Wretton Sign Gary Trouton

Wretton Parish Council March Meeting

May 2016


Present– Cllr. David Llewellyn - Chairman, Cllr. Mandy Peake, Cllr. John Wyett, Cllr. Martyn Cann Cllr. Mick Peake

County Councillor Martin Storey Borough Councillor Colin Sampson 5 members of the public

1. Apologies for Absence Cllr. Ian Mack

2. No Declarations of Interest made Councillors were reminded to declare any interests at the appropriate time during the meeting. Cllr. M Peake wished it to be noted that he takes no part in planning discussions. Cllr. J Wyett declared an interest in matters relating to All Saints Church. 3. The Minutes of the meeting held on 04.0.16 and the 28.01.16 were agreed as a true record.

4. Matters Arising from previous meetings • Church Project update The Council agreed at the previous meeting to donate £5000 to the refurbishment of All Saints Church. However, section 8(i) of the Local Government Act 1894 prohibits a parish council funding “any works” to the fabric of the Church. The Parish Council will therefore donate to works within the Churchyard by contributing towards maintenance and upgrade of the path through the Churchyard which gives access to community facilities. With any donation over £2000 the Parish Council should be presented with accounts of the group to be given the grant. • Additional dog waste bin An application was submitted in January requesting permission to site a dog waste bin by the bus shelter in the village. As no reply has been received the Borough Council has been approached to chase this matter with Norfolk County Council (NCC) Highways Dept.

5. 5.1 Chairman’s Report • Cllr. Wyett has manufactured ‘gates’ to be erected by the roadside to deter drivers from speeding through the village. It has been reported that the NCC Parish Partnership funding to provide 50% funding for the gates and a SAM2 sign for Wretton has been successful. • A further incident has recently occurred with a lorry blocking the road at Wretton Row. Lorries are being directed along this unsuitable road by Sat. Navs. Signage would help and the Chairman is investigating possibilities and is liaising with Wereham Parish Council to hopefully see signs erected. It was felt a letter should be sent to the company where the lorries are attempting to reach to request that drivers be informed of the unsuitability of the road at Wretton Row. • Concern has been raised that the new footpath at All Saints Place has resulted in significant problems with localised mud and standing water. This matter will be taken up by County Councillor Martin Storey.

Public participation was moved to allow members of the public to contribute information regarding the situation at All Saints Place.

5.2 Clerk’s Report • Correspondence received has been passed to Councillors electronically. Correspondence included notification of a forthcoming visit to the parish by the Highway Rangers and information about the Community Infrastructure Levy.

5.3 Risk Assessment • The work advised in the Annual Play Equipment Inspection Report has been undertaken. The Chairman offered to take a look at the hinge on the gate to ensure there is no possibility of finger trapping.

6. Accounts were presented and accepted for payment. Cheques for approval of payment SJ Scarrott £112.48 K & M Lighting (x2) £36.88 HMRC PAYE £42.00 CGM (grounds maintenance) £480.00 Fenland Leisure (play equipment repairs) £376.80 BCKLWN (dog bin emptying) £160.99 Glasdon (dog waste bin) £103.82

Financial position @ 29.01.16 Community Account Balance £836.60 Business Saver Account (1) £687.99 Business Premium Account £12286.34 Business Saver Account (2) £0.36

6.1 Allocation of reserve money Money held in reserve has previously been considered as being held to, amongst other things, possibly assist the Parochial Church Council with plans to create community space within All Saints Church. If the Council grants £5000 towards the Churchyard footpath project as anticipated £7286 will remain in ‘reserve’ funding. It is likely the Parish Council contribution to the Norfolk County Council Parish Partnership Scheme to provide a SAM2 sign and entrance gateways to the parish will take some of this remaining money and future tree maintenance work will also need to be financed.

7. Tree Survey Two quotes have been received to undertake maintenance work of the trees on Wretton Green. Neither contractors reported any danger from the trees but it is felt the trees do need some maintenance work. It is not the appropriate time for tree work and the position will reviewed in the autumn. Allocation to cover any further work may need consideration for a future budget. 8. Future use of the phone box A working party will paint the phone box. A suggestion was made that the box could be used as an information kiosk where notices could be posted.

9. Councillor photographs for the Wretton Parish Council website The photographs of Councillors on the Parish Council website are not up to date. New photos will be taken at the meeting in May.

10. Neighbourhood Plan Some discussion took place regarding what value a Neighbourhood Plan can add to the Local Plan and this matter will be an agenda item again once the Chairman and Cllr. Mack have met to investigate the possible way forward.

11. Clerk’s Salary This matter was deferred to the May meeting as it was felt a resolution to exclude the public and press should be included on the agenda to allow the discussion to be confidential.

12. Planning application for consideration 16/00250/O Outline application for three dwellings on land opposite Church Farm, Low Road, Wretton Parish Council recommended refusal as there are strong highway concerns that development will result in increased traffic movement in an already hazardous location.

13. Further Reports/dates of future meetings • Due to the bank Holiday at the beginning of May the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on May 9th starting at 7.30pm. The Annual Parish Meeting will take place from 7pm prior to the Council meeting. • The July meeting will be on July 4th and the September meeting be on September 12th. • Complaints have been voiced that odour is coming from the chicken farm. • Loose dogs are causing a nuisance and the Safer Neighbourhood Team will be contacted again as they have already been made aware of a problem. Dog fouling also appears to regularly take place on the Green and Lime House Drove. Known offenders can be reported to the Borough Council for incidents to be followed up. • Fly-tipping was reported at Stoke Ferry Common. • The Chairman and his wife have collected two bags of rubbish around the village. There are clean up for the Queen events being organised nationally and it was noted the Borough Council has offered small grants to help to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday. Chairman’s Signature……………………………………… Date……………

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