River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Welcome to Stoke Ferry

Includes the Wissey Valley villages of Boughton, Stoke Ferry, Wereham, West Dereham, Whittington and Wretton

Christian Teachings?

November 2005

Some amusing church items A little boy was attending his first wedding. After the service, his...

Anglican Church Letter

November 2005

Another moving letter from Keith Macleod November 2005 I feel awfully ashamed. I am especially...


November 2005

Les reverts to his previous comments about the youth of today My two previous articles, "A...

A day out in East Anglia

November 2005

Graham reviews their trip to Wisbech, with visits to Elgoods Brewery and Peckover House This...

Yorkshire Christmas Pie

October 2005

Here is a real challenge - a recipe from an 1826 cook book This recipe was sent in by Rosie Watson...

Wereham Parish Council Minutes

October 2005

Minutes of the September meeting Minutes of Wereham Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 13th...

Village Life

October 2005

Les highlight some of the disadvantages of village expansion Reading Alan Whitford's recent letter...

Traditional Sussex Bacon Pudding

October 2005

Try this for supper on a cold autumn night! (serves 2) Ingredients: 125 g / 4 oz whole wheat flour 1...


October 2005

Ron expresses strong views of the government's Tough on Crime startegy, on education standards and...

Stoke Ferry Methodist Chapel

October 2005

Our monthly Methodist notes Oct 2nd 11.00 Mrs Pauline Driver Oct 9th 11.00 Mr Tim Coleman Oct 16th...

Runnin On

October 2005

Janet shares her joy of bird watching Another wet day and as I watch the doves playing "Hard to...

Octobers Editorial

October 2005

Ray chatters about the weather, the cricket and the difficulties being encountered in transferring...

October 2005 Anglican Church Letter

October 2005

Our monthly spiritual uplift from Keith The world is a beautiful place. Christians believe that we...


October 2005

The Wereham Newsletter for October Congratulations Doreen Champagne corks were popping as customers...


October 2005

Our monthly newsletter from Boughton Harvest Festival All Saints Church at Boughton is having 2...

Minutes of the meeting Of the West Dereham Parish Council

October 2005

Minutes of meeting held on Thursday 8th September 2005 in The Village Hall at 8.00 p.m. 1. Present:...

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council

October 2005

Minutes from the Meeting held on Wednesday 24th August 2005 1. Those Attending: Mr. B Harrison, Mr....


October 2005

Allan takes the opportunity to promote his new book This edition of The Village Pump carries a...

Hidden Saints - Hidden Kingdom

October 2005

A preview of a forthcoming event at Ely Cathedral God at work across the world A celebration of the...

Hereford Ham

October 2005

Another delicious recipe to tickle your taste buds (serve 2 to 3) Ingredients: A 190 g / 7 oz can of...

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