Village Liaison Meeting July 14
September 2014
Stoke Ferry Feed Mill
Wednesday 23rd July 2014
Present: Mrs. Sue Linton. (Parish Council)
Mr. Ray Thomson (Village Pump Editor)
Mr. Dick Jacklin (2Agriculture Stoke Ferry)
Mr. Keith White (2 Agriculture Stoke Ferry)
Mrs. Daphne Clements (Parish Council)
Mrs. Jacqueline Murfitt (KLWNBC)
1. Apologies
Mr. Lionel Halls., Mr. Alasdair Fitzsimons McKellar
2. Minutes of the previous meeting (23rd April 2014) and matters arising
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.
3. Company statement. A due diligence exercise is currently taking place regards the possible sale of all feed mills within 2 Agriculture Ltd.
4. KLWNBC Mrs. Murfitt updated the committee regards the new air quality monitoring station.
Due to the possible sale of the feed mill & company unable to allow the new station to be placed on the Councils preferred location the tender for the new air monitor must be resubmitted.
A further update on the data from the current air monitor was given; breaches on the daily mean results were evident as reported at the previous liaison meeting. Again the data shows no specific pattern which could attribute to the source of the breach.
5. Complaints received since the last meeting
One complaint received following the previous meeting.
6. Noise
A resident of Buckenham Drive complained of a loud engine noise at approximately 6.00 am on the 26-5-14. The noise is believed to have come from a trailer donkey engine; all personnel have been informed of the need to restrict excessive noise at all times but with greater emphasis during the night & early mornings.
7. Odour Dust & Particulates
No complaints
8. Transport
No complaints
9. Buildings.
Nothing to report
10. Any other Business
KLWNBC had received a request for air quality in the village as it was perceived the mills emissions were excessive. All emission points are monitored on a 4 hourly basis records show no indication of any emissions.
Mrs. Linton thanked the Company for donations to the Playing Field Committee’s festival event.
No other business was noted.
Date of next meeting: Wednesday 22nd October 2014