Stoke Ferry Parish Council June Meeting
July 2018
STOKE FERRY PARISH COUNCIL Draft Minutes Subject to the Approval at the next Meeting Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council Wednesday 6 June 2018 at 7.00 pm Stoke Ferry Village Hall
Attendance: Cllr Sue Lintern Cllr Jim McNeill Cllr Daphne Clements Cllr Mandy Leamon Cllr Trudy Mann Cllr Shirley Cordner Cllr Kit Hesketh-Harvey Cllr Gail Reeve Helen Richardson Parish Clerk and Financial Responsible Person
Also, in attendance: Cllr Martin Storey Norfolk County Council Cllr Colin Sampson Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk Mr Chris Philpott Footpath Warden
Members of the Public: 4
119/18 Apologies and Welcome There were apologies received and accepted for absence from Cllr Grant Tomkins.
120/18 Consider Declarations of Interest on Agenda Items and Dispensation Requests Cllr Trudy Mann declared that she lived next door to the Planning Application due to be discussed minute number 135/18 and planning application 18/00893/F. The Parish Council noted this and there were no other declarations of interest.
121/18 Minutes of the Meeting dated 2 May 2018 The minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 2 May 2018 were approved as a true record. Proposed. Cllr Mandy Leamon, Seconded Cllr Jim McNeill, 7 agreed and 1 abstained as they were not present at the meeting. RESOLVED: That minutes of 2 May 2018 be approved.
122/18 Matters Arising from the Minutes The following items were raised as matters arising: • Dukes Head and Other Historical Buildings – The Clerk would continue to chase the Conservation Officer for an update. • Indigo Road – The Clerk shared that the developer had advised he had passed concerns of children entering the site through railings to Chalcroft and he would be discussing it with them for a solution on 1st June. The developer had also shared that the development was getting very closing to restarting the build, and as soon as more was known they would be contacting the Clerk. • 2 Agriculture – The Chair advised that she would be contacting to Elizabeth Truss MP for an update on the issues that had been requested for her to follow up. • Gardens Refurbishment – The Chair shared that volunteers had planted perennials, herbs etc in the Gardens, and thanked all the Cllrs that took part, for their hard work. • Pot Holes outside 2 Agriculture Mill Entrance – The Clerk agreed to chase Norfolk County Council again. The Parish Council were concerned about road safety. The Clerk agreed to report melting tar on Buckenham Drive repair on other entrance to the mill that had started to break up near the Chinese and overall the road was in a shocking state. The Clerk agreed to email Tom McCabe at Norfolk County Council. • Borough Council Planning Committee – The Chair shared that Cllr Trudy Mann, Cllr Jim McNeill and Cllr Sue Lintern all attended the Committee regarding the planning application for Romer Farm, Oxborough Road which had been refused. Cllr Sue Lintern advised it had been turned down because it was outside the development boundary and as the number of houses needed was now not the same as when they were first granted the application. The Chair advised that because of the encroach on the by-pass it also had been felt by a Borough Councillor that it might encourage other development on the other side of the by-pass. • Buckenham Drive – Cllr Colin Sampson had no update, but the Borough Council were aware, and he agreed to chase it up. Cllr Mandy leamon advised that the bungalows had been cut up to a point and a line of long grass had been left which still posed risk as a dumping ground because of it being over grown. • Lark Road – Cllr Sue Lintern reminded Cllr Colin Sampson that the Parish Council wished for him to call in the Planning Application and he agreed to investigate it the following day and update the Chair and Clerk as the Parish Council would wish to speak at the Committee. The next Planning meeting would be on Monday 2 July. Cllr Sue Lintern and Cllr Trudy Mann agreed to go. Cllr Jim said that it was good to go to speak to various persons.
