Stoke Ferry Parish Council - May
August 2015
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Stoke Ferry Parish Council held on Wednesday 13 May 2015
Present: D Clements (Chair), C Hardy (Vice Chair), S Harrison, M Leamon, S Lintern, A Lyons, M Precey, E Taylor, Borough Councillor Colin Sampson, Sue Payne - Borough Council Community Safety and Neighbourhood Nuisance team, 17 members of the public
- Declarations of acceptance of office
As continuing Chair, Cllr Clements opened the meeting. The Clerk confirmed that all councillors present had signed their declarations of acceptance of office and welcomed them as members of the new Council.
Additional Item: Discussion regarding football playing causing nuisance at the Playing Field (following raising of this issue at Annual Parish Meeting immediately preceding)
Sue Payne, Neighbourhood Officer at the BCKLWN Community Safety and Neighbourhood Nuisance team, introduced herself. She was attending in response to complaints received from residents regarding footballs being kicked into gardens and homes from the Playing Field. She explained that Neighbourhood Officers got involved in cases where the quality of people’s lives were being affected by others’ behaviour. She wondered whether trees could be planted strategically to protect residences.
Residents mentioned a variety of problems relating to football playing, such as damage to property, people entering properties to retrieve footballs without permission, the nuisance of having to retrieve balls and return them frequently, the danger of being hit by a ball. Other problems mentioned were the need to replace fencing, people climbing on the old shipping container, and general rubbish being dumped. A resident queried whether it would be possible to refuse to return footballs. Ms Payne confirmed that to keep the ball would be regarded as theft.
Mrs T Mann, on behalf of the Playing Field Trust Committee, explained that the Committee consisted of a very few people, who had a high workload in dealing with the Playing Field. Renewing the fencing was on their action list, but it required funding. The Committee was in the process of displaying notices asking those playing football to respect others. She mentioned the PFT AGM to be held on Thursday 21st May, and invited Ms Payne to attend.
Ms Payne suggested organising a meeting to involve the PFTC, the Parish Council, and interested residents to discuss what could be done to encourage football playing further away from homes. It was agreed that this should be an item on the next Parish Council agenda.
Ms Payne thanked the meeting for the opportunity to attend, and left.
- Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
Chair: Cllr Precey proposed Cllr Clements; Cllr Taylor seconded; Carried.
Vice-Chair: Cllr Clements proposed Cllr Hardy; Cllr Precey seconded. Cllr Taylor proposed Cllr Lintern; Cllr Leamon seconded. On a majority vote, Cllr Hardy was elected.
- To consider apologies for absence
Mr P Denny (holiday).
- To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 8 April 2015
Cllr Clements proposed approval; Cllr Leamon seconded; Carried.
- Matters Arising
The Common: Cllr Clements reported that the Land Registry had been unable to inform her of ownership of the Common, since it did not hold records on land without a building on it. She will investigate further.
Overgrown hedge at bungalows by playing fields: part of discussion regarding Playing Field.
Ownership of land adjacent Bridge Road: to be followed up by Chair as part of ongoing determination of land ownership in Stoke Ferry.
Footpath from the Common to the moorings: Cllrs Clements and Leamon to investigate.
Grit bin at 11/12 Buckenham Drive: Cllr Hardy informed the meeting that the responsibility for moving the bin was SFPC’s, with permission from Highways.
2Agriculture air quality monitor: awaiting information from 2Agriculture.
Health Watch, Norwich re GP provision in Stoke Ferry: Clerk to pursue.
Land between Indigo Road and 2Agriculture: Clerk had received a response from Stoke Ferry Regeneration Ltd, but it referred to another piece of land; Clerk to follow up.
Highways visit on 20th April: did not take place; Clerk to follow up.
Adoption of BT phone box: Clerk to follow up.
Fences at entry points to village: Clerk to follow up.
Oxborough SpeedWatch area: Clerk to follow up.
- Declarations of Interest
Cllrs Harrison and Taylor declared on Item 11; Cllr Lyons declared on Item 12.
- To consider approval of the 2014/15 accounts
Cllr Hardy proposed approval: Cllr Leamon seconded: Carried.
The Clerk reported that the internal auditor had had to cancel the audit due to ill health. Clerk will contact NALC to arrange an alternative.
- To consider the format of the Budget/Monthly Statement of Accounts
The Clerk had put forward some changes to the categories of the Budget, which would not affect the amounts spent but would help to keep the physical books and electronic accounts synchronised and reduce the work required.
Cllr Hardy proposed acceptance: Cllr Taylor seconded: Carried.
- Adoption of the Financial Governance Statement
No changes were proposed to the Statement. Cllr Lintern proposed adoption: Cllr Taylor seconded: Carried.
- Constitution of Committees
Planning: Chair requested that all councillors be members: agreed.
Personnel and Finance: Cllrs Harrison and Taylor declined to join this committee because of their relationships to the Clerk. Members: Cllrs Clements, Hardy, Lintern, Lyons, Precey.
Cemetery: Members: Cllrs Clements, Hardy, Harrison, Lintern, Taylor.
