Wretton Sign Gary Trouton

Wretton Parish Council

September 2013




Present– Cllr David Llewellyn - Chairman, Cllr Mick Peake, Cllr Mandy Peake, Cllr L Beatty,  Cllr Martin Cann, Cllr John Reeve.

1 member of the public.

1.Apologies for Absence:
Mr J Wyett
2.No Declarations of Interest made.
3.The Minutes of the meeting held on 13/05/13 were agreed as a true record.
 Matters Arising from previous meetings
  • All Saints Place
Freebridge Housing Association has removed the hedge at All Saints Place which was obscuring the footpath. However a large clump of pampas grass still needs to be removed to complete the job. Freebridge has been contacted about this and will be again.
5.5.1 The Chairman had nothing to report
5.2 The Clerk’s Report
  • Risk Assessment
Members of the Parish Council agreed to undertake monitoring of the Parish Council controlled areas of the parish and a site meeting will take place during July to undertake a risk assessment. The play area, Wretton Green and the bus shelter will be visited.
The annual play equipment safety inspection is undertaken through the Borough Council and should take place this month also.
  • Review of Standing Orders
The Parish Council will review Standing Orders once the revised Model Standing Orders have been issued by the National Association of Local Councils. These are expected in the Autumn.
  • Annual Return
The Clerk has been contacted by the External Auditor Mazars with regard to why the Parish Council holds quite a large sum of money in reserve. This capital was obtained through sale of land sometime ago and should be spent on a capital project. The Parish Council has indicated that it would be prepared to consider allocating money towards refurbishment of All Saints Church if the building is to be used as a Community Centre.
As a Church Warden Cllr John Reeve declared an interest in this matter but was able to update the Council regarding work being undertaken at the Church: the porch has been re-tiled with zinc rather than lead (to deter thieves), water is to be supplied to the Church and the pathway to the Church is to be gravelled.
The Parish Council will make enquiries to confirm if and how it may help financially to provide improved community facilities at the Church.
This matter will be an agenda item for the September meeting of the Parish Council.
  • Highways
All Highway concerns raised at the last Parish Council meeting have been passed to the Highway Technician, including a request for suitable wording to be used on possible signs to be erected at Lime House Drove to state the Drove is a restricted byway with permitted access only.
Norfolk County Council Rights of Way Officer David Mills has been made aware of concerns relating to possible encroachment of Rights of Way in the parish and he is to meet with the Clerk on July 31st.
As Rights of Way had been raised at this point it was agreed to move to item 9 on the agenda:
  • Lydia’s Lane
Concern remains that a fence erected at Field Cottage has resulted in the pathway, known as Lydia’s Lane, running along the field being narrowed and that to traverse the Right of Way now it is necessary to walk in the ditch.
It was noted that a tractor can pass along Lydia’s Lane until this point.
Although Highways has reported that the fence has been moved the Council feels that it has not been moved in the correct place.
However, it was noted there is no defined width for the footpath.
  • Wiles Drove
As with Lydia’s Lane there is concern that the width of the path has been narrowed due to erection of a fence along part of the Drove.
The Highways Department is aware of this but as it is possible for a vehicle to travel along the Drove it has been reported that this matter is not of high priority to Highways.
The Parish Council will make further enquiries including land ownership in the area.
  • Access splay by “Shadows”
There has been an historic dispute regarding the width of the access splay by “Shadows” along the West Dereham Road. Residents are concerned that large farm machinery is destroying the tarmaced access and damaging the road surface. Highways are aware of this matter also.
Clerk to add to agenda
6.Accounts were presented and accepted for payment.

Cheques for approval of payment

SJ Scarrott (May/June)                                                  £112.48
CGM (x2)                                                                       £230.00
K & M Lighting  (x2)                                                         £32.78
Financial position @ June 28th 2013
Community Account Balance     £3656.39                      
Business Saver Account (1)            £687.10                           
Business Premium Account         £12271.01                  
Business Saver Account (2)                £0.36     
Recycling credits                                £68.21
It was noted that the recycling credits income from the paper bank is considerably lower than two years ago and about half the income obtained last year. The paper bank is located next to the bus shelter and the money received in recycling credits has in the past been allocated towards upkeep of the play area. It was agreed better promotion of the paper bank to encourage usage could be beneficial. An attempt to raise awareness of the bank will be made by placing an article in the “Pump”, on the notice boards and on the Parish Council website.
7.1 Norfolk Rural Community Council subs. It was agreed not to renew membership of the Norfolk Rural Community Council.
7.2 Norfolk Association of Local Councils – Norfolk Link, weekly e-mail update etc. Event to be held at Norfolk Archive Centre on July 31st (Councillors wishing to attend to contact the Clerk).
7.3 BCKLWN Parish Council Briefing Sessions – Sessions are to provide parish councils with advance knowledge of the forthcoming public consultation regarding the Local Development Framework Detailed Policies and Sites Plan. The public consultation starts on 29th July and runs until October 4th.
The Clerk will attend the briefing session to be held at DownhamMarketTown Hall on July 23rd.
Wretton is currently classed as a small hamlet in the LDF and as the document stands would expect to see no future development. However this policy may change to permit up to two dwellings to be built on areas of infill land within the village development boundary.
8.No Planning applications received for consultation.
9.Rights of way
Discussed under item 5.2
10.Further Reports
  • A suggestion was made for a glass bin to be sited in the parish. This has been considered previously but was decided against. It is likely that glass will soon be included with the household waste collection so eliminating any need for a village glass recycling point.
  • Much debate took place regarding Heavy Goods Vehicles travelling through the village, often as a result of the use of satellite navigation. Enquiries will be made with Highways as to whether signs can be placed in the parish stating the roads are unsuitable for heavy vehicles.


  • It was reported that building rubble is being deposited along Clay Lane.
  • A resident is still aware of noise at night which she believes emanates from Wissington Sugar Factory. The factory has been made aware of this.

Chairman’s Signature………………………………………             Date……………

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