Stoke Ferry Parish Council April Meeting Minutes
July 2018
STOKE FERRY PARISH COUNCIL Draft Minutes Subject to the Approval at the next Meeting Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council Wednesday 4 April 2018 at 7.00 pm Stoke Ferry Village Hall
Attendance: Cllr Sue Lintern Chair Cllr Daphne Clements Cllr Mandy Leamon Cllr Trudy Mann Cllr Grant Tomkins Cllr Shirley Cordner Cllr Gail Reeve Helen Richardson Parish Clerk and Financial Responsible Person
Also, in attendance: Cllr Martin Storey Norfolk County Council Cllr Colin Sampson Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk Mr Chris Philpott Footpath Warden Kevin Kent, Emergency Planning Officer, Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk
Members of the Public: 5
68/18 Apologies and Welcome There were apologies received and accepted for absence from Cllr Jim McNeill (Vice Chair) (Illness) and Cllr Kit Hesketh-Harvey (personal reasons).
69/18 Consider Declarations of Interest on Agenda Items and Dispensation Requests There were no declarations of interest.
70/18 Community Emergency Plan – Borough Council Emergency Planning Attending The Chair introduced Kevin Kent, Emergency Planning Officer who had attended to provide the Parish Council advice regarding the review of the Community Emergency Plan. The Chair advised that this item for his presentation would be bought forward. He introduced himself and advised that there was someone in the same role in every district across Norfolk which work together under the umbrella of Norfolk Prepared to look for risks and plan for them in Norfolk. He shared that as part of the process to assess risk they look to make communities as resilient as possible to come together themselves and recover. Kevin shared a leaflet called ‘Are you prepared?’ and advised that he previously worked with the Stoke Ferry to create the current copy of the Emergency Plan, which overall was still quite relevant. He shared that the booklet was also a template which contained the similar information but in a more user-friendly format that could be provided to the community. He added that a Parish Council would take the lead in reviewing and creating an emergency plan and the Borough Council assisted by testing that it worked. Kevin shared that in its simplest form it could just be a list of contacts in place. He shared that the Parish provided the local contacts to go in the document for the emergency services to use. The Parish Council agreed to order a copy for each household of the ‘Are you prepared?’ booklet and the Clerk agreed to arrange with Kevin. Kevin advised that the Borough Council’s emergency 24 hour service was 01553 616601. Kevin advised that emergencies in Norfolk is very rare. and added that the Parish Council has no obligation to provide assistance, but some communities do, Kevin advised there was no statutory requirement to have the document, but it just helped to be resilient. He added that crucially the Plan was about providing information for recovery and not as a response.
71/18 Minutes of the Meeting dated 7 March 2018 The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 7 March 2018 were approved as a true record. Proposed. Cllr Daphne Clements, Seconded Cllr Grant Tomkins, six were in favour, one abstained.
RESOLVED: That minutes of 7 March 2018 be approved.
72/18 Matters Arising from the Minutes The following items were raised as matters arising: • Dukes head – The Clerk agreed to chase up again and ask about any other listed properties in the village where conservation was needed and asked that the Parish Council be kept up to date. • Grit Bins – The Clerk advised that they would all be filled up once later in the year by Norfolk County Council. • Indigo Road – Clerk advised that once an update was available she would circulate to the Councillors. • Poppy Wreath – Cllr Daphne Clements shared that the Royal British Legion advised that poppy wreaths could be left, but it was the norm to be taken off before Christmas and it was up to each Parish Council to decide what it wished to do. The Clerk agreed to create a draft policy for the War Memorial to include this kind of information and present with the Cemetery Regulations when reviewed. • Communications Protocol – The Clerk advised a draft would be presented in May.
73/18 Community Emergency Plan – Borough Council Emergency Planning Attending The Parish Council wished for copies of the ‘Are you prepared’ leaflet to be ordered from Emergency Planning which were free for each household. Cllr Daphne Clements agreed to review the Community Emergency Plan and bring back to the June meeting. The Chair agreed to offer help. The Clerk agreed to get a cost on printing for the next meeting and add to the forward list for June.
