Stoke Ferry Village Hall AGM 201`8 - minutes
March 2019
Stoke Ferry Village Hall (Registered Charity No, 274033) Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at the Village Hall on Wednesday14th November 2018 at 7.00pm
Present: M Reeve (Chair), G Phillips (Treasurer), P Sewell, J Trollope, G Reeve, and P Keymer.
In attendance: (None)
1. Minutes of the 2017 Annual General Meeting Upon the proposition of P Sewell, seconded by J Trollope, it was resolved unanimously "That the Minutes of the 2017 Annual General Meeting be, and they are hereby, approved."
2. Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2018 The audited Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31st March 2018, together with the Balance Sheet as at that date, were tabled and, upon the proposition of J Trollope, seconded by P Sewell, it was resolved unanimously 'That the Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2018 be, and they are hereby, approved."
3. Election of Committee Members There being no new candidates for Committee membership, upon the proposition of P Keymer, seconded by G Phillips, it was resolved unanimously "That M Reeve, G Phillips, P Sewell, J Trollope, G Reeve, and P Keymer be, and they are hereby, re-elected to serve as Committee members until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting."
4. Election of Officers Upon the proposition of P Sewell, seconded by P Keymer, it was resolved unanimously "That M Reeve and G Phillips be, and they are hereby, re-appointed as Chair and Treasurer respectively and to hold such offices until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting."
Upon the proposition of G Phillips, seconded by P Sewell, it was resolved unanimously ' 'That G Reeve be, and she is hereby, appointed Secretary and to hold such office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting."
5. Chair's Report a) Chair was pleased to confirm that the housing development on the adjacent site has begun, and she understood that creation of the Hall car park would be achieved in the near future. b) New flooring has been laid in the kitchen. c) A letter has been sent to the Village Pump, thanking them for their continued support and generosity. d) Installation of the new heating radiators is now complete. e) Maintenance work on the outside of the Hall has begun, and will be completed as soon as possible.
6. Treasurer's Report The Treasurer was pleased to report that the Hall's finances remain healthy and confirmed that a second payment had been received from the adjacent developers in accordance with the terms of the s. 106 agreement agreed with them. Income from Hall hiring charges and the regular bingo sessions remains buoyant. It was agreed that expenditure during the coming year would focus on routine maintenance and, subject to securing the necessary consents, the creation Of a new entrance doorway from the new car-park area.
7. Secretary's Report The Secretary had nothing to report beyond matters already included in the agenda.
8. Any Other Business P Keymer proposed that action be taken to clean the chairs in the Hall. G Reeve offered her vacuum cleaner for this purpose G Reeve will obtain a renewal quote from the Hall's insurance brokers, and arrange for such to be sent to her address.
9. Closure There being no further business for discussion, the Meeting was declared closed at 8.05pm.