Northwold parish Council - November
January 2013
Present: Mrs R Crisp, Miss A Muir, Mrs S Jackson, Mrs S Leet, Mr F Eglington, Mr A Collins, Mrs V Lynch
3 members of the public
1. Apologies for absence: Mr M Peake
2. Declarations of Interest:
Mrs S Leet declared an interest in item 9.
As a result of the new Code of Conduct it is necessary for members who have declared a pecuniary interest relating to property in the parish to be granted a dispensation to allow them to take part in discussion regarding the budget and to set the precept.
The Council agreed to grant members such a dispensation and relevant forms were duly completed by Councillors present and submitted to the Clerk.
It only remains for Mr M Peake, who was not present at the meeting, to apply for a dispensation.
3. The minutes of the meeting held on 02/10/12 were agreed as a true record.
4. Matters arising from previous meetings:
- It was noted that the river remains very high near the bridge at Common Drove. According to local residents the water is believed to appear higher than in the past fifty years.
- Mrs S Leet has thanked for her donation of trees which are to be planted at the Primary School to commemorate the Queens Diamond Jubilee. The trees are expected to be planted in the next week and are to comprise of 2 Mountain Ash, 2 Flowering Cherry, 2 Field Maple, 2 June Berry, 2 Hazel, 2 Purple Copper Beech and 2 Silver Birch.
- Mr A Collins has confirmed with the Stone Mason that work will be undertaken on the War Memorial in March 2013. The Stone mason has offered a considerable discount on the cost of re-lettering due to the length of waiting time for the work to be started. New name plaques will be erected and a meeting has been arranged with the Stone Mason to confirm the location of the plaques.
5. Reports
5.1 Chairman’s Report
- The bottle bank has been removed from the Village Hall Car Park by the Hall Committee due to complaints regarding the loud noise made when glass is deposited. It is felt there is no other suitable site in the parish for a glass bank as there are concerns that noise would remain an issue in other locations and there is a risk of broken glass causing problems should a bank be located at the Playing Field. It is hoped glass collection may become part of the household waste collection service in 2014.
- Complaints have been made that the Playing Field is not fit to be played on as the pitch is a poor condition as a result of chafer bug infestation. A suggestion has been made that investigation could be made regarding grant funding to finance repair and maintenance of the field.
The Parish Council has considered purchase of a roller to be used at the Playing Field but this would mean a volunteer would be needed to undertake rolling (Mr A Jenkinson has offered to do this). An alternative is that the field could be rolled as part of the village grounds maintenance contract at a cost of £55 per occasion.
- The Chairman has been passed a copy of the Sports & Social Club agreement from 1982.
- Two seats to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee have now been purchased. Some discussion took place regarding fitting the seats in place and it was agreed to proceed with location as suggested. Plaques stating the seats are to commemorate the Queens Diamond Jubilee will be purchased.
- A quote of £120 to fit the three dog bins at locations in Northwold and Whittington as previously agreed was accepted and the bins will now be ordered.
5.2 The Clerk’s Report
- One application has been received so far for the post of Clerk to the Parish Council. The close date for applications is November 23rd.
- A seminar is to be held at Lynnsport on November 19th which could provide information relating to possible grant funding for Northwold Playing Field. Mrs S Leet offered to attend.
5.3 CAN Update
The meeting was briefly suspended to allow an update from the Chairman of CAN
- An Extraordinary General Meeting of CAN was held on October 25th. Unfortunately CAN has been dissolved due to lack of enthusiasm. CAN accounts are to be finalised with any surplus money to be donated to Northwold Playing Field to be put towards future maintenance of the Playing Field. The CAN website has also been offered to the Parish Council and future management of the site will be considered. Miss A Muir offered to look into future management of the website.
5.4 No further update relating to Manor House.
6. Sports & Social Club agreement
Councillors were presented with notes from the meeting held between members of Northwold Sports & Social Club and members of Northwold Parish Council which was held at the Sports & Social Club on October 15th. Councillors were also given a copy of the draft agreement as agreed at the meeting.
Nothing further has been heard from the Sports & Social Club but is believed the Club Committee is to hold a meeting next Monday. The Parish Council will need to accept any new constitution compiled by the Club.
Some discussion took place regarding the use of the Playing Field and who should be responsible for maintenance. The Sports & Social Club could lose income if the Playing Field is not used as a football pitch due to the poor condition of the ground.
- Mr A Jenkinson reported that his campaign regarding the need for a speed reduction along the A134 through the parish is going well.
- The fence along the A134 which is thought to be hampering visibility when pulling out from the village at the Methwold crossroads is to be investigated further.
- Mr A Jenkinson has volunteered to be a Parish Councillor.
7. The following payments were agreed:
Village Hall Committee £12.00
Clerk’s salary £71.70
K & M Lighting (x2) £107.52
E.on (street lighting) £307.36
CGM(grass cutting) £296.17
Northwold Care Group £182.65
Councillors were presented with a current internal statement and Clerk’s timesheet.
7.1 Having considered the 2013 precept request at previous meetings it was agreed to keep the precept at £17,000, the same as in 2012.
8. Correspondence:
8.1 Invitation to information evening re. changes to bin service
8.2 Email from BCKLWN re. incinerator
8.3 NorfolkALC FiT Roadshow, Café Clusters, O2 Think Big
8.4NCCfootpaths e-mail
8.5 Mayors Civic Awards for Voluntary Service and Annual Design Awards – any nominations?
8.6 NPFA Newsletter
8.7 Came & Co. Autumn Newsletter
8.8 Rural Opportunities Bulletin
8.9NorfolkRCC Newsletter and training sessions – What’s the future of Community Buying meeting?
8.10 Highway Enquiry Tracker
8.11NorfolkALC info – electric blanket checks and NHS Trust Governor Elections (e-mail to Councillors)
8.12 Foolhardy Folk Circus Arts - booking acts for Xmas
8.13 Highway Rangers to visit w/b
8.14 Training for Councillors at Stoke Ferry11/12/12am
8.15 Planning Training 7/8 Feb. 2013 9am South LynnCommunity Centre
8.16 Water Management Seminar Eco-Tech centre 15th Nov.1.30pm-4.45pm (Wissey Pilot Catchment)
9 Planning applications received for consultation
Mrs S Leet left the room for item 9.1
9.1 Variation of condition 2 of planning consent 11/02032/F: change of use of former outbuilding to commercial unit at Keepers Cottage, 5 Little London Road, Northwold 12/01687/F Support
9.2 Two storey Extension to form kitchen dining/sunroom and home office and associated alterations and a double garage/store with studio above, and air source heat pump at Brook House, 3 Riverside, Northwold 12/01573/F
10. Further reports/items for the next agenda
10.1 The scheduled date of the January meeting will be a bank holiday therefore consideration will be given at the December meeting of the Parish Council to a change of date.