74/18 2Agriculture Update The Chair advised that some Councillors attended a meeting with Elizabeth Truss MP on 16 March, the Parish Council had put together a list of questions to ask her and the Clerk sent a note of the discussions to the Parish Council. The Chair advised that the Parish Council was awaiting an update from Elizabeth Truss MP on what was discussed.
Cllr Trudy Mann summarised that the following had been discussed: • She advised that Permits once in place, and some that were very old, were very hard to change. • She had advised that there could be help if the factory wished to move but it would depend on what they wished to do. • She asked what the views of the village were, which the Councillors shared was not known but appeared to be split. • She shared that the Neighbourhood Plan could involve a census on what people think about the factory and the document would have ‘teeth’ in terms of village planning and future of the village. • The Parish Council raised that the HSE hadn’t been particularly helpful as well as other agencies in seeking assurance of safety of the mill and she had agreed to investigate the communications between the agencies about the concerns that had been raised. • The Parish Council advised her that they felt answers regarding lorries from the factory varied and there was no real ownership of the issues for resolve. • She would support a Neighbourhood Plan if it was decided to go ahead.
Cllr Shirley Corder advised that Cllr Trudy Mann held the meeting well, and Elizabeth Truss MP had come across very positive in supporting the village and Parish Council. The Clerk agreed to email Elizabeth Truss MP recapping the discussion and ask for an update to be provided.
75/18 Neighbourhood Planning
The Clerk advised that Alan Gomm, Planning Officer from the Borough Council attended an open public presentation on 21 March, the presentation and schedule had been placed on the website. Some Councillors had been in attendance.
The following views were shared by Councillors regarding a Neighbourhood Plan: • It needed volunteers and experienced people to get involved. • The process could be open to the village to get as much experience as possible. • A meeting could be held to understand interest from the public. • Some information for the plan would come from Emergency Planning.
Cllr Trudy Mann shared how the presentation had included information about (CIL) Community Infrastructure Levy which increased up to a 25% share from the usual 15%, though Stoke Ferry hadn’t received any payments to date. The Clerk agreed to seek information about CIL from Alan Gomm.
The Parish Council discussed that they would support the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan but there was a lot of work to be done which was a factor in taking it forward. The Chair proposed the resolution as below.
RESOLVED: That the Parish Council agree to support the creation of a neighbourhood plan if there are sufficient numbers of people within the village who are prepared to take it forward. Proposed Cllr Sue Lintern, Seconder Cllr Shirley Cordner, two were against and five agreed.
The Chair agreed to create a sign for the community to come to the Annual Parish Meeting at 6.30 pm on Wednesday 2 May if they were interested in being part of taking it forward. The Clerk advised that it would be detailed in the Agenda notice for the Annual Parish Meeting.
76/18 Gardens Refurbishment Cllr Trudy Mann had emailed a draft proposal for the Gardens refurbishment. Cllr Mandy Leamon advised that the walls were not in Parish Council ownership and plants therefore couldn’t be placed to grow up it. The Chair advised that Didlington Nurseries would help to get together some plants and advise of what should go where. The Chair shared that one idea had been a permanently rooted Christmas tree or herbs. The Chair proposed that the Parish Council agreed an amount to spend on the gardens area on plants. The Parish Council accepted Cllr Grant Tomkins offer to try and get plants for free from Tescos. It was felt that the planting needed to be done within the next month. Cllr Trudy Mann advised that it was important to get advice for the right plants for that area in case the wrong plants were planted for example invasive ones. Cllr Trudy Mann agreed to cross check with two other prices from elsewhere. It was agreed to propose an amount for planting annually and the planting of a permanent tree. Cllr Shirey Cordner agreed to assist Cllr Trudy Mann on the project. Cllr Trudy Mann proposed that £800 be allocated for spent on plants in the gardens area, this was seconded by Cllr Mandy Leamon, all were in favour.
The Clerk agreed to get costs on two small benches for the following meeting.
As other ideas for the area it was agreed that a map of the footpaths amongst the gardens would be nice. The Clerk agreed to add on a future agenda for discussions about the Village Sign, Village Planting and a Map.
The Chair shared that bulbs could also be planted around the village and the Clerk agreed to place a notice out to ask for donation of bulbs to plant around the village early autumn.
