Village Liaison Meeting=May 16
August 2016
Stoke Ferry Feed Mill
Wednesday 18th May 2016
Present: Mrs. S Lintern Mr. R Thompson Ms K Penn (Borough Council) Mr. A Fitzsimons-McKellar (Environment Agency) Mr. S Livsley (Environment Agency) Mr. D Jacklin (2Agriculture Stoke Ferry) Mr. I Negus (2 Agriculture Stoke Ferry)
1. Apologies. Mrs. Daphne Clements (Parish Council) 2. Minutes of the previous meeting (17th Feb 2016) and matters arising
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed
Mr. Jacklin stated that in principle the company were happy for the new dust monitor to be sited on Self’s field on the understanding that the size and specification would be given beforehand and that if the land was required by the company for another purpose it would be removed. There was then further discussions as to whether there could be a better position (eg the old graveyard) and Ms Penn stated that the borough council would explore other options.
5. Complaints received since the last meeting
There have been no complaints received following the previous meeting.
6. Noise
A resident of Buckenham Drive complained of vehicle noise and fumes first thing in the morning. Mr. Jacklin stated that a memo was issued to keep vehicle running to a minimum in the mornings.
7. Odour Dust & Particulates
One complaint was received about a sewerage smell near the bottom gate. 8. Transport
No complaints have been received
9. Any other Business
Mr. FitzSimons-McKellar mentioned that he was changing roles and that Mr. S Livsley would be taken over.
Mr. Livsley stated that he would be doing a full permit review and a date for this would be arranged in the future.
Date of next meeting: Wednesday 24th Aug 2016,