River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Northwold Parish Council - minutes of October meeting

November 2018

Northwold and Whittington Parish Council – Ordinary Meeting Tuesday 2nd October 2018, 7.30pm Northwold Village Hall


PRESENT: Cllr R Crisp, Cllr C Anderson, Cllr M Peake, Cllr I Quinn, Cllr G Gillett, Cllr C Sharp, Cllr N Nickles, Cllr C Pointeer, Mrs N Cooper (Clerk) Cllr M Storey Norfolk County Council There was 1 member of the public.

1. PUBLIC FORUM (15 MINUTES) Item 8 Northwold Tennis Club Lighting was brought forward for discussion on approval of the Chair. It was noted that the current floodlighting at the tennis courts is inadequate to facilitate use of the courts during dark winter evenings. The club wants to install LED lighting to allow greater use of the courts during the winter months. Three quotes have been provided to the Parish Council to consider, with a request for 75% / circa £6000 grant funding. It was advised that there are currently 25 members of the club, 4 or 5 of these are from outside the parish. Regular users of the courts have indicated that they will continue to use the courts during the winter if the lighting is installed. The tennis club funds all annual maintenance on the courts. The Club has contacted Sport England but the response was that this constitutes refurbishment of existing equipment so they cannot fund this. WREN have also been approached but they advised that they cannot fund a club with membership only status. The Club was asked to go back to WREN to advise that non-members can also use the courts and see if there is any further information on this and also to research other grant funding possibilities such as the National Lotter Grant Schemes. *It was agreed that this would be placed on the November agenda for further discussion.

2. ACCEPTANCE OF APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE These were accepted from Cllr Human, Cllr Smith and Cllr Hogan.

3. MEMBERS’ DECLARATION OF INTERESTS and DISPENSATION REQUESTS (for items on the Agenda) Nothing was declared.

4. TO APPROVE AND SIGN THE MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING held on 4th September 2018 Item 15 a was updated to note that the signs at Ingham’s Lane footbridge were still to be installed. The minutes were then approved by all Councillors present. The minutes were signed by the Chairman as a true record of the meeting held on 4th September 2018. The final version will be available on the website.

5. REPORTS AND MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS (for information only) Nothing was raised. It was noted that the Clerk position was no longer being advertised as vacant, as actioned between meetings, as the Clerk is now able to stay in post.

6. LOCAL AUTHORITY REPORTS a. Norfolk County Council – it was noted that budget cuts continue to affect services. Possible closure of Children’s Centre buildings and a move to using existing facilities to host a continuation of services is currently being consulted on. There is also a consultation on the possible changes to the management of the Fire Service with links to the Police and Crime Commissioner. The final decision on this would be by the Home Secretary or Secretary of State. It was further noted that social care at home is being increasingly supported. b. Borough Council of Kings Lynn & West Norfolk – nothing to report

7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Newsletters: Norfolk Constabulary, Norfolk Association of Local Councils b. Love West Norfolk – promotion of things to do in West Norfolk / ‘Hidden Treasures’. *The Clerk was asked to pass on information about Plough Monday, Northwold Carnival and Northwold Yard Sale. Cllr Anderson to provide this.

8. NORTHWOLD TENNIS CLUB Grant request towards new lighting system- discussed within public forum.

9. NORTHWOLD SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB i. Roof repairs – one estimate has been received. Two more have been requested by Cllr Anderson but have not been returned. The original estimate which was received from JA Ellis in July totalling £1575 plus vat to replace all four verges and broken tiles on the roof with labour and materials, was discussed. It was agreed that the risk of leaving the decision on these repairs another month with winter approaching is that further damage could result. It was unanimously agreed that the roof repairs need to be instructed before this occurs and that in the absence of a response from the other two contractors that the original quote would be accepted. This was agreed by all. *Clerk to instruct JA Ellis and make Mr Lavender aware. ii. ‘Agreement between Northwold Parish Council & Northwold Sports & Social Club relating to use of the Pavillion building’. This agreement was discussed within the meeting as an unsigned copy provided by the Chair showed an expiry date of 2017. The Clerk was asked to renew this with the Sports and Social Club for a further 7 years with no amendments. NOTE SUBSEQUENT TO MEETING: Upon further investigation the official expiry date of this agreement is 31st March 2022 therefore no further action is required at present.

