January 2018
Minutes of the meeting held on Nov 1st 2017. Mrs Hazel Hearne was in the chair & welcomed 13 members. APOLOGIES were received from Doris Armsby, Sheila Smith, Mavis Smith, Marjorie Stevens, Anita Horgen, Audrey Hudson & Gypsie Duncan. MINUTES of the previous meeting were read & signed. CORRESPONDENCE. A card was received from Mrs Wendy Quadling thanking everyone for the flowers & card following her recent operation. There will be 2 birthdays in Dec, so Mrs Horgen will bring cards to the restaurant. There will be no raffle, but members were reminded to all bring a prize in Jan. Jan ROTAS were arranged to avoid doing business during the meal. TEAS. Jean Carter & Yvonne Self DOOR & RAFFLE. Hazel Hearne & Anita Horgen. Mrs Cooper reported that several dates had been filled for the 2018 programme, but was unsure if a speaker would be needed for Jan. Mrs Self offered to do a floral demonstration, which members gladly accepted. Mrs Elsey will be collecting money for the Dec meal during refreshments, & menu choices must be selected. There being no other business, the AGM followed. TREASURER’S REPORT. Mrs Elsey circulated copies of the annual accounts. Although these showed a slight profit, she suggested that an increase in subs would be beneficial. Members agreed to raise them to £15.00 for 2018, but teas & raffle will remain the same. SECRETARY’S REPORT. Mrs Lankfer said that the club has a membership of 23, with an average attendance of 18. We had had a varied programme of talks & demonstrations and two fun quizzes. The events committee had organised some nice social evenings and a summer outing which was a mystery tour. We have had a successful year under the firm leadership of Mrs Armsby. Mrs Hazel Hearne then thanked all the officers for their hard work & support during the year. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Mrs Armsby had agreed to stand again, and was unanimously approved by everyone. Mrs Gillian Smith proposed that all other officers should be re-elected en bloc, but as a few of them would prefer to stand down, this was deferred. However, after a discussion, no new volunteers could be found, so the remaining committee agreed to stand for one more year as proposed. The raffle was won by Gillian Smith, Yvonne Self, Carol Thulbourne & Claire Lankfer. The meeting ended at 9pm. Claire Lankfer (secretary)