77/18 Litter Bin on the Common Land The Clerk advised that the Councillors had received options of bins for the common land following on from discussions at the March meeting. Cllr Grant Tomkins agreed to keep an eye on a bin, in case it became overgrown as the previous one. The Clerk advised the Handyman would empty each month same as other bins. It was proposed to install the Litter Bin next to the Dog Waste Bin and purchase the one selected that was £68. There was a post it could be attached to already. Proposed Cllr Grant Tomkins, Seconded Cllr Mandy Leamon, all in favour.
RESOLVED: That a litter bin costing £68 be purchased and placed on the common land pending permission and the Handyman empty it each month as per other bins.
78/18 Yellow Lines Furlong Road Cllr Trudy Mann had shared a proposed location for an extension to yellow lines being installed as part of the development plans behind the village hall. Cllr Shirley Cordner advised that she had spoken to the resident and they were happy about the proposal. It was agreed to request the extension on the corner of Furlong Road as presented. Proposed Cllr Trudy Mann, Seconded Cllr Mandy Leamon, all agreed.
RESOLVED: That the extension of yellow lines be proposed to the Developer of the site behind the village hall as part of their application at no cost.
79/18 Electricity Supply Costs The Clerk advised that the Parish Council had received two other quotes for electricity supply and one of them was twice as much per month and the second was not much less than the current provider. It was discussed and agreed that the saving was too little to make it worth while changing provider. It was proposed to continue with Eon as the current supplier of electricity to streetlights. Proposed: Cllr Daphne Clements, seconded Cllr Mandy Leamon, all agreed.
RESOLVED: That the Electricity for Streetlights remain with Eon.
80/18 Notice of Designation Application: Stoke Ferry War Memorial The Clerk advised that communication from Historic England had been circulated advising that they were considering the Stoke Ferry War Memorial for notice of designation. The Clerk agreed to feedback to them that there were no comments but if they could be updated on what the findings are.
81/18 Parish Partnership Scheme The Clerk advised that the Parish Council’s application for a dropped kerb outside the school had been approved as part of the Parish Partnership Scheme, and half funding was totalled as £137.50 for the parish council. The Clerk asked that the Parish Council approve this cost for the work to go ahead. Cllr Mandy Leamon proposed the payment for the work to go ahead. Proposed Cllr Mandy Leamon, Seconded Cllr Grant Tomkins, one against, six for.
RESOLVED: That the Parish Council pay £137.50 for half funding of a dropped kerb to be situated outside the primary school as agreed.
The Clerk advised that the second part of the application related to the installation of white village gates at each entrance of the village totalling four pairs but the application for wooden ones had been declined as it didn’t meet the spec required of plastic ones as they were on highways land and for long term upkeep. After discussion Cllr Martin Storey agreed to investigate the village gates as the costs provided for plastic were considerably higher than wooden. He also agreed to explore with highways if there was a clause for replacement if broken. The Parish Council would be responsible for the upkeep if wooden gates were approved.
82/18 Mid-Summer Fayre 2018 – 24 June 2018 The Chair advised that at a previous meeting the Parish Council approved costs for the Fayre up to £1500, she advised that there had been numerous activities booked for the day. Another meeting would be arranged for the Fayre, anyone is welcome to come. The day would start at 1 pm through until 9 pm. If anyone would like to help or have a stall please come forward.
83/18 Handyman/Norfolk County Council Rangers or Public Rights of Way (Footpaths/Bridleway) Issues The Chair advised that they had started up the monthly walks again starting from 8th April this Sunday. The Chair advised that she had put notices about to say it would start from 10.30 am and the meeting place would be the corner shop.
The Chair advised that the Clerk had emailed David Mills Public Rights of Way officer, Norfolk County Council for a new date to meet up on Friday 4th May to review the pathways.
The Parish Council resolved that there was nothing for the Handyman to do this month apart from the usual duties, and whilst the hedges were clear to do an extra litter pick around.
