Village Liaison meeting - January
March 2014
Stoke Ferry Feed Mill
Wednesday 22nd January 2014
Mrs. Daphne Clements (Parish Council)
Mr. Ray Thomson (Village Pump Editor)
Mr. Dick Jacklin (2Agriculture Stoke Ferry)
Mr. Keith White (2 Agriculture Stoke Ferry)
Mr. Alasdair Fitzsimons McKellar (Environment Agency)
1. Apologies: Mr. Lionel Halls. Mrs. Sue Linton.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting (23rd October 2013) and matters arising
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.
3. There had been no further updates from KLWNBC relating to the air monitoring.
Mr. A Fitzsimons-McKellar to contact the Borough Council for an update.
4. Complaints received since the last meeting. 1 complaint had been received since the previous meeting.
5. Noise. 1 complaint had been received regarding noise on the 18-12-13 Mr.White stated that the company believed this was from a trailer donkey engine, a memo was sent to all drivers outlining the need to keep vehicle noise to a minimum when operating within the confines of the village.
6. Odour Dust & Particulates. No complaints
Mr. White stated that the annual emission testing were completed and the results confirm that all points are under the permitted discharge levels.
7. Transport. As per noise complaint
8. Buildings. Members of the committee asked if there had been any further developments on the proposed changes to the Dukes Head & Millers Arms, the Parish Council representative stated that permission had been rejected.
9. Any other Business. Mrs. J Taylor had resigned from the committee Mr. R Thomson stated that an advert will be placed in the Village Pump for a village representative replacement.
No other business was noted.
Date of next meeting: Wednesday 23rd April 2014