War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council December minutes

February 2017


Minutes of the meeting held on 14th December, 2016

Attendance: Chairman S Lintern Vice Chairman Mrs J Taylor Councillors Mrs D Clements Mrs J Lawson Mrs T Mann BCllr C T Sampson CCllr M Storey Footpath Warden Mr C Philpott

Members of the public 6

1. Emergency Evacuation

Members and members of the public were advised of the emergency evacuation procedures for the Village Hall.

2. Apologies

The Chairman advised that apologies had been received from Cllr Mrs M Leamon (family commitment)

3. To receive Declarations of Interest from Members on any item to be discussed

Cllr Clements declared an interest in the item referring to the Car Scheme

4. To agree Minutes of the meeting held on 9th November, 2016

Proposed - Cllr Mrs Clements Seconded - Cllr Mrs Taylor

'That the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 9th November, 2016 be approved'

All in favour

5. Matters arising

Dog Bin – The Dog Bin has been delivered so now needs to be fixed into place. It was agreed to ask Bonnetts to provide the fixtures and fitting and install it. The Clerk would liaise with Cllr Mrs Taylor as to the exact positioning of the bin. Public Participation – Concern had been raised at the last meeting by a member of the public that there was too much discussion from the floor. The public should only speak at the allocated time at the end of the meeting. The Chairman advised that in Standing Orders 3e to 3j it stated that ‘The Chairman has discretion to allow public to participate at relevant times, but the comments can only relate to the item currently being discussed’ Grit Bins – The Parish Council had been advised that the bins should be filled within the next three weeks. The hedge, Border Road – Cllr Clement had sorted this out with the owner of the property. Boughton Surgery – A meeting was still to be arranged with the Clinical Commissioning Group for the Council to discuss future health needs in the village. 6. To receive report on Public Rights of Way (Footpaths/Bridleways)

Lime House Road footpath had now been cleared.

There was a full discussion about the waste bin on the Common as no one seems to know who owns it. The bin does not seem to have been emptied and therefore it was agreed that it would be removed and refurbished and re-sited possibly on the playing field. Cllr Mrs Taylor would arrange for the collection and refurbishment of the bin.

The Chairman and the Footpath Warden had met with David Mills, Norfolk County Council today, 14th December. It was hoped that he could provide details of the owners of land adjacent to the footpaths and PROWs in order that they could be asked to keep paths clear. Unfortunately, Mr Mills was not able to help with this information and therefore to find out ownership applications would need to be made to the Land Registry.

FP 5 – Little Mans Way and across the by-pass, Andy Wallace (NCC) has advised that there is a fund of £3000 for improvements and therefore could be used to improve the current path. The ongoing issue with the owners of the dogs adjacent to Great Mans Way is a Police matter and any walker having problems should report it immediately.

Cllr Mann suggested that there could be an organised monthly walk around the village PROW/footpaths. This would help to make sure residents know where the current PROW/footpaths are and may bring the village together. Any information could be put on the website and on posters around the village. There could be a competition to name the monthly event. All members were unanimous that this was an excellent idea and subject to arranging advertising it could commence in February, 2017.

7. Update on the Website

This was ongoing.

8. To discuss the Car Scheme

No money had been forthcoming from the Car Scheme and therefore it was agreed that a formal letter be sent by registered post asking for a cheque to be raised to the Parish Council for any funds remaining in the Car Scheme account.

9. To discuss future grass cutting/maintenance within the village

Grass cutting Quotes had been received, but these would need to be discussed under confidentiality later in the meeting. Handyman Job specifications are still being sought.

10. Report on Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day was very well attended.

11. Report on Christmas Event

A lot of hard work went into this event for a relatively small number of residents who attended. Cllr Mrs Taylor suggested that for this to continue it should be made into a much more spectacular event in future years. Cllr Mrs Taylor was thanked for all the work she did to source the Christmas tree, decorate it and provide music for the Christmas Carols. 12. To discuss Carnival Event for 2017

This would be discussed at the January, 2017 meeting.

13. To discuss feasibility study for a zebra crossing

The Chairman had been advised that a feasibility study would cost in the region of £2000 and this would result in a recommendation as to which sort of crossing would be most suitable outside the Academy. The actual cost of a new zebra crossing is in the region of £50,000.00. In a recent consultation document issued by Norfolk County Council it has been recommended that the manned school crossing currently at the Academy would be stopped soon. The report showed that very few children walked alone to the school and therefore it did not meet the criteria to warrant a manned school crossing. Cllr Mrs Taylor would contact the Principal of the Academy to obtain their view on this recommendation.

14. To agree items to be undertaken by the Rangers during their next visit.

Suggested items are: Gutters and drains Oxborough Road, there is algae on the footpath which causes it to be slippery in wet weather. Village sign need cleaning Top end of Bradfield Place needs tidying and cleaning

15. To discuss the budget for 2017/18

Councillors and the Clerk went through the figures on the preliminary budget for 2017/18. It was agreed that the budget would be discussed in full and agreed at the January meeting.

16. To agree a new day for Parish Council meetings

Proposed – Cllr Mrs Clements Seconded – Cllr Mrs J Taylor

‘That the Parish Council meetings will be on the first Wednesday of the month, at 7pm in the Village Hall.’

All in favour

17. To approve payments of bills

Proposed – Cllr Mrs Lawson Seconded - Cllr Mrs Taylor

‘That the bills be paid as per the attached schedule.’

All in favour

18. To receive correspondence

Most correspondence is now emailed to members. Glazewing – notice that if any item placed in a recycling bin that is not of recyclable material it could result in additional charges being imposed. This caused concern as the bin at the cemetery is for general use by the public and the content of it could not be monitored. It was agreed to contact Glazewing and ask how this would be dealt with, otherwise the Council may have to consider removing the bin.

A request had been received for additional wording on a current memorial in the cemetery for Mrs June Stocking. All agreed that this would be acceptable.

19. To receive information or suggested items to be considered at the next meeting (Councillors/ Public)

It was agreed to discuss the Cemetery on the next agenda. This would include general maintenance, trees and boundaries.

BCllr Sampson reported that the public toilets in the district would remain open.

He had also received comments that flowers in the cemetery were being moved to different graves.

CCllr Storey reported that the budget for Norfolk County Council would be discussed at the February, 2017 meeting.

It was stated that all residents should be vigilant of cold callers. There had been an incident in the village which had caused great distress to the resident.

It was agreed to defer the discussion on recent planning applications and therefore another meeting was called for Wednesday 21st December, 2016. The grass cutting quotes would also be discussed at this meeting.

20. Date and time of next meeting - Wednesday 11th January, 2017 at 7.00pm. Meeting closed at 9.40 pm

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