84/18 Data Protection/GDPR and Retention Policy The Clerk shared information about the GDPR Regulations that were due to come in force on 25th May 2018 aimed at making all more accountable for the safe keeping of personal data with breaches resulting in hefty fines larger than previous. The Clerk shared that all personal data needed to be handled with care and protected, and it should only be kept for good reason otherwise destroyed and not without that person’s prior permission via a privacy notice. She added that the Parish Council would have to ensure that this also included verbal references. The Chair proposed that as the Councillors were accountable for personal data the Clerk should be the main point of contact to ensure adherence to the new regulations that all personal email addresses for Councillors be removed from the public domain. It was felt it was important for councillors not to have personal data. The Clerk advised that anything personal should be destroyed as soon as it is no longer required and not shared generally.
The Councillors voted on the following:
Approve the Data Protection Policy and remove the Parish Councillors email addresses from the pump and any other locations and all correspondence should be sent to the Clerk. Proposed Cllr Mandy Leamon, Seconded Cllr Shirley Cordner, all in favour.
Retention Policy: The Chair proposed that the policy be approved as presented providing that information relating to contracts is added as per NALC guidance and information about recordings that are made of meetings. The Chair added to the proposal that recordings should only be kept until after the next meeting once the minutes of that meeting are approved. This was proposed also by Cllr Grant Tomkins, seconded by Cllr Shirley Cordner, all agreed.
The Parish Council also noted the audit completed by the Clerk and the recommendations for action. The Clerk advised that the issue of the Data Protection Officer was outstanding from NALC and as soon as more information was received it would be forwarded.
85/18 Approval of Payment of Bills The payments for March were presented for approval as follows;
Supplier Payment for Net VAT Total Clerk Clerks Wages and Expenses - March 18 276.95 0.00 276.95 HMRC Mar-18 62.40 0.00 62.40 Mr A Stannard Handyman- March 18 16.00 0.00 16.00 Mr Sparkle Grass cutting 150.00 0.00 150.00 Glazewing (DD) Cemetery Bins 15.58 3.12 18.70 EON (DD) Streetlights Electricity - Feb 2018 51.88 2.59 54.47 SF Village Hall Village Hall Hire 80.00 0.00 80.00 NALC Spring Conf - Clerk 22.00 0.00 22.00 NALC Water Bill - Cemetery 10.52 0.00 10.52 685.33 5.71 691.04
It was proposed to accept the bills as presented. Proposed Cllr Trudy Mann, seconded by Cllr Gail Reeve, all were in favour
86/18 Urgent Items as agreed by the Chairman There was none.
87/18 Forward Agenda List This was noted.
88/18 Public Participation and Councillors Items • Pot hole opposite factory was getting worse, Clerk advised she had reported the hole. Cllr Martin Storey agreed to follow up. • The Clerk agreed to update on the development behind the village hall and email Councillors. The Parish Council asked if the car park could be put back in place while they are not there. • Cllr Daphne Clements was attending the Police meeting on the 12th April to email to her and she will share. The Clerk will add to the May agenda as an update. • There were two big pot holes down School Lane, the Clerk agreed to report to Norfolk County Council. The same pot holes had been filled the previous year with all the bad weather has all gone now and needs repair again. • Clerk to check if Cllr Martin Storey had included the dropped kerb within his £6k ward highways fund. Cllr Martin Storey had chosen issues that effect a whole parish and the money had all been allocated. Norfolk County Council information can be found on the website. • Cllr Colin Sampson agreed to collect the leaflets for Emergency Planning. • Cllr Colin Sampson gave apologies for the next meeting in May, and if need anything to let him know. • A comment was made regarding gates along bridleway 9 which the Clerk noted. • Yellow lines in the village along Furlong Road had come up for discussion before. Cllr Shirley Cordner advised that though it may be inconvenient for some it was illegal to park on the corner. • Email addresses for Councillors are okay if designated ones rather than personal for the duration of office. • Parish Plan was done before and wasn’t contractual, Neighbourhood Plan is contractual. • There are costs to yellow lines if the parish did it themselves • Permission would be needed for bins. • Following a query about the Neighbourhood Plan the Chair advised that there would be an opportunity for those who wish to be involved in the progress to make themselves known at the 2nd May Annual Parish meeting.
89/18 Date and Time of Next Meeting – Annual Meeting of the Parish Council Wednesday 2 May 2018 at 7.00 pm. After the Annual Parish Meeting to be held at 6.30 pm – regarding the Neighbourhood Plan.
Meeting closed at 9.30 pm