123/18 Community Emergency Plan and Booklets for Village The Parish Council had previously agreed to review the Emergency Plan that was a reference document, not to use in the event of an emergency, but to use in the recovery period after an emergency event. Cllr Daphne Clements had revised the document, amendments were made to: • The name of the school • Cllr Kit Hesketh-Harvey had agreed for the Parish to use the Church as another resource of meeting place as part of recovery period following an emergency. • The Playing field was added as a meeting place. • Altered Parish Council meetings to correct day. • All businesses in the village could potentially be added to the list with a telephone number, she had phoned many and they were happy for their details to be included. She agreed to continue adding them. In answer to a query about reason for adding business contact details, Cllr Daphne advised that it was felt it was a good idea to include the details as it was going to every household. • Review needed to be given to the Stoke Ferry map as a few roads were missing. • Inc major road fire access was amended to A high priority. The Chair said that this was the after plan as emergency services deal with at the time of an incident. • Details about the defibrillator would be included.
Resolved: That Cllr Sue Lintern agreed to scan and email to all Councillors for further discussion in July.
124/18 Garden Area Benches The Parish Council wished to explore the purchase of two benches to be placed near the village sign and prices had been obtained . Cllr Sue Lintern advised that a wooden bench remained wet after rain whereas a metal one was easier to wipe clean. The Parish Council reviewed prices received and agreed that Bonnets was the most competitive price and as a local company it was important to support local businesses. Cllr Kit Hesketh-Harvey suggested referencing to the village could be added. Cllr Sue Lintern shared that there was a WI bench that the Playing Field had stored for a while and a local business had cleaned it up and painted and could be reused in this position. Cllr Sue Lintern proposed that the WI bench be painted in the right colour and another bench be quoted and designed by Bonnetts to try and get the two to match. The Clerk agreed to action and provide quotes for approval in July. Cllr Kit Hesketh-Harvey seconded, and all agreed. Resolved: That the Clerk seek quote/design of a bench to be closely matched in colour to the WI bench.
125/18 Village Sign Refurbishment Cllr Trudy Mann explained that other villages have the wooden sign with pictures on and Stoke Ferry had also had one in the past, and now its sign was metal only and plain. Cllr Daphne said that she had a book that contained signs and agreed to share at art exhibition. Cllr Jim McNeill suggested aluminium paintings as an option as they do not rot, and could include something pre railway and smaller and could go on the gates. Cllr Kit Hesketh-Harvey agreed to put forward as a project for the year to the local art group that met and submit it for choosing. Cllr Trudy Mann suggested that grant funding maybe available. The Clerk agreed to place on the July agenda. Resolved: That Cllr Kit Hesketh-Harvey will put forward as an art project to be discussed in July.
126/18 Map of Village Cllr Sue Lintern shared that there is a stone plinth in the garden area that could be used to have a map on it. Cllr Kit Hesketh-Harvey also agreed to ask local artists if it was something they could assist with. All Councillors agreed to do further research of what could be done. The Clerk agreed to place on the July agenda. Resolved: That Cllr Kit Hesketh-Harvey will put forward as an art project to be discussed in July, and all Councillor to consider options for discussion.
127/18 Village Entrances/Gates The Parish Council had wished to discuss further village entrance gates that they had wished to install in wood but had been declined by Norfolk County Council due to their policy on wooden gates. The Parish Council had been asked to purchase alternative plastic gates by Norfolk County Council at a few times the price of wood. Cllr Trudy Mann shared that Norfolk County Council had advised that the plastic gates were preferable because the wooden ones would pose more a risk and Norfolk County Council would be liable for it as they would be on their land. Cllr Trudy Mann suggested that plastic planters could be put in place instead of gates. The Clerk advised that it was policy and Norfolk County Council had advised that they were negotiable on the matter. The Parish Council still felt that the only option that was being given was too expensive. The Parish Council thought that in the view on plastic had changed in recently months nationally, they were surprised to of this policy decision. Resolved: That the Clerk agreed to contact the Leader of Norfolk County Council as it was a policy decision that the Parish Council believe should be reconsidered and to copy in Elizabeth Truss MP, Prime Minister Teresa May, and the Norfolk County Council Chief Executive.
