War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council - October Meeting

January 2017


Minutes of the meeting held on 12th October, 2016

Attendance: Chairman S Lintern Vice Chairman Mrs J Taylor Councillors Mrs D Clements Mrs J Lawson Mrs M Leamon Mrs T Mann Footpath Warden Mr C Philpott County Councillor M Storey Members of the public 5

1. Emergency Evacuation

Members and members of the public were advised of the emergency evacuation procedures for the Village Hall.

2. Apologies

Apologies had been received from Cllr J Nicholas-Letch (unavailable for the meeting) and B Cllr C T Sampson.

3. To receive Declarations of Interest from Members on any item to be discussed

Cllr Clements declared an interest in the item referring to the Car Scheme

4. To agree Minutes of the meeting held on 14th September, 2016

Proposed - Cllr Mrs Taylor Seconded - Cllr Mrs Clements

'That the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 14th September, 2016 be approved'

All in favour

5. Matters arising

It was agreed that if the Clerk was given the charger for the strimmer she would arrange to have it PAT tested. Dog bin – the forms have now been received from the BCKL&WN and once Norfolk County Council have agreed to the siting the bin it can be put in place. 2Agriculture – there have been no more reported problems. The drains on the roadway at the Buckenham Drive entrance will be cleaned out in December/January, but it should be noted that NCC policy is to only clean drains every other year. Concern was raised that if the drains became blocked withinin that time it could cause flooding. Boughton Surgery – Members were advised that there is a Joint Patient Reference Group at the surgery but there is no information being dispersed from this group. There was serious concern that no information is being made available to the local community with regard to the recent difficulties within the Surgery. It was agreed to ask if a representative from the Surgery could attend a meeting of the Parish Council to explain the situation. It was also suggested that a representative from the West Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group be invited to talk to the Parish with regard to future healthcare in the area. 6. To receive report on Public Rights of Way (Footpaths/Bridleways)

The Chairman and Footpath Warden had met with Andy Wallace from NCC Highways to discuss the local Rights of Way. Unfortunately, he was unable to provide information on ownership of land adjacent to the footpaths, but suggested a meeting with David Mills, PROW Officer at Norfolk County Council who may be able to help. Mr Wallace stated that PROWs 7,8,9 are allocated to be cut twice a year by NCC Highways. Footpath 5 (Little Mans Way across the bypass) joins bridleway 8 but the access over the bypass is difficult. It was stated that when the bypass was constructed Anglian Water installed some steps which no longer exist. Andy Wallace will put together a brief to install some steps and look at what funds are available. Bridleway 9 has an overgrown tree making it difficult to walk so it would be investigated to see if the obstruction can be cleared. A local resident had complained about a footpath on Boughton Road, but this had been looked at and no problems could be seen.

7. Update on the Website

There was nothing to report to this meeting

8. To discuss the Car Scheme

As Cllr Nicholas-Letch was not at the meeting there was no report. Cllr Mrs Lawson requested that the Parish Council ask for all monies which have previously been given to the Car Scheme are returned to the Parish Council bank account until there is proper clarification on all income and expenditure. Cllr Clements insisted that it was mentioned in the minutes that ‘she had not received a penny out of the car scheme other than what she believed she was entitled to’.

9. To discuss future grass cutting/maintenance within the village

There had been a litter pick organised for Saturday 8th October, 2016. There had been only a few people there so they concentrated on tidying the area around the bus shelter and rubbing down the railings ready for painting. A date would need to be fixed to complete the painting. Cllr Leamon stated that she had not known anything about the event and would have helped had she been made aware. There were notices put up around the village and also there was an advert in The Village Pump. There followed a discussion on the wooden fence in the High Street. Andy Wallace from NCC Highways was made aware that there is an issue with the fence and it is in need of repair. They are willing to repair it by replacing the horizontal poles, which have rotted, with metal key-clamp poles and this could possibly be done in this financial year. Should the Parish Council wish to have more attractive railings then they would have to bear partial cost. It is possible that this could be done with matched funding from the Partnership Scheme, but it should be noted that the last date for projects bids is 16th December, 2016. There followed a discussion on the need for more attractive railings and the cost to the village. It was agreed to get a quote for new ironwork for the area and once received a decision could be made on how best to proceed.