10. PLAY AREAS a. The Play Area Inspection reports for 2018 have been received from BCKLWN. It was agreed that these would be reviewed by Cllr Anderson with a view to determining any additional items for repair over and above those agreed as part of the contract with Play Maintain. Any extra works required could be added to the Play Maintain contract subject to small scale cost increases. *Cllr Anderson to liaise with the Clerk and item to be placed on November agenda. For Whittington it was noted that the report recommends that the swing chains be replaced, that the ground under the swings needs to be levelled and rubber matting should be installed there. *Cllr Pointeer to look into possible methods to achieve this and report back to the next meeting. b. 2017 Play area repairs as contracted to Play Maintain are still awaited. They have asked if they can undertake the works on a weekend so that they can schedule them in as soon as possible. It was agreed that this was acceptable so long as relevant signage and play area closures were put in place. Works to go ahead subject to the above. *Clerk to advise. c. Whittington Play Area Survey – a draft survey was circulated by Cllr Pointeer. This was approved to be sent out from the Parish Council. *Cllr Pointeer to progress, place on next agenda.

11. ANNUAL RISK ASSESSMENT – this will be undertaken by Cllr Anderson. *Next agenda.

12. SCHOOL LANE CAR PARK a. The overall cost of this project has increased as a result of the highways restrictions placed on it. There has been a lack of quotes returned for the works, with Highways being the only ones who have responded, three others visited the site but did not return costs. Were the project to be phased the first element would be the upgrading the entrance / exit and this is the largest cost. The lottery grant is available until 12.3.19 and any increases in funding would require a new replacement application. The existing lottery funding is for the surface mesh costs. Norfolk County Council has advised that they would consider the project for 50% Parish Partnership funding in 19/20 up to a total of £25,000. * Cllr Anderson to try and get quotes for the tarmac and gravel track again. Decisions on next steps to be deferred to November meeting.

13. CROWN INN – Hoping for an exchange of contracts in November. A buildings surveyor has been instructed. Funding is still needed to cover legal fees and start up costs. Shares are available at £50 each and requests for loans are to be advertised soon.

14. COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD – Whittington Community Noticeboard has a Perspex cover which could be copied for use on the three community noticeboards in Northwold (Village Hall, Sports & Social Club and Bus Stop). Whittington Councillors to investigate who made the cover. * Next agenda.

15. CONSTABLES CHARITY a. A copy of the Governing Documents has been sent to the Clerk. There are no clauses about selling the land. It was agreed that legal advice would be needed. Cllr Peake advised that he has recently been involved in the sale of some Charity Land outside of the Parish and that he would seek further advice. Clerk to email Alison Muir to see if she has any advice. Clerk also asked to write to the tenant to advise that the tenancy agreement will not be renewed after it expires in January. b. The completion of the Annual Return 2018 was noted with income of £1.35 bank interest, no expenditure.

16. CEMETERIES a. Cllr Gillett had no items to report. The Chair advised that the area of shrubs between the cemetery and allotments has been highlighted as requiring cutting back. Cllr Gillet and Cllr Sharp advised that neither felt this was needed yet. No action requested. b. Christchurch wall – estimates pending from Cllr smith. The Clerk has spoken to Golden Tree Surgeons and they were not aware of any damage to the wall. They are happy to meet on site to examine the extent of damage. This has been passed on to Cllr Smith. *Next agenda. c. Damaged Memorial – a photograph of a damaged flower tribute has been sent to the Clerk. The owner advises that two of these have been damaged in the last year and believes this is by the grass cutters. Clerk asked to contact TTSR to ensure that they avoid this and to send a letter of apology to the owner. d. Meeting date at Christchurch for Remembrance Day preparations. This date has not been advised.

17. HIGHWAYS AND STREETLIGHTING a. The SAM2 has been installed by Cllr Pointeer and Cllr Nickles. Both have received training in using the equipment. This has been added to the insurance for street furniture and a padlock purchased to secure it. *Clerk to contact Highways to see when the additional post will be installed. b. Flashing Speed Sign A134 – waiting for response from Highways. *Next agenda. c. Extra grass cuts for highways land- waiting for response from Highways. *Next agenda. d. Damaged bus stop Northwold Opp Chapel – Clerk has now reported this to Norfolk County Council who have reported it to the relevant body. e. Grit Bin Whittington – final approval and guidance on location / dimensions awaited from Highways. All resolved that once this is received the purchase can be agreed by email to all and progressed as soon as possible. The cost is agreed based on examples of grit bin costs provided by the Clerk which were all in the region of £100. f. Any additional areas of concern and resolve on action required - none raised.