128/18 Mid Summer Fayre 2018 – Sunday 24 June Cllr Sue Lintern advised that various bits of equipment had been booked, and leaflet drops had been printed for circulation. The Fayre opened at 1 pm and help was needed to put up tents etc from 8 am. Cllr Kit Hesketh-Harvey had agreed to run the Bingo. Cllr Mandy Leamon agreed to collect the tombola equipment. Cllr Mandy Leamon was checking the strawberry supplier and jam for the scones. Cllr Sue Lintern was paying the band, DJ, bouncy castle and Dick Roper on the day and claiming the money back at the next meeting up to £1500 and a float of no more than £50, this spend was proposed by Cllr Daphne Clements, seconded Cllr Trudy Mann and all agreed. The Chair advised that insurance costs for the giant human football table had been obtained and would be £78, Cllr Sue Lintern proposed the purchase of the insurance, and this was seconded by Cllr Mandy Leamon, all were in favour. Resolved: 1) That Cllr Sue Lintern be reimbursed up to £1500 for costs associated with the Mid-Summer Fayre as agreed. 2) That the Clerk will purchase insurance for the human football table costing £78.
129/18 Neighbourhood Planning Stand – Mid Summer Fayre – Printing Costs Cllr Sue Lintern shared that a group who was proposing to do the Neighbourhood Plan had come forward and sent correspondence to the Parish Council, and she advised that the idea of a stand at the Fayre had been agreed to test public interest and what skills were out there. She added that it would be an opportunity for anyone further to share interest as it was a big task so the more people needed the better. Cllr Sue Lintern advised that Neighbourhood Planning would be discussed in July further. The Clerk agreed to print 20 copies of neighbourhood planning materials for the stand and drop to Cllr Kit Hesketh-Harvey.
130/18 Handyman/Norfolk County Council Rangers or Public Rights of Way (Footpaths/Bridleway) Issues
Cllr Sue Lintern advised that David Mills, Public Right of Way had been met with and had taken away a list of issues to investigate. She advised that Bridleway 9 had been cleared of bramble. The Chair advised that she had previously shared finger posts for walks that had been used in Weeting, but the Right of Way officer had since advised that they hadn’t been provided Norfolk County Council but were funded group instead in Breckland. She shared that the Parish Council could get the finger posts made up themselves with identifying numbers on so people knew where they were going instead. Cllr Sue Lintern shared that it was hoped a small booklet could be created with the maps of the route and clarified that the walks didn’t go anywhere in particular and were not village to village. She added that posts would not be possible on permissive footpaths. Cllr Sue Lintern agreed to add distances of the walks to the booklet. Cllr Sue Lintern agreed to chase up actions with him.
The Path before the bypass has been mowed, but the otherside of the bypass FP1 that meets Oxborough road at 7 needed attention and the Clerk agreed to write to the landowner.
Cllr Sue asked Handyman to clean up around gardens area. The Clerk agreed to discuss weeding near Buckenham Drive through to Wretton Road, as there was weeds on the path in between the two houses near 11 Buckenham Drive.
The Clerk agreed to chase up the Norfolk County Council Rangers as still no email had been received.
131/18 Councillor Training Approvals Cllr Jim McNeill and Cllr Sue Lintern advised that they wished to attend the Chairman training run by Norfolk Association of Local Councils. Cllr Mandy Leamon proposed that the Parish Council purchase the training at £100 per person plus VAT, Cllr Daphne Clements seconded, all were in favour. The Chair advised that Stuart Ashworth, Borough Council Planning Department had agreed to provide planning training on 26th June to any Councillors that were able to attend in the morning in King’s Lynn, he would be providing an outline of the planning process. The Clerk asked that he be asked to include CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy). Cllr Jim McNeil, Cllr Trudy Mann and Cllr Sue Lintern shared that they were free to attend and other Councillors agreed to confirm to Cllr Sue Lintern after the meeting if they were also able to attend. Cllr Sue Lintern agreed to ask if she could record the training.
