River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Northwold Parish Council Meeting January 2016

March 2016

Councillors present: Cllr. R. Crisp – Chair (RC), Cllr. A. Collins (AC), Cllr. Alison Muir (AM), Cllr. Frank Eglington (FE), Cllr. Clifford Anderson (CA), Cllr. George Gillett (GG), Cllr. Stephen Gillett (SG), Cllr. Mick Peake (MP) & Cllr. Adrian Jenkinson (AJ) Present: Vicky Bright – Clerk. Item 16/01/1

16/01/2 i) ii)

iii) 16/01/3

16/01/4 Cllr. Crisp welcomed all to the meeting. Public Forum – LGA 1972, Section 100(1): 2 members of public were present. David Lavender advised that remedial works were needed on the doors and roof of the Main building of the Sports & Social Club. He confirmed that improvements had already been carried out inside the building i.e. new lights, new blinds, upholstery has been deep cleaned and the fire extinguishers have been replaced. It was suggested that Mr Lavender obtain a quote for the works and advise the Clerk of the exact works needed, so that she may obtain 2 comparative quotes before the next meeting.

Local Authority Reports: Norfolk County Council Cllr. Martin Storey sent his apologies. No report sent.

Borough Council of Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Cllr. Peake advised that the LDF update was pending.

Norfolk Constabulary – SNT PCSO Law sent a reminder to ensure residents keep windows & doors locked and outbuildings secured when not at home. Police Connect gave a warning about Spam emails claiming to be a penalty charge notification and invoice, which have an Excel spreadsheet attached which once opened will download various viruses and password stealers.

Accepted Apologies for absence - LGA 1972, Section 85(1) & (2): Cllr. Sue Leet. Absent: None.

Members Declaration of Interest (items on the agenda) – LGA 2000 Part III: Cllr. Alison Muir declared an interest in Item 11. Cllr. Mick Peake declared an interest in Item 11. Action

Clerk 16/01/5 Minutes of the last meeting held on 1st December 2015- LGA 1972, Schedule 12, para 41(2): Resolved 16/01/5.01 The minutes of the last meeting held on 1st December 2015 were adopted as a true statement and signed by the Chairman (RC).

16/01/6 i)

ii) 16/01/7 16/01/8

16/01/9 i) 16/01/10 i) 16/01/11 i)

16/01/12 i)



iv) 16/01/13 i) ii) iii)



vi) 16/01/14 Reports and Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Last Meeting (For Info Only): Chairman’s Report Street light on the corner of Penfold Lane West End is still covered in Ivy. The Clerk is to discuss this with the street lighting contractor.

Clerks Report The Clerk advised that she had received options from Westcotec for the issue of street lighting in Glebe Close; Option 1- To replace existing lights with taller ones with brighter lamps, this will give a wider spread, but you would still get dark areas between the lights due to the distance between columns. Option 2 – To install extra columns to bridge the gaps between the existing columns. It was suggested that the Clerk add an item to the next agenda to discuss possible Community Projects or Village Improvements that the funds from the sale of the Clay Pit could be put towards, and that street lighting be one of the projects considered. The Clerk is to place an advert in the Village Life to ask residents to submit ideas for further projects to be considered at the next meeting.

The Clerk advised that due to her forthcoming surgery and cover for her job, the May AGM and Village meeting is to be moved to Tuesday, May 31st 2016 at 7pm, and the June meeting is to be cancelled, with the next meeting being held on Tuesday, July 5th 2016 at 7:30pm. All other meeting dates to stay as the first Tuesday of the month.

Councillor Vacancies Update The Clerk advised that there is still one vacancy open for the Whittington Ward. The Clerk is to place a notice in the Village Life and will clarify that anyone can apply and stand for Whittington, even if they do not live in Whittington, but in Northwold.

Highways Matters: Common Drove Footbridge Cllr. Eglington advised that the decision is due March 2016. Cllr. Anderson advised that the track to the footbridge on Common Drove was in bad condition. The Clerk is to write to the landowner. Cllr. Anderson also advised the river level is high and the path is impassable with flooding. The Clerk is to approach the landowner and also the Didlington Fishery. The Clerk advised that the pothole outside the church had now been repaired and that the finger arm for the damaged road sign is still on order as it is currently out of stock. The Clerk advised that Highways had requested further details regarding the broken storm pipe, and that she would now go back to them with further details.

