War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council Newsletter

September 2020

NEWSLETTER Parish Clerk and Financial Responsible Person Helen Richardson e-mail stokeferrypc@gmail.com website www.stokeferryparishcouncil.co.uk phone 07795006811

Enquiries For any enquiries from the public please contact the Parish Clerk only. The Parish Clerk acts on behalf of the Parish Council and will deal with enquiries as they are received as appropriate and all enquires are shared with the Parish Council.

Website For up to date information relating to the Parish Council please visit the website, this contains meeting dates, agendas, papers and minutes of meetings. It will also be a place to find relevant news or notices that will be shared here with the village. The Parish Clerk would be interested in receiving any pictures taken by residents of the village to appear on the Parish Council’s website on rotation. Please email your picture in its original size to the e-mail address above.

Parish Council Meetings and News – Parish Council meetings will be held virtually until further notice. Agendas will contain joining instructions to the Zoom meeting, if you need assistance please contact the Clerk, they are held via Zoom. Dates of Ordinary meetings will continue to be held on the first Wednesday of each month.

Coronavirus – Covid-19 For the latest advice please refer to the websites listed below. The Parish Council have been receiving lots of information to be shared with the public from the Local Police Service; Borough Council; Norfolk County Council; Norfolk ALC Wellbeing Task and Finish Group; Elizabeth Truss MP; NHS; various safeguarding groups etc. which has been made available on the Parish Council website within the News section, please visit the News section and share with others anything you think they might find useful. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/ https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus


Message from the ‘Stoke Ferry Isolation Volunteers’ Group

Volunteers in Stoke Ferry have put arrangements in place to help those who are self-isolating and those who are having difficulty managing to get urgent supplies or prescriptions. Every road in the village has a designated person who will try to help you. If you have not kept or not received the leaflet with the contact details for your road, please contact Sue Lintern. We also have a Facebook page specifically for this period ‘Stoke Ferry Isolation Volunteers’. If you are a resident (or connected to a resident) of Stoke Ferry, then please follow this page for all the latest updates. Above all else, Stay Safe and know that we are here to help. Sue Lintern, Chairman of Stoke Ferry Parish Council 07904 071341 2Agriculture Update – The Mill can be contacted directly on the following telephone numbers should any members of the public have concerns 01366 502324 & 01366 502375

Dog Fouling on the Common – Polite reminder please for dog walkers to that your pets waste is collected and disposed of in dog waste bins (only) and failure to collect particularly on the common is dangerous for the children that use this area to play.

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