132/18 Review of Cemetery Regulations and Fees Cllr Daphne Clements advised that it was every five years, all were in favour to continue to review the fees every five years. Cllr Mandy Leamon shared that someone had used the road to drive up the cemetery, and proposed that no vehicles or motorbikes should be allowed except for mobility scooters and funeral processions and that the regulations be amended, this was seconded by Cllr Daphne Clements, and all were in favour. The Clerk agreed to create a sign to ask people to contact Cllr Mandy Leamon if they see anyone with a dog in the cemetery. The Parish Council accepted amendments that had been presented in the circulated copy for the meeting as follows: • Amendment from 16 to 18 years olds fees to be payable from as per new rules in England that under 18 years should not incur a charge. • Addition of term Exclusive Right of Burial to be added in fees table. • Amendment to EROB certificate to be the Parish Council’s responsibility to evidence provided by the Funeral Director, and not the Funeral Directors responsibility to evidence. • Amendment to include appropriate privacy notice issuing where contact details of next of kin is requested.
The Clerk agreed to check routinely for wreaths that required deposal.
133/18 Approval of Communications Protocol The Clerk agreed to amend and circulate out again to Councillors for further discussion at the July meeting.
134/18 Approval of War Memorial Policy The Clerk had circulated the new policy for comments. Cllr Daphne had investigated wreaths being removed from Christmas and this was usually done at Easter, but some didn’t remove as they were plastic lasted a long time. The approval of the policy was proposed by Cllr Jim McNeill, Seconded by Cllr Gail Reeve, all agreed.
135/18Planning 18/00893/F Construction of wooden shed with area for nesting swifts at Swift Cottage 2 Lime Kiln Lane Stoke Ferry Norfolk PE33 9UA – There had been no comments on line from the public. Cllr Gail Reeve proposed no objections, seconded by Cllr Jim McNeill, all agreed. Decisions received information only: 18/00663/LDP Stoke Ferry Laurels Lynn Road Stoke Ferry Norfolk PE33 9SW - LAWFUL DEVELOPMENT FOR A PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: Replacement of existing flat roof with sloping roof profiles Would be Lawful 18 May 2018 Delegated Decision 18/00076/TREECA Stoke Ferry Sage House Furlong Road Stoke Ferry King's Lynn Norfolk PE33 9SU - T1 Elm Remove lower branches and balance tree. T2 Oak - Cut back branches and remove any dead branches within a conservation area Tree Application - No objection 23 May 2018 Delegated Decision
136/18 To approve payments of bills for May 2018:
Supplier Payment for Net VAT Total Clerk Clerks Wages and Expenses - May 18 282.02 0.00 282.02 HMRC May-18 66.40 0.00 66.40 Glazewing (DD) Cemetery Bins 16.04 3.21 19.25 Ocean Media Website Hosting 5 months 48.00 12.00 60.00 Ocean Media GDPR Website Compliance Audit 35.00 7.00 42.00 Westcotec Streetlight Maintenance 15.44 3.09 18.53 EON (DD) Streetlights Electricity - April 2018 61.15 3.06 64.21 Hodson Office Supplies Printing Paper 2.59 0.52 3.11 Mr A Stannard Handyman- May 18 28.00 0.00 28.00 Mr Sparkle Grass cutting 291.00 0.00 291.00 SF Village Hall Village Hall Hire 30.00 0.00 30.00 Total 875.64 28.88 904.52
The bills of payments for May 2018 were proposed by Cllr Jim McNeill and seconded by Cllr Sue Linter, all agreed.
The Clerk agreed to ask Handyman to quote to empty the cemetery bin. The Clerk agreed to investigate a cost of a bin and add to the July agenda.
137/18 Urgent items as agreed by the Chairman There was nothing.