Cemetery: Whittington Closed Cemetery Update No further update received.

Correspondence: The Clerk read out a letter from Coach Services Ltd to advise that the bus driver of route 40 had been instructed to no longer use Church Lane as a cut through.

Planning Applications 15/02050/O – Outline application for the construction of a detached two storey dwelling at land to SW of 14 Thetford Road, Northwold.

Resolved 16/01/11.01 No objections.

Finance: Parish Council Bank Balances and Reconciliation The Payments and receipts from 2nd December 2015 to 24th December 2015 were scrutinised and approved. The Lloyds Treasurer account balance was confirmed as £59,643.13 as of 24th December 2015. Resolved 16/01/12.01 That the Bank balances and reconciliation of payments & receipts be received and adopted and initialled as such by the Chairman (RC).

Cheques for signing and approval and to authorise payment of outstanding invoices Resolved 16/01/12.02 It was agreed to approve the payments of the following outstanding invoices and the cheques were approved and signed by Cllr. R. Crisp and Cllr. A. Collins. E.On Street lighting Dec/Jan 002004 £133.52 Mrs V Bright Mileage & Expenses 002005 £23.74 Northwold Care Group Car Scheme 002006 £370.45 Mr A Collins Xmas tree 002007 £17.50 R J Drinkwater Village sign repairs 002008 65.00

Update on Constables Charity Finances/Bank Account The issue of opening an account with TSB to transfer the funds from NS&I was deferred to the March agenda. 2016/17 Budget & Precept Request Setting The Clerk presented the Council with a budget for the next financial year and figures for the precept for 2016/17. Resolved 16/01/12.03 It was agreed to accept the draft budget for next year and to request a precept of £18,134.08 which will be no increase.

Parish Matters: Play Area Repairs Quote Resolved16/01/13.1 It was agreed to proceed with the quote from Roger Drinkwater to do the repairs highlighted at the last meeting at the play area.

It was also agreed to look at replacing the swing seats flowing re-paint at the play area at Whittington.

The Clerk is to liaise with Cllr. Leet to obtain further quotes for the play matting for under the swings and roundabout.

The Clerk is to advise CGM to add the trimming of the slide embankment to the grass cutting contract once it has been cut back by Roger Drinkwater.

Little London Village Sign Quote Resolved 16/01/13.2 It was agreed to ask Roger Drinkwater to proceed with the re-paint of the Village Sign on Little London Road.

Lightsource/Solar Panels Update The Clerk advised that Lighsource has confirmed that they are able to incorporate the cost of the surveys within the original grant budget. They will be sending a licence to install the systems to be signed and returned and then they will go ahead and arrange the surveys and an installation date.

Roof Repairs Quotes to Sports & Social Club The Clerk presented the Council with two quotes for the repairs to the outbuilding of the Sports & Social Club. Resolved 16/01/13.3 It was agreed to accept the quote from Roger Drinkwater and the Clerk is to ask Roger to also include the repair/replacement of the loose slats at the rear of the building’s roof, as highlighted by David Lavender, in the works.

Trees at Whittington Playground Cllr. Collins confirmed that he had been approached by the Power Company to trim the trees bordering the play area at Whittington and he had given permission for this to proceed. A date has not yet been conformed for works to be carried out. The Clerk is to place a notice in the Village Life.

Speed Watch The Clerk confirmed that she has received the information on how to proceed with the scheme and the steps needed to be taken from the Speed watch co-ordinator at Norfolk Constabulary, and this information has been passed on to Mick Parfitt. Deferred to next agenda.

Items for next meeting to be held on Tuesday 2nd February 2016 at 7:30pm, in the Village Hall. • Ingham’s Lane (Ditch head wall) • Replacement of No Golf & No Dogs signs • Speed watch Update • Play Area Matting / Swing Seats Quotes • Community Projects List

There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and declared the meeting closed at 21:12pm Signed: Date: 2nd February 2016 R. Crisp, Chair Clerk Clerk


Clerk Clerk Clerk SL/Clerk Clerk

Clerk Clerk

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