, who will set up and maintain a monthly statement of trips and expenditure against budget and also cumulative quarterly statements which are to be submitted to the Clerk. Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised that he had possibly 4/5 volunteer drivers, he also agreed to be the Scheme Co-ordinator, at no charge to the PC, Cllr Mrs Clements would assist. The question of parking charges at hospitals was raised, apparently a pass can be applied for.

Cllr T Ryves proposed that the parish council proceed with the scheme Cllr Nicholas-Letch has devised and the letter applying for a grant be forwarded to NCC, seconded by Cllr E Taylor. Unanimously agreed

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Meeting:

The Chairman advised that everything is progressing - there will be a further meeting on Monday 19 March to discuss the event.

Selection of Charity for Proceeds of Diamond Jubilee Raffle

Several charities were proposed - McMillan Nurses, Air Ambulance, Tapping House Hospice, Quiddenham Children’s Hospice. Considerable discussion took place.

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed that the Charity should be Quiddenham Children’s Hospice, seconded by Cllr Mrs Buckley-Stevens.

Telephone Box:

The Chairman referred to the constantly vandalised telephone box and the possibility it could be used as a Defibrillator Unit. Before any decision is made it was agreed that a representative from East Anglia Community Heartbeat Organisation should attend a meeting to explain how this would work and the costs involved. The Clerk to make the arrangements.

Road Gritting:

The question of gritting non main roads was raised at the last meeting. The Clerk contacted K Plant to see if they would be interested. They have raised a few points to be considered - they would require written permission from Highways also they would need confirmation from Highways as to the location of the sand/salt material to be used. The Clerk to ask highways about these points.

Land Furlong Drove:

A letter has been received from Burges Salmon relating to the land the PC purchased for the extension to the Cemetery asking the PC to consider transferring it back to their client as it did not appear to have been used. It was agreed a response to be made - their comments have been noted, part of this land has been consecrated and will be used in the very near future.

Parking Buckenham Drive:

The problem of parking on land in front of 1-4 Buckenham Drive was raised again at the last meeting, Freebridge advised they have contacted their tenants asking them not to park on this grassed area. Highways have suggested bollards being erected at the pedestrian crossing area where the cars appear to be travelling across. It was agreed to ask Highways to erect bollards in this area and also request Freebridge and the Borough Council to get together and sort this problem out. An email received from a resident will be forwarded to Freebridge.

Planning System Changes

Cllrs Mrs Buckley-Stevens and Nicholas-Letch attended a recent meeting on the changes in the planning system. There are considerable changes in the pipeline with further information due later. The Chairman asked if a resume of the meeting could be prepared for parish councillors and maybe put in The Pump for the general public to read.

Garden of Remembrance - The Cemetery:

The Clerk asked for volunteers to remove the grass in the Garden of Remembrance in order that the shingle promised to the PC by Mr Bryan Seymour could be laid there. A date and time to be agreed following this meeting.

Progress on Sports Event for the Olympic Torch Day:

The Chairman was thinking of organising an Archery event. Cllr Nicholas-Letch agreed with the help of the Chairman to prepare a leaflet and do a drop to all properties to try and encourage more participation from villagers. See under correspondence - Tracey McCarthy would like to have the Street Party included in the poster and also be involved with the Jubilee Event on Monday 4 June.


Approved by Borough Council

Conservation Area Consent and Planning Permission - partial demolition of existing outbuilding and extension to dwelling at Mill House Cottage High Street

Grant of Planning Permission - construction of a new vehicular access and erection of an agricultural building for livestock at Hill Farm Boughton Road

Grant of Planning Permission - development of a new agricultural building (Dutch barn) at Hill Farm Boughton Road

Supported by Parish Council

Alterations to existing dwelling at The Old Brewery Oxborough Road

Withdrawal of Application

Outline Application - construction of three bungalows on land to the north east of telephone exchange Lynn Road


Browns Fen Oxborough Road - Extraction of fen soil, sand and loam from former arable land, import of 5000 tonnes per annum of sand and soils or compost to site to create blended product and restoration to nature conservation after use.

Accounts for Approval

MHB Services Ltd - £70.55 - Lighting Maintenance February/March

Mrs C Hardy - £367.81- Salary/Expenses February

James Bradfield School - £15.44 - Hire of Hall - February

Thomas B Bonnett - £234.00 - Creating new steps in Cemetery

E-on - Direct Debit - £45.70 - Lighting - February

Statement of Account as at 29 February 2011 - Balance in Bank - Community Account £313.69 Business Saver Account £7959.94 A total of £8273.63

Cllr R Bivon proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr E Taylor


BCKLWN - Casual Vacancy - no election called to Co-opt as soon as possible

Abbey Memorials (Stonecraft) Ltd - request for additional inscription - Mary Iris Smith

H Brett & Son - request for new Memorial and Inscription - Richard Morley Croot

NCC Highways - works to commence 15 March on improving footpath from School Lane towards Wretton

Tracey McCarthy - requesting to hold a Street Party in Lynn Road on 3 June/closure of part of the road

Society of Local Council Clerks - Annual General Meeting Norfolk Branch

NALC - Free Seminar on Community Composting

Mrs Claire Smith - Wretton Road Homewatch advising costs of signs lower than originally stated

Councillors Other Business:

The Chairman advised that Elizabeth Truss MP will be in the village on the 23 March at the Village Hall.

Cllr Mrs Clements advised that the Stoke Ferry sign on Lynn Road had unofficial wording placed on it, this will be removed

Public Other Business

Rats seen on footpath between Buckenham Drive and Lynn Road - the Clerk to contact Vion

Garages Buckenham Drive let out to private tenants not Freebridge tenants - this is a matter for tenants and Freebridge to sort out

Bottle Bank - rubbish/bottles left alongside containers. The Clerk to put another notice in The Pump and on the Notice Board

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.35pm

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 11 April 2012 commencing at 7.30pm

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