138/18 Forward Agenda Items This was noted. 139/18 Public Participation - To receive information or suggested items to be considered at the next meeting including Cllr Colin Sampson (BCKLWN) and Cllr Martin Storey (NCC), if in attendance
• The Clerk agreed to put a notice in the pump for people to ensure that dog waste is collected and disposed of in dog waste bins ). The Clerk to arrange a sign to go up. • The Clerk agreed to find out why Furlong Drove had never been chipped due to the amount of lorries that use it. • Cllr Colin Sampson advised that the dog fouling survey would be sent to Clerks soon and it was the Parish Council’s opportunity to highlight all the worse spots. The Borough Council will review the results to see how big the problem is and depending on the verdict it might be possible that a Dog Warden be employed if there is a big enough case. There would be one person for the entire borough though it would be better than what we have now. He advised that the Parish would be unable to prosecute anyone itself as that was the Borough Council’s role, and there needed to be good photographic evidence and address of the owner of the dog who left fouling behind as anything less they would be unable to prosecute. Cllr Colin Sampson shared that anyone can submit the evidence to the Borough Council and you could report a dog walker with no bag to the Safer Neighbourhood and Community Team and they might speak to that person. Cllr Colin Sampson advised that there were three or four district councils in the UK that are looking at the policy where you can be challenged by an official and be spot fined. Cllr Colin shared that sports fields could have orders on them much like play areas of no dog orders on. • The Borough Lottery had been drawn and there was 1300 people playing, 52 charities benefiting from the ticket sales, only online to play. Cllr Colin Sampson advised that any charity could put themselves forward to be a recipient of the proceeds. • Cllr Colin Sampson advised that Parish Elections were being discussed at full Council the following week and any vacancies should be co-opted to. He shared that discussions were being held around whichever Parish causes an election would be charged if there is an election rather than co-option. • Cllr Martin Storey advised of the unfortunate resignation due to ill health of the Leader of the Council, a new Leader had been elected as of 1st June, Andrew Proctor who was previously Leader at Broadland District Council. He had advised in his speeches that he had Norfolk at heart and has a business background. There may be a different way it is run by him, but everything will be looked at. There was a budget of £94 million and the Norfolk County Council were always looking at issues on a constant basis trying to rectify what thin ground we are on for the people of Norfolk. Cllr Kit Hesketh-Harvey urged for Cllr Martin Storey to fight the parishes corner on this side of Norfolk and in an open way. • Cllr Martin Storey said that anyone can contact him on the phone if needed, and information was available on the website. • GDPR regulations had come into the force and it was important that it was being implemented in the right way. • A resident raised issue of dog fouling and seaw that it had become much more of a problem, on Boughton Road and Lynn Road, and they had emailed Cllr Colin Sampson about it. His colleague Mike Whitmore at the Borough Council had sent him some signs which he had put up. The resident had also gone out with a spray can and highlighted where the dog fouling was, to warn people who are pushing wheelchairs, cutting bushes, cutting verges and might indicate to the person responsible that it is a problem. The resident advised that they thought education was important, and perhaps leaflets in all areas of the health hazard it poses might help. • A resident had been writing to the 2Agriculture office in Edinburgh and had a reply that they were going to paint the buildings in the spring, but nothing else had happened, and on the 1st June they had a reply from a Ms Mills saying that they are still getting quotes and should be starting work soon. Cllr Sue Lintern shared that they were going to replace guttering, painting, window frames, and had been working with Historic England to do work and bring the houses up to scratch, and needed to ensure they had reputable approved builders. • A resident commented that it wasn’t possible to tell the difference to plastic or wood for village gates, the Chair explained that the plastic ones were 8 times higher in cost. • A resident commented that the walking map could be sold to raise money for publication. • A resident said that the charges that are coming down from the Borough to parishes, in relation to Parish Council elections, the Parish Council would need to have the relevant process to pay for the invoices. Cllr Colin Sampson advised that this would be something that would be discussed by the Borough Council as a step in the provision of a policy which was still to be agreed by the Borough Council.
140/18 Date and Time of Next Meeting – Ordinary Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 4 July 2018
Meeting closed at 9.47 pm