War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry parish Council - October

November 2013

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 9 October 2013

1. Those Attending: Cllr J Nicholas-Letch (Chairman), Cllr Mrs D Clements (Vice-Chair), Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr Mrs J Hull, Cllr Mrs S Lintern, Cllr T Ryves, Borough Councillor C Sampson, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 12 Members of the Public.

2. To Consider Apologies for Absence: No Apologies

The Chairman opened the meeting by giving out some good news - the Parish Council have been awarded a Pack of 105 Free Trees from the Woodland Trust. These will be used in The Cemetery and the remainder shared between the School and the Playing Fields.

3. To Approve/Sign the Minutes of the Council Meeting of 11 September 2013

Cllr Mrs Lintern raised a point relating to the minutes - this was not in connection with the wording - this was therefore dealt with under Any Other Business.

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed acceptance of the Minutes seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon. Unanimously Agreed

4. Matters Arising:

The Clerk informed the meeting that Cllr Mick Hand had resigned as a Parish Councillor and the necessary Election Notices had been posted around the village.

7(12) Cllr Mrs Lintern was not happy with the letter received from the Parish Council by the Playing Fields Association in support of their fund raising applications. The Chairman advised that he was under the impression a general letter of support was required, which is what had been forwarded. Cllr Lintern advised that a more specific letter was required which could be used for any grant application that is made. A member of the public read out a letter which had been prepared by the Playing Fields Committee requesting it be signed by the Parish Council, parish council members did not have an opportunity of reading said letter.

Considerable discussion took place with constant interruption from members of the public even though the meeting was still closed for public involvement. The Chairman was constantly harangued despite attempts to call the meeting to order. The Chairman did threaten to resign because of the continual haranguing but would consider his position after the meeting.

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed that the Parish Council sign the letter presented and written by the Playing Fields Association at the end of the meeting, seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon. Agreed

Cllr Mrs Hull advised she did not vote on this item.

5. Declaration of Interest:

No declarations of interest given

6. To Receive from the Public Any Information or Reports to be considered for this meeting Agenda:

Cllr Mrs Hull proposed closing the meeting seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon. The meeting closed for public participation.

a) Preferred Options - Lark Road in the Local Development Plan - were the parish council happy with this preferred option, the Chairman advised he was not particularly happy with either of the preferred options. There had been many comments relating to the Lark Road site in the responses received from the public.

b) Village Sign - should stay were it has always been.

c) Remembrance Sunday - the proposal is to follow the Royal British Legion Service

The Chairman advised the meeting would stay in public session in order to discuss Item 8:

8. To Consider the Position of the Refurbished Village Sign

The Chairman suggested that a Straw Poll should be carried out to assess the wishes of the public, he himself was not in favour of it being moved.

A vote was taken on those wishing the sign to remain in the same position - 9

A vote for those wishing it to be moved - 0

Cllr Mrs Lintern thought the shrubs in the garden were too high and needed cutting back. The Chairman referred to the overhanging tree which also needs cutting back to lighten up the area, he would also like to see a seat returned to this area and hoped an allowance could be put in the budget for next year.

Cllr Mrs Hull proposed the refurbished sign be replaced where it has always been, seconded by Cllr Mrs Clements

Cllr Mrs Lintern proposed an Amendment to keep the sign in the original place and deal with the overhanging tree and height of shrubs seconded by Cllr Ryves. Unanimously Agreed

Cllr Mrs Leamon proposed closing the meeting to the public seconded by Cllr Mrs Lintern. Agreed.

7. To Ratify the Parish Councils Response to the Borough Council Consultation Document - Detailed Policies and Sites Plan “Preferred Sites.

The Chairman advised there had been a large response from the general public. The Parish Council response had been submitted by the cut off date. Cllr Ryves did not feel the response was worded strongly enough. It was pointed out that everyone had a chance to put forward their views. Cllr Mrs Clements thanked the Chairman for providing his motor home on The Hill for four days in order to meet the public and discuss the document.

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed that the Stoke Ferry Parish Council Response to the Borough Council Consultation Document - Detailed Policies and Sites Plan “Preferred Options” be Ratified, seconded by Cllr Mrs Hull. 3 Votes For - 3 Abstentions - Carried

9. To Consider Format and Participation for Remembrance Sunday Service:

The Chairman had distributed a layout of the Royal British Legion Service, there would be a general welcome, a prayer, names of those departed would be read out, by children if possible, the Exhortation by a member of the armed forces, (let the Clerk know of names) Response. Laying of Wreaths (by an older person from the village), Commitment (by the Vice-Chair), Dedication (by a young person) then final Prayer and possible Hymn.