Grass Cutting There had been two more grass cuts at the Playing Field but there were still outstanding matters relating to CGM, in particular additional litter bins which CGM were trying to source. The suggestion is that a local ‘handyman’ be appointed to keep the village and grassed areas clean and tidy. They would be under the direction of the Parish Council and therefore any problems can be sorted out quickly and easily. In order to try and gain resident support it was agreed that there should be an open meeting to which all residents would be invited to attend. The agreed date is the next Parish Council meeting date 9th November, 2016, 6.00 – 6.30pm for tea/coffee and then general discussions to find out what the residents expect from the Parish Council and what they would like to see done in the village. Parish Councillors would do a leaflet drop week commencing the 24th October, 2016. Cllr Mrs Leamon – Fairfield Road, Bradfield Place, Buckenham Drive and Low Road. Cllr Mrs Clements – Border Road and Field View Lane Cllr Mrs Mann – Boughton Road and Little Lane Cllr Mrs Lawson – Central road through the village and other areas not covered by the above Cllr Mrs Lintern – The Moorings, Bridge Road and properties in that vicinity

10. To discuss the arrangements for Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day is on Sunday 13th November, 2016. Cllr Lintern had done the Order of Service. It was agreed to write to the School to invite the students and their families to this event and also to the lighting of the Christmas Tree and Carol singing on the 4th December. The Clerk was arranging the wreath and would get additional poppies so that Cllr Mrs Taylor could make a small arrangement to be placed on the soldier’s grave in the cemetery.

11. To begin discussions on Christmas Event including the Christmas Tree

The Christmas event will be held on Sunday 4th December, 2016. It still needed to be checked if Cllr Nicholas-Letch was arranging for a Christmas tree. Contact needed to be made with the group who played Carols last year.

12. To discuss Carnival Event for 2017

This would be discussed at a future meeting.

13. To review Standing Orders

Cllr Mrs Lawson advised members that there had been an error in the model Standing Orders which this Council had adopted and it needed to be rectified.

Proposed – Cllr Mrs Lawson Seconded – Cllr Lintern

‘That section 3P of the Standing Orders be amended’

All in favour

14. Section 106 – Members need to consider if they wish to investigate S106 payments which should have been given to village for education and other village amenities

There was nothing to report to this meeting.

15. To approve payments of bills

Proposed – Cllr Mrs Clements Seconded - Cllr Mrs Mann

‘That the bills be paid as per the attached schedule with the exception of CGM which needed to be queried as it was still showing the bin emptying’

All in favour

16. To receive correspondence

The Clerk reported on a letter from BT which was stating that a consultation was in process to remove telephone boxes which were no longer being used. It was noted that the one in the village is listed and therefore cannot be removed.

17. To receive information or suggested items to be considered at the next meeting (Councillors/ Public)

Issues relating to the Bridge hanging baskets in the summer, obtaining a licence in order to place the baskets on the bridge. It was agreed to contact BCKL&WN and see if they had any baskets which could be used by this Council.

Mr Ray Thompson of the Village Pump had commented that he was not being given draft minutes. The Clerk advised that sometimes there is only two days between when the Parish Council meeting is held and the deadline for copy.

County Cllr Storey gave a short report on devolution and advised that the decision would be made at the November meeting of Norfolk County Council.

PROW – It should be noted that adding a footpath to a definitive map involves legal work and therefore will have significant costs attached to it, although funding could be applied to help with these expenses.

18. Date and time of next meeting - Wednesday 9th November, 2016 at 7.00pm.

This meeting will be preceded with a public open meeting at 6.30pm

Meeting closed at 9.20 pm

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