War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council Minutes May

July 2017



Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd May, 2017

Attendance: Chairman Cllr S Lintern Vice Chairman Mrs J Taylor Councillors Mrs D Clements Mrs J Lawson Mrs M Leamon Mrs T Mann Borough Cllr C T Sampson County Cllr M Storey Parish Clerk Mrs J M Markwell

Footpath Warden Mr C Philpott

Members of the public 6

1. Election of Chairman

Proposed – Cllr Mrs Taylor Seconded – Cllr Mrs Mann

That Cllr Mrs Lintern is elected as Chairman of the Parish Council

There being no other nominations it was unanimously agreed

2. Election of Vice Chairman

Proposed – Cllr Mrs Lintern Seconded – Cllr Mrs Clements

That Cllr Mrs Taylor is elected as Vice Chairman of the Parish Council

There being no other nominations it was unanimously agreed

3. Emergency Evacuation

Members and members of the public were advised of the emergency evacuation procedures for the Village Hall.

4. Apologies

There were no apologies for this meeting.

5. To receive Declarations of Interest from Members on any item to be discussed

There were no declarations of interest

6. To agree Minutes of the meeting held on 5th April, 2017

Proposed - Cllr Mrs Clements Seconded - Cllr Mrs Taylor

'That the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 5th April, 2017 be approved'

All in favour

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7. Matters arising

Litter Bin – the bin on the hill has now been replaced and a key given to the Clean Up Team so they can empty it. The first walk will take place on Sunday 21st May at 11am, meeting at the Village Shop. A response is still awaited from the West Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group: The Clerk would contact them again.

8. Constitution of Committees i. Personnel ii. Cemetery iii. Finance It was agreed that all Councillors would be members of the above Committees.

9. Clerks rate of pay and hours This would be discussed at the first meeting of the Personnel Committee.

10. To receive report on Public Rights of Way (Footpaths/Bridleways)

There was a discussion on the status of the footpaths which runs adjacent to the ‘cut’; this footpath is not recognised on the definitive map and is on private land. There were a lot more investigations to be made and perhaps a further conversation with David Mills, Norfolk County Council would be of benefit.

11. Update on the Website

It was agreed that members would meet with a professional web designer. Cllr Mrs Taylor would arrange the meeting on 9th May, 2017 and would advise every one of the time.

12. To discuss job list for village Handyperson

The hours for the handyman were 8 hrs per month with 4 floating hours which results in 100 hrs per annum. There will be 2hrs of litter picking a month. Current jobs are: Railings to be painted adjacent to the bus shelter. Grass areas on Border Road and Buckenham Drive.

Concern was raised that the hedge in the Cemetery next to the roadway (village end) is badly damaged. This had been noted and it would be expected that it will fill out during the growing season. If not it will be looked at again in the Autumn. The gardens around the Village Sign and the bus shelter need to be replanted. The fence in the Cemetery which surrounds the ‘spoils’ needs to be put back up. In June ready for the Village fete the edges of the playing field would need to be tidied. It was agreed that Mr Stannard is doing an excellent job. It was noted that posts at the end of Footpath 8 need to be reset; the Clerk would contact Norfolk County Highways.

Members were informed that David Mills, NCC would supply finger posts for the PROW and the Parish Council could erect them.

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13. Parish Council Training - LCPAS

It was agreed that the Clerk would arrange for training for members with LCPAS (Local Council Public Advisory Service)

BCllr Sampson informed members that the current boundary review could result in the Borough Council loosing 8 Cllrs. It was not thought that this would affect Stoke Ferry.

14. To discuss Summer Fete for 2017

The music is organised and the bouncy slide has been booked. There was a discussion on the public liability (PL) for users of the slide if they were to be injured. Cllr Mrs Taylor had rung the Councils insurers and they would not accept any liability on the Councils policy. It was therefore agreed to pay a further £85.00 to use an employee from the company providing the slide to ensure it was used properly on the day as it would then be covered by their PL Insurance. Cllr Mrs Mann had booked an Ice Cream Van. There was a short discussion on raffle prizes. The TEN (Temporary Event Notice) had been applied for and approved. Further things that need to be done are notices around the village, contact with any local clubs and organisations who may want a stall on the day, these would be given to them free of charge.

15. To agree a list of items to be undertaken by the Rangers during their next visit

It was suggested that Oxborough Road, Boughton Road and Buckenham Drive should be tidied and cleaned.

16. To approve payment of bills

Payment of Bills Nett VAT Total

BCKL&WN Rates Cemetery 0.00 0.00 0.00 Came & Co 101589 Annual Insurance Policy 415.39 0.00 415.39 Data Protection DD Annual Subscription 35.00 0.00 35.00 Eon DD April - Street Lights 52.52 2.63 55.15 Glazewing DD Bin Emptying 22.68 4.54 27.22 HMRC 101590 PAYE Apr 2017 72.80 0.00 72.80 HMRC 101592 PAYE May 2017 72.80 0.00 72.80 Jean Markwell 101593 Salary Apr 2017 291.20 0.00 291.20 Jean Markwell 101594 Salary May 2017 291.20 0.00 291.20 Norfolk ALC 101595 Annual Subscription 213.28 0.00 213.28 Westcotec Ltd 101596 Street Lights 15.44 3.09 18.53 Village Hall 101597 Hire of Village Hall 25.00 0.00 25.00 Total £1,507.31 £10.26 £1,517.57

Proposed – Cllr Mrs Clements Seconded – Cllrs Mrs Leamon

That the bills for May 2017 be paid with the inclusion of the Contractors invoice for the Cemetery work’

All in favour

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17. To discuss plans received

No plans had been received

18. To receive correspondence

All correspondence is emailed to members

19. Urgent items as agreed by the Chairman

Cemetery – investigations have been made into advising all Undertakers that they must use the gravedigger that has been designated by the Parish Council. There is a local man who works for Methwold PC and he would be happy to be the gravedigger for Stoke Ferry. This was agreed by everyone and information would now be forwarded to the local Funeral Directors along with revised Rules and Regulations.

20. To receive information or suggested items to be considered at the next meeting (Councillors/ Public)

It was stated that a local resident had been burning rubbish. It was believed this is acceptable if they have respect for their immediate neighbours and it is nothing other than general and garden waste. If there is any doubt the Environmental Health department at the Borough Council of King’s Lynn should be contacted. The road sweeper had been in the village and it had made some areas worse. The fallen tree in School Lane has still not been dealt with. The Rangers should be asked to clean the village signs. Any damaged street signs should be repaired or replaced by the Borough Council. These details could be sent to BCllr Sampson. The middle field owned by 2Agriculture still needs to be cut. Cllr Mrs Lintern would mention this at the next community meeting. BCllr Sampson advised that the Council maybe starting a Borough Lottery. BCllr Sampson also advised members that he was concerned that trees were being cut down and he would like to take forward an initiative that should trees need to be felled others should be planted, although not necessarily in the same place. He asked for the Parish Council support and this was readily given. CCllr Storey gave a short explanation of the fire at County Hall which had disrupted their computer systems.

21. Date and time of next meeting - Wednesday 7th June, 2017 at 7.00pm.

Meeting closed at 9.11 pm

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