10. To Consider Date for Christmas Carols Event:

Cllr Mrs Clements suggested Sunday 8 December, the same Sunday as last year, seconded by Cllr Mrs -Leamon Agreed.

The format would be Carols in the Church with mulled wine, mince pies, biscuits squash, hopefully music followed by turning on Christmas Tree Lights. Cllr Mrs Clements advised that it would be a Tree of Life as last year with proceeds going to local organisations. Help will be required with the drinks/food. The event will commence at 4.00pm. Cllr Mrs Lintern advised she would provide the mulled wine.

11. To Receive a Report from the Community Car Scheme Committee:

The Chairman advised the meeting that an Open Meeting would be held shortly to elect a new committee. It had been a successful year with over 4000 miles covered, mainly to the hospital in King’s Lynn but also to various doctors surgeries within the area covered. The parking passes expired in September and to be able to obtain passes membership of the Norfolk Community Transport Association was required, this has now been achieved and staff parking permits have been issued. If possible the Chairman would like to expand the scheme but this will be discussed at the Open Meeting in November.

Cllr Mrs Lintern asked if consideration could be given to taking young people wishing to get to job interviews. She would also like to see an analysis of the various trips. The Chairman advised that the end of year report will show these details.

12. To Consider the Tree Near the Gardens on Lynn Road:

This was dealt with earlier in the meeting. The Clerk will write to the owner of the property concerned.

13. To Consider the Draft Newsletter:

The Chairman showed the meeting a Draft layout of the newsletter, explaining what the content would be. It was felt that this was a suitable layout. Cllr Mrs Leamon asked who would be doing the Newsletter. Cllr Mrs Hull will do as much as she can with help, there would need to be helpers to deliver same to all the households in the village. It really needs to be going out by the end of next week. He also advised he would like to set up an award scheme for youngsters in the village who have achieved something of note for the village, with a small prize, proceeds for the prize coming from events organised during the year. Possible events could be bingo, tombola a dance. This could be highlighted in Issue 2 of the Newsletter.

14. To Agree/Sign the Minutes of the Administration/Finance/Personnel Committee Meeting held on 5 September:

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed acceptance of the Administration/Finance/Personnel Committee Minutes seconded by Cllr Mrs Hull. Agreed

15. To Consider Planning Applications

Grant of Planning Permission - Variation or Removal of Conditions 2,5,6 and 8 attached to Planning Permission 11/01379/F - demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings and erection of new dwelling and garage at The Shambles Greatmans Way

14. To Approve Payments to be Made;

NALC - £28.36 - Copies of Good Councillor Guide

E-on - DD - £45.99 - Lighting - September

James Bradfield School - £30.88 - Hire of Hall - August

Westcotec Ltd - £70.55 - Lighting Maintenance - September

Stoke Ferry Village Hall - £21.00 - Hire of Hall - September

CGM Ltd - £149.45 - Grounds Maintenance - September

HMRC - £286.80 - PAYE - Jul-Oct

Mrs C Hardy - £366.00 - Salary/Expenses for September

Statement of Accounts as at 30 September 2013 - Balance in Bank - Community Account £756.47, Business Saver Account £14,774.02 - a total of £15,330.49.

Cllr Mrs Lintern proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon. Agreed

15. Correspondence:

Wells Homes - Weeds near Village Hall on Lynn Road

NCC - Putting People First Consultation of Cut Backs - various meetings

BCKLWN - Notification of New Property Address - The Chaff House 26 Little Lane

Email BCKLWN - Mayors Civic Awards for Voluntary Service and Design Awards

NALC - Autumn Seminar at Sandringham Visitor Centre on Wednesday 6 November

16. To Receive Further Information or Suggested Items to be considered for the next meeting Agenda:

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed closing the meeting seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon. The meeting closed for public session.

a) Grass Cutting The Playing Fields - this will be on the next Agenda

b) Pity cannot work together in this village.

c) Why don’t the PC refer to lack of doctors and school places etc on all planning applications. BC Sampson advised that the Health Authority and Highways are statutory consultees, the parish council do not have any powers. If this were highlighted on all planning applications they would then be referred to the DCB.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.40pm

17. Date and Time of Next Meeting - Wednesday 13 November 2013 at 7.00pm


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