West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton


December 2014

Chairman: Peter Starling; Secretary: Nick Cann; Treasurer: Paula Kellingray

Minutes of the meeting of West Dereham Branch Royal British Legion held in the Village Hall

Sunday 7 September 2014 at 12.30 pm


Peter Starling (PS)                 - Chairman

David Bullas (DB)

Pam Bullas (PB)

Claire Cann (CC)

Nick Cann (NC)

Pearl Dossett (PD)

Dick Elmer (DE)

Maureen Elmer (ME)

Richard French (RF)

June Kellingray (JK)

Paula Kellingray (PK)

Fred Lucas (FL)                      - Downham Market Branch

Michael McMenemy (MM)

Judy Moon (JM)                     - Mollina Branch No 3552 (Spain)

Pam Walker (PW)

Jack Walker (JW)

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. He asked all to stand and recited the words of the fourth verse of Robert Laurence Binyon’s poem: ‘For the Fallen’

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old,

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.


  1. Apologies for absence. Apologies for absence had been reveived from Alexander Cann, Tom Foy, Heather Foy, Claire Page and Frances McMenemy. JM was welcomed to the village from Spain. Her husband had served for 27 years in the RAF.

  1. Minutes of the meeting 2 November 2013. The minutes of the meeting held 2 November 2013 having been circulated previously, the Chairman asked if these could now be accepted as a true record. Members agreed and the Chairman signed the minutes.

  1. Matters Arising from minutes of last meeting. There were no matters arising from the previous minutes which were not already on the agenda.

  1. Treasurer’s Report. PK reported that, currently, the branch held the sum of £470.50. This was made up as follows: £285.50 from the 2012 Remembrance Day lunch, £149.00 from the 2013 Remembrance Day lunch and £36.00 from the Armed Forces Day Village Hall raffle. There would be a charge for hall hire costs at this meeting. Regarding the opening of a bank account for WDBRBL, PK said she was awaiting a mandate form which would then require the signatures of cheque signatories and proof of their identities. NC said accounts must be submitted to Norfolk County HQ annually by 30 September after the end of the Financial Year for branches on 30 June. CC advised the meeting that the sum of £285.50 from 2012 related to money collected for food from those attending the first Remembrance Day lunch. Volunteer helpers supplying provisions had refused repayment thus making a donation of their supplies. Future events were self-sufficient which accounted for the smaller sum in 2013. CC added that St Andrew’s Church collection had raised £109.90 on Remembrance Day 2013 for West Dereham’s Royal British Legion branch. The first cheque had been cancelled and another cheque dated 1 September issued. The Chairman thanked St Andrew’s Church for its consideration. This second cheque would be paid into the bank as soon as the Branch’s account was up and running. CC said one regular annual financial commitment was the purchase of a RBL wreath for placing on the War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday.

WDBRBL held its own Standard as a sub-Branch of Downham from 1955. It was recommended that a new Standard be purchased from Branch funds and then commissioned. A commissioning service of dedication would need to be held at St Andrew’s Church.

  1. Secretary’s Report. NC said membership of the branch now stood at 19. On 4 August, West Dereham had run a successful “Lights Out” ceremony at 10.00 pm, attended by 35 people in remembrance of the outbreak of the 1WW on 4 August 1914, exactly 100 years ago.

  1. Frequency of Meetings. NC said an outstanding item of business from the last meeting was a decision on how many meetings should be held annually and when these meetings should take place. A discussion followed. It was recommended that three meetings be held annually, in March which would be the AGM, and in the months of June and September. Each of these would be followed by a lunch. Remembrance Day in November remained a village affair with lunch in the Village Hall. It was felt that a Christmas social “of sorts” held in early December might also prove popular. Members could decide on arrangements surrounding Remembrance Day and Christmas at the September meeting. NC then proposed there be three formal meetings held annually in March, June and September with March being the AGM. This proposal was seconded by PK and passed unanimously.

  1. Any Other Business.

  • CC reminded everyone that the third Remembrance Day lunch would be held on Sunday 9th November 2014 in the Village Hall. Information concerning this would be published in the Parish booklet.
  • It was recommended that the minutes of WDBRBL meetings be submitted for publication in the Village Pump since members from other branches living locally would be welcome to attend future meetings.
  • PK said she had been appointed the WDBRBL’s Standard Bearer however Tom Foy, who was serving in the RAF Regiment, was willing to act in this capacity and could perform his duties in uniform. She said she would therefore step down in his favour and would act as his deputy. Members agreed to PK recommendations.
  • PK advised the meeting that Heather Foy had recently been promoted Corporal in the RAF. The Chairman and all present passed to Heather their congratulations on her achievement.
  • PK said parcels were still being sent to Afghanistan and a box for donations was on the table at the back of the room. There were two members of the village currently serving there, Corporal Tom Foy and MM’s stepson.
  • ME pointed out that the EDP had recently run a supplement on the 1st World War and local village memorials. She found it disappointing that West Dereham had not been mentioned. Those present agreed with her that this omission was most regrettable. There had been no reference made in the local press to West Dereham’s ‘Lights Out’ ceremony either and it was suggested that a Branch PR officer might be appointed in the future. ME was thanked for her information.

  1. Closure. At 1.20 pm the Chairman thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting in favour of lunch.

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Peter Starling, Chairman                                                                                          date

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