War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council - Minutes October 2012

October 2012


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 10 October 2012

Those Attending:

Cllr R Bivon (Chair) Cllr T Ryves , Cllr Mrs J Buckley-Stevens, Cllr Mrs D Clements, Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr J Nicholas-Letch, Cllr Mrs S Lintern, Cllr L McCarthy, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 5 Members of the Public

Apologies: Borough Councillor C Sampson


Cllr Mrs Clements proposed acceptance of the minutes seconded by Cllr Mrs Buckley-Stevens

Matters Arising:

a) Cllr Bivon asked if the Police Crime Statistics were to hand yet, the Clerk advised she was still waiting for them

b) Cllr Bivon advised that if the windows are replaced, the Blue Bell will be opening this Friday, if not it will be the following week.

c) Cllr Mrs Leamon advised the laurel bushes near the grass footpath in the playing fields had still not been cut back. The Clerk will chase this up again.

Election of Vice-Chair:

Cllr Bivon advised that Cllr Mrs Buckley-Stevens had resigned as Vice-Chair, therefore asking for nominations for this post. Cllr Ryves proposed Cllr McCarthy, seconded by Cllr Mrs Buckley Stevens. Cllr Mrs Clements proposed Cllr Nicholas-Letch seconded by Cllr McCarthy. Cllr Ryves asked the candidates to say a few words about themselves. As there were two candidates a paper vote took place.

Cllr McCarthy received 6 votes - Cllr Nicholas-Letch received 2 votes. Cllr McCarthy therefore elected as Vice-Chair.

Final Approval of Committees, Working Parties and Membership/Standing Orders:

The Planning and Environment Committee had already been approved with all parish councillors being involved.

It was suggested that a Cemetery/Open Space/Allotments and Administration, Personnel and Finance Committees be formed with no less than 4 members on each. Cllr Ryves asked why there should not be a separate Allotments Committee, it was agreed that once any land becomes available this can be discussed at that time.

Cllr Nicholas-Letch proposed that a Cemetery/Open Space/Allotments and Administration/ Personnel/Finance Committees be formed seconded by Cllr Mrs Clements. Agreed by all

The question was asked what would be a Quorum for Committees, Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised the same as parish council meetings 1/3 or 3 people. The Clerk to check where committee meetings can be held.

Members on each Committee - Cemetery/Open Space/Allotments - Cllrs Mrs Clements, Mrs Leamon, Mrs Lintern, Mr Ryves

Administration/Personnel/Finance - Cllrs Bivon, Mrs Clements, Nicholas-Letch, McCarthy, Mrs Buckley-Stevens.

Cllr Nicholas Letch proposed accepting the amended Standing Orders seconded by Cllr McCarthy. 7 Votes for 1 Abstention - Carried.

Cllr Bivon proposed that the Standing Orders be reviewed annually.

Publication of Draft Minutes:

The Clerk had investigated as to whether it was in order to publish draft minutes prior to their approval by the parish council. Cllr Bivon advised that it was in order to do this provided it is stated clearly on them that they had not been approved by full council and were draft.

Cllr Bivon proposed returning to the practice of publishing draft minutes seconded by Cllr Ryves. 7 Votes for 1 Against - Carried.

Emails/Diplomatic Bag:

This item has been brought forward from the end of the Agenda. Cllr Bivon informed the meeting that he did not want the Diplomatic Bag to be circulated in future because everything can be sent by email. The Clerk informed the meeting that not all of the items in the Diplomatic Bag can be circulated by email. Cllr Nicholas-Letch felt that as a parish councillor he should have sight of all documents received by the Clerk, Cllr Ryves agreed. Cllr Mrs Leamon also said she should receive hard copies of all emails received or sent.

Cllr McCarthy proposed that the Diplomatic Bag should continue to be circulated for the time being seconded by Cllr Nicholas-Letch, 5 Votes for 3 Against - Carried

PC Representative on Village Liaison Committee:

Following the resignation of Ed Taylor a further representative was required for this Committee. Cllr Mrs Lintern agreed to be the parish council representative.

Community Car Scheme - Progress Report/Parish Council Nominee:

Cllr Nicholas-Letch gave an update of the scheme so far, a good meeting was held to form a Management Committee, it was represented by several groups from the village. This week 7 journeys have taken place, the demand has been astonishing. Journeys have been to the Howdale Surgery, Boughton Surgery and the Hospital in King’s Lynn. There are 4 drivers with 2 standby drivers. There should be sufficient funds for a further 8 months. It is hoped that six times more funding can be applied for from NCC for next year. Passengers so far are very happy with the service provided. Cllr Bivon thanked Cllr Nicholas-Letch for all the hard work he has put in setting up this scheme. Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised he would like a parish council representative on the management committee - Cllr McCarthy agreed to this.

Furlong Road Development:

Norfolk County Council are applying to the Director of Environment, Transport and Development Department in conjunction with Mott MacDonald for the implementation of Traffic Regulation Order for a 20mhp zone in Indigo Road, asking if the parish council were in agreement with this.