- Clerk’s rate of pay and hours
Further to the Personnel and Finance Committee meeting held on 29th April, it was proposed that the Clerk’s rate of pay from 1 April 2015 should be National Agreement Spinal Column Point 20 (£9.90ph; £5,148pa) at 10 hours per week, hours to be reviewed after six months.
Cllr Hardy proposed: Cllr Precey seconded: Carried. (Cllrs Harrison and Taylor did not vote on this matter.)
- To consider planning applications approved/refused by the Borough Council; Application for extension at 9 Border Road
No applications approved or refused.
Planning application 9 Border Rd: Cllr Lyons left the room for this item. Council recommended approval.
- To approve payments to be made
Date | Item | Chq/DD | Net | VAT | Gross |
31/03/2015 | Glazewing, Cemetery bins March 2015 | DD | 14.00 | 2.80 | 16.80 |
01/04/2015 | Stoke Ferry Playing Field Trust Insurance | Chq | 696.63 | 0.00 | 696.63 |
08/04/2015 | SLCC, Conference April 2015 | Chq | 69.00 | 13.80 | 82.80 |
28/04/2015 | CGM, Playing Field and Cemetery, April 2015 | Chq | 134.40 | 26.88 | 161.28 |
30/04/2015 | CGM, Playing Field, bin empty April 2015 | Chq | 15.57 | 3.11 | 18.68 |
30/04/2015 | Glazewing, one bin empty, April 2015 | DD | 7.40 | 1.48 | 8.88 |
30/04/2015 | Clerk, expenses April 2015 | Chq | 90.00 | 6.72 | 96.72 |
01/05/2015 | E-on, lighting electricity April 2015 | DD | 31.03 | 1.55 | 32.58 |
05/05/2015 | All Saints Academy, Room Hire, April 2015 | Chq | 30.88 | 0.00 | 30.88 |
07/05/2015 | Westcotec, lighting maintenance May 2015 | Chq | 15.44 | 3.09 | 18.53 |
11/05/2015 | NPTP, website training May 2015 | Chq | 105.00 | 0.00 | 105.00 |
31/05/2015 | Came & Company, Council insurance 1/6/2015 - 31/5/2016 | Chq | 382.69 | 0.00 | 382.69 |
£ | 1592.04 | 59.43 | 1651.47 | ||
Balances at 30/4/15: Business Save Account £6,546.90: Community Account £17,996.46 | |||||
Cllr Precey proposed: Cllr Clements seconded: Carried.
- Correspondence received
Request from Clerk at Hilgay PC for information on the PCSO scheme. Clerk had forwarded relevant information.
Offer from Mrs Rachel Fuller to donate a bench (ironwork, made by Bonnett’s) to the Cemetery. Cllr Leamon proposed acceptance: Cllr Lintern seconded: Carried. Clerk would liaise with Mrs Fuller.
Demand from HMRC for a further £881.02 in PAYE for last financial year, in addition to previous demand for around £5,500. Clerk assured Council that these figures were incorrect. Clerk to follow up.
Request from NCC to attend consultation on flood risk. Council agreed attendance was not necessary.
- To receive further information or suggested items to be considered for the next meeting Agenda.
Cllr Clements mentioned two items from the police: a vehicle stolen from Bradfield Place, and thieves posing as Anglian Water operatives, and urged residents always to ask for identification of callers.
Cllr Clements asked that there be two councillors who would attend the 2Agriculture liaison meetings for the forthcoming year: Cllrs Clement and Lintern volunteered.
Cllr Lintern requested that the Council create a list of goals they wished to achieve during the coming year, so that progress could be monitored. Councillors to make a note of suitable items.
Cllr Taylor asked if financial training would be available for councillors: Clerk confirmed that this would be arranged.
Cllr Precey suggested that the Council adopt a policy of not making donations. It was suggested that consideration only be given to requests put forward by residents at Council meetings for enterprises directly associated with Stoke Ferry, and with an exception for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. To be an agenda item for the next meeting.
Cllr Precey requested a review of the location of the PC meetings.
Cllr Leamon requested that the 2Agriculture footpaths be cleared: Clerk to request.
The Council congratulated Borough Councillor Sampson on his re-election. BCllr Sampson had no specific items to mention, but said he looked forward to a continuing friendly and productive relationship with the Council.
Members of the Public:
The Borough Council had recently done grass-cutting, but had not cleared the cuttings which were blocking the gutters. Cllr Lyons agreed to follow up on this, and BCllr Sampson also asked to be informed if this was not done.
A resident from Bradfield Place mentioned that they sprayed off the weeds in front of their property, and hoped that others would do the same. Cllr Clements thanked them for doing this.
A resident asked who was responsible for clearing the path between Wretton Road and Buckenham Drive. Cllr Clements confirmed that this was disputed, and the area would be added to the list of land for which ownership needed to be determined.
The resident also recommended that gutters should be swept before the drains are cleared, as the reverse would defeat the object of the exercise. He mentioned a large number of trucks using Lark Road.
Cllr Clements informed residents that a councillor would be available every Thursday morning in term time at All Saints Academy, from 11am to 11.45am and all were welcome to raise any issues at that time.
- Date of next meeting.
Wednesday 10 June 2015, at 7.30pm, Community Centre.
The meeting closed at 9.30pm.