Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Boughton Parish Council Report - May

May 2014

Boughton Parish Council.

Items that may be of interest from meeting on 11th April.

Speed Limit

Following a note in a previous G4 edition, and posted on the notice board, asking for any opinions regarding a 20MPH speed limit through our village. We have received comments, written and verbal, indicating overwhelming support for this suggestion.

The Parish Council have agreed therefore to take this forward to the next stage which is to consult the County Highways Authority to request this change.

Thank you to the people that responded.

Children’s Playground.

The Annual safety inspection carried out in February by the Play Inspection Company highlighted no major issues. We have however corrected a number of observations in order to make the Playground safer.

An area of exposed concrete at the base of a support leg of the rope bridge has been turfed over. Area of rotting wood on the seat has been removed. Some sharp edges rounded off. Handrails of the swing bridge to slide painted. Moss removed from wood surfaces. Items still to action are; new shackles on the swing chains, and replacing of the small fence in the back corner.

It is a pleasure to see a great number of families and children enjoying this facility.


A number of road surface problems have been reported to County Highways, and we look forward to remedial action.

Boughton Parish Council.

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