18. GROUNDS MAINTENANCE a. Removal of ragwort and other weed spraying to be deferred until next spring. *Clerk to ask TTSR to cut both sides of the entrance to the cemetery again. During Cllr Andersons meeting with TTSR in the summer they discussed works for the village hall car park to remove unsightly grass. *Clerk to ask for a price from TTSR for these works. *Clerk to send copy of grounds maintenance schedule to Cllr Nickles and put 2019 Grounds Maintenance Contract on November agenda.

19. PLANNING a. The following planning application was received between meetings. This was circulated to Councillors and no objections were raised or extra ordinary meetings requested. A response of No Objections was sent to the Planning Authority for the below: i. 18/00879/F VARIATION OF CONDITION 2 OF PLANNING PERMISSION 16/01016/F: Construction of two storey dwelling at Prospect Villa 4 West End Northwold b. The following planning applications were discussed at the meeting. i. 18/01619/F Removal of existing conservatory and construction of rear single storey extension at Millennium Cottage 1 West End Northwold. No objections raised. ii. 18/01684/F Construction of one dwelling at Land N of 2 Pinfold Lane Northwold Norfolk. No objections raised. iii. 18/00173/TREECA T1 Apple Dismantle due to split in main stem, T2 Pear Dismantle due to split in main stem, T3 Willow Dismantle to prevent growing in phone lines within a conservation area The Old Rectory 63 High Street Northwold No objections raised. c. The following decisions are noted. i. 18/01388/F Audley House 1 High Street Northwold Thetford Norfolk Application Permitted ii. 18/01443/F Crisps Yard Common Drove Northwold Thetford Norfolk Application Permitted iii. 18/01438/F Fendicks Fisheries Methwold Road Whittington Norfolk Application Permitted

d. Department for Transport: DRAFT ORDER: E/3486 – Proposed stopping up of the highway at former mill and associated buildings, Whittington, discuss and comment. *Clerk asked to send a query regarding timescales and the extent of the measured area. e. BCKLWN: Consultation PSPO Control of Dogs, review and comment. No comments raised.

20. FINANCES: a. Conclusion of the Annual Audit 2017-18 was noted. There was one error with a Direct Debit for works in 2017/18 which was paid in 2018/19 being included in the wrong year but otherwise the audit was final and is currently being publicised for the statutory period. b. 2019/20 Parish Partnership Funding (deadline 7.12.18) – the carpark was discussed as a possible project idea. To be decided at the next meeting. *November agenda. c. 5 Year Financial Plan – Working Group established to discuss this. Cllr Nickles, Cllr Pointeer, Cllr Sharp and Cllr Quinn to be involved. To report back to the next meeting. *November agenda. d. The submission of VAT return totalling £3983.77 from 1.9.17-31.8.18 was noted. e. The setting up of a Direct Debit to Westcotec for streetlight maintenance was authorised. *Clerk to progress. f. The accounts to 2nd October 2018 were accepted and cheques to be signed and payments approved in accordance with the table below. The padlock cost for Northwold Rec Ground to be reclaimed from TTSR.

21. TRAINING: No new requests. 22. AGREE DATE FOR JANUARY 2019 MEETING: Provision date 7th January unless this is Plough Monday. 23. ITEMS FOR AGENDA OF NEXT MEETING: TUESDAY 6th NOVEMBER 7.30pm, Northwold Village Hall i. Tennis Club lighting ii. Play Area repairs – NW &Whit iii. Play Area Survey Whittington iv. Annual Risk Assessment v. School Lane Car Park vi. Community Noticeboard Cover vii. Constables Charity land viii. Christchurch wall repair ix. Grit bin x. 2019 Grounds Maintenance Contract xi. Parish Partnership funding xii. 5 Year financial planning xiii. 2019/20 Precept

With nothing more to discuss the meeting closed at 9.25pm

Chairman: __________________________________ Date: __________________

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