Wretton Sign Gary Trouton

Wretton Parish Council - May

July 2014



Present –  Cllr David Llewellyn - Chairman, Cllr Mick Peake, Cllr Mandy Peake, Cllr L Beatty, Cllr John Wyett. Mr C Sampson – Borough Councillor. 4 members of the public

1.            Election of Chairman

It was proposed and seconded that Cllr D Llewellyn should remain as Chairman. With no other nominations Cllr Llewellyn was duly elected.

2.            Chairman signed his Acceptance of Office.

3.            Apologies for absence accepted from: Cllr. J Reeve, Cllr. M Cann

4.            No Declarations of Interest made.

5.            Election of Vice-Chairman

It was proposed and seconded that Cllr M Peake should remain as Vice-Chairman. With no other nominations Cllr Peake was duly elected.

6.            The Minutes of the meeting held on 03/03/14 were agreed as a true record.

It was noted the draft minutes of Wretton Parish Council meetings are posted on the Wretton Parish Council website as soon as possible following the Parish Council meeting.

7.            Matters arising from previous meetings

  • Permission has been received from Highways for a dog waste bin to be located on the Wretton side of the river at Fen Drove. A bin will now be ordered.
  • The position of an outside light reported as causing light pollution along Church Road has been altered but reports are still being made of a light along Low Road which is causing a nuisance.
  • The name plate for Field Lane has still not been re-erected. The Clerk will contact the Borough Council again.
  • HGVs continue to traverse the unsuitable road along Wretton Row. Enquiries will be made as to whether the Parish Council can pay for a sign to be erected by the Highway Department stating that the road is unsuitable for HGVs. Wereham Parish Council will also be contacted to see if a joint approach can be made to tackle this ongoing problem.

8.            Reports

8.1 Chairman’s Report

Having given a report during the Annual Parish Meeting (see minutes of Annual Parish Meeting) the Chairman had nothing further to report.

8.2 Clerk’s Report

  • Investigation is ongoing regarding ownership of common land within the parish especially in the area of Lydia’s Lane.
  • The National Association of Local Councils Model Standing Orders have been tailored to Wretton Parish Council and an electronic copy will be sent to all Councillors.

8.2a It was agreed the date of the September meeting of the Parish Council would be moved back a week and will be Monday 8th September.

8.3 Risk Assessment, No issues to report.

9.            Accounts were presented and accepted for payment.

Cheques for approval of payment

K & M Lighting  x 2           £

SJ Scarrott (March/April)                                                 £112.48

BCKLWN (emptying of dog waste bin)                           £74.88

Norfolk Association of Local Councils subs                £

E.on                                                                                   £

Broker Network Ltd (insurance)                                    £

Financial position @ 30/03/14

Community Account Balance                                              £1077.80

Business Saver Account (1)                                                  £687.37

Business Saver Account (2)                                                 £12275.60

Business Saver Account (3)                                                        £0.36


The Internal Audit having been satisfactorily completed the accounts for the year ending March 31st 2014 were accepted as presented.

Comment was made by the Internal Auditor regarding the seemingly high amount of money held in reserve by the Parish Council. As this money was generated from sale of land some time ago it must be spent on what would be considered a capital expenditure. The Parish Council has always considered some of the reserve money could be allocated towards possible contribution to the planned refurbishment of All Saints Church if is to be used as a community building.

The Internal Auditor also suggested more stringent internal control should be implemented and the Chairman will in future initial bank statements against the bank reconciliation presented.

The Annual Return Governance Statement was duly completed and signed (copies presented to Councillors).

10.          Correspondence

10.1 BCKLWN Notification of 2014 Village Games.

10.2 Notice of dates of Safer Neighbourhood Team Meetings.

11.          No planning applications received for consultation.

Comment was made around the planning permission granted for expansion of buildings at the chicken production unit in Fen Drove.

It was noted that a passing place should be installed along Fen Drove as part of the conditions of this planning consent.

12.          Reports from Councillors/items for the next agenda

12.1 It was reported that the grounds maintenance contractors have been adhering to the cutting schedule passed to the Parish Council.

12.2 Councillors will continue with maintenance work of Green Lane once the bird nesting season is over. Cllr. J Wyett offered to reinstate the footpath finger post.

Councillors would like to meet with councillors from Boughton who have experience of managing wildlife areas to glean advice regarding how best to manage the pond area on Wretton Green.


  • Concern was voiced regarding the future development of the chicken production unit in Wretton and regarding the plans for demolition of Westview. It was noted planning decisions are outside the control of the Parish Council and full details of both developments can be found on the Borough Council website.
  • Plans for the chicken production development include planting to screen the buildings. Residents were advised to monitor this to ensure the developers comply with the conditions set with the planning permission.

It was suggested the developers might be approached to obtain a copy of the planting schedule.

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