Cllr Nicholas-Letch proposed the parish council agree to this request seconded by Cllr McCarthy - Agreed

The Hill/Glass Banks:

The Clerk reported an email had been received from a resident near The Hill relating to anti-social behaviour and glass/rubbish strewn around. Cllr Nicholas-Letch said the only glass he had seen was around the glass bins. It was proposed that this be referred to the Open Space Committee for further consideration. It was pointed out that the Highways access to the cottages is alongside the Dukes Head building. Cllr Mrs Clements advised she had put weed killer on the weeds around the War Memorial, but noticed when she went to clear them up someone had cleared the area. The parish council would like to thank whoever did this clearing up. Cllr Mrs Lintern asked if the parish council could get a young person or pensioner to occasionally clear up rubbish in the village and pay them a small sum. The Clerk will enquire what the regulations are.

The Cemetery - Quotes for Extension to Roadway;

The Clerk advised that three quotes had been received for this work. Cllr Nicholas-Letch proposed that these be discussed at a Cemetery/Open Space Committee Meeting and report back to the next meeting seconded by Cllr Mrs Buckley-Stevens - Agreed

Community Construction Fund:

Cllr Bivon advised the meeting that he had met with a member of the Playing Fields Committee to discuss possible funding towards maintaining the equipment and revamping the play area. Cllr Mrs Clements asked will be parish council be allowed to be involved as this is Charity Land. Cllr Bivon advised perhaps the parish council could commit some funds towards a project of this nature.

Cllr Mrs Buckley-Stevens proposed that Cllrs Bivon and McCarthy look into obtaining funding in the first stage with no commitment to the parish council at this stage seconded by Cllr Nicholas-Letch. Agreed Unanimously

Training for Parish Councillors/Chairmen/Clerk:

The Clerk advised the meeting that a Training Session had been booked for Tuesday 11 December in the Village Hall. Timings would be advised in due course. Parish Clerk training to be referred to the Admin Committee

SNAP Meeting Update:

Cllr Mrs Clements advised the meeting that during the school holidays the police had operated a “Spinner Patrol” speaking to youngsters which had worked well and they will be keeping this up for Halloween and Fireworks Day. There had been a number of oil thefts in the area. The next meeting will be at Marham Village Hall on 15 November.

Village Clear Up Day:

The Clerk advised the meeting that Trudy Mann had made the arrangements for the previous Clear Up Day, Cllr Bivon to make contact with her for the details. Those parish councillors wishing to be involved to get together and make arrangements for a Clear Up Day in perhaps February or March.

Remembrance Sunday:

As Cllr Bivon will be unavailable on this day, Cllr McCarthy will carry out the small service similar to last year, a suitable poem, prayer, two minutes silence then laying the wreath. He will liaise with the Clerk.

Budget 2013/2014:

The Clerk advised the meeting that if any parish councillor had any specific project they would like to be considered in the budget, to let her have details and costings in writing by the November Meeting. These would then be discussed by the Admin/Finance Committee prior to the December Meeting.

Cemetery Land - Furlong Drove:

This will be discussed at the conclusion of the meeting.

Oral Report of the Chair’s Meetings with Various Bodies:

Cllr Bivon reported he was hoping to arrange a meeting with the Village Hall Committee in the near future, he had spoken to Ray Thompson Editor of The Pump and would report further on these at a later date.


Grant of Planning Permission - Conversion of existing outbuilding to create new dwelling at Laurels Lynn Road

Payments for Approval:

Anglian Water - Direct Debit - £32.48 - Half Year Water Rates The Cemetery

Westcotec Ltd - £70.55 - Lighting Maintenance - September

NPTP - £150 - Training for Parish Councillors

HMRC - £211.80 - Income Tax PAYE - July-September

CGM Ltd - £149.45 - Grounds Maintenance - September

CGM Ltd - £186.00 - Works to Garden of Remembrance

Mrs C Hardy - £372.42 - Salary/Expenses - September

James Bradfield School - £15.44 - Hire of Hall - September

Thomas B Bonnett - £336.00 - Various Works

E-on - DD - £45.99 - Lighting - September

Statement of Account as at 30 September 2012 - Balance in Bank - Community Account £284.78, Business Saver Account £13,864.37 - a total of £14,149.15.

Cllr Mrs Leamon proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Bivon


Email from Electoral Registration - no call for an election - PC to co-opt as soon as possible

Democratic Services - Review of Registration Service Opening Hours - questionnaire

BCKLWN - Change of Bin Service - date of meetings - four people to attend on 7 November

BCKLWN - Feedback sought on proposals for new recycling technology - meeting dates

BCKLWN - Mayors Civic Awards for Voluntary Service

Norfolk Police - Home Watch Meeting invitation

Mr Glover CGM Ltd apologising for poor workmanship in the Garden of Remembrance

NorfolkALC - Autumn Seminar Notice/AGM Notice

NorfolkALC - Date for Café Cluster Meeting

Norfolk & Suffolk 4x4 Response requesting donation

Magpas - requesting donation

Any Other Business:

Cllr Mrs Leamon - dirt bike which has been causing a nuisance around playing fields area and nearby roads - to be reported to police

Public Any Other Business:

Nothing reported

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30pm

Date of Next Meeting:

This was scheduled for Wednesday 14 November but as Cllr Bivon will not be available a request was made for this to be the following week. The Clerk will make the necessary arrangements.

Date of Next Meeting - to be advised

Declaration of Interest: - If you wish to declare an interest in any item please do so at the Commencement of the Meeting



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