Priestly Ramblings
November 2020
Priestly Ramblings from The Wissey Valley Group of Churches: St. Andrew Barton Bendish: St. Mary Beachamwell: All Saints Boughton: St George Methwold: St. Margaret Wereham: St. Andrew West Dereham: Christ Church Whittington: All Saints Wretton with Stoke Ferry.
Last month I was present at the ordination, as deacon, of Ray Burman and Ian Mack in Ely Cathedral. Both will now serve as curates in the Wissey Valley Benefice of eight churches for three years. The third being ordained deacon on the same day was Nigel Moat of the Priory Group Benefice. Hopefully, all three will be ordained priest in 2021; the date, one supposes, depends on the dreaded covid and the impact it has on our lives. In fact each candidate could only have five guests attending plus their training incumbents i.e. Rev. David Karoon for Nigel and Rev.Canon William Burke and myself for Burman and Ian. That did not stop many, many people watching and joining in the service via zoom. A joyous event presided over by Bishop Stephen that all three, I am sure, will never forget. We wish them God speed in their new ministries. Talking of the pandemic, most of the churches that make up Wissey Valley have now re-started Sunday services again; the exception being St Andrew in West Dereham where the whole of the east end, including the stone work and medieval glass is being renovated and cleaned. Zoom services continue on line, for the time being, also on a Sunday morning. It is amazing what can be done when people pull together: if only everyone adopted this attitude from politicians to the man in the street, I suspect that we would not be facing the prospect of further restrictions. Love one another was one of Christ's main messages; in other words consider others before oneself even if that means wearing masks and social distancing. Rev. Carol Nicholas-Letch Priest in Charge Wissey Valley Benefice 01366 500704