River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Welcome to Stoke Ferry

Includes the Wissey Valley villages of Boughton, Stoke Ferry, Wereham, West Dereham, Whittington and Wretton

More of the World's Stupidest (Church) Signs

September 2005

This months stupid signs have been collected from church notice boards Eight new choir robes are...

Letter to The Editor concerning unequal justice

September 2005

Graham voices his displeasure at the apparent different codes of justic for the rich and the poor...

Letter to the Editor - a different slant on terrorism

September 2005

William provides a refreshing review of the causes of terrorism The Old Post Office * High Street *...


September 2005

Some interesting anagrams for your pre-delicton DORMITORY: When you rearrange the letters: DIRTY...

Alternative Dictionary Definitions

September 2005

Graham contues his hilarious alternative dictionarry definitions EXPRESS - A machine for crushing...


September 2005

Alan, a fairly recent arrival in Stoke Ferry, puts a case for the deelopment of a village centre...


September 2005

Les looks at life in 2005 through the eyes of a teenager, with some startling results! Some would...


September 2005

Here's a challenge to keep you awake these Autumn nights! Give it a go and let me have your...

Wereham News

August 2005

Your monthly update from Wereham Flowers Many of you will have enjoyed the marvellous displays in...

Van Gogh's Family Tree:

August 2005

Try this for genealogy His dizzy aunt Verti Gogh The brother who ate prunes Gotta Gogh The brother...

The Village Soapbox

August 2005

Ron looks at recent events with a jaundices eye The Bombers In the past I have voiced my opinion...

The Village Kitchen

August 2005

More mouth-watering recipes for you to try With every confidence that August will be a month of...

The Methodist Newsletter for August

August 2005

Matt reviews the mixes emotions of the past month Stoke Ferry Methodist Chapel Aug 7th 11.00 Mrs...

The Homeless Man

August 2005

An amusing view of sobriety, celibacy and other virtues A man was walking down the street when he...


August 2005

Minutes of the SFRA Committee Meeting Present: Brian Harrison (Chairman), Ray Thompson (Deputy...


August 2005

St Andrews Newsletter (also St. Mary's, Denver; St. Mary the Virgin, Bexwell and St. Michael's,...

"Runnin' On"

August 2005

Janet shares her recipe for Date Fingers I don't know how much you like to eat; so many people are...

Notes from a newcomer

August 2005

Marion wakes up to reality... When I was young and harassed by life's ups and downs, I used to gaze...

Northwold Village Open Day

August 2005

Ray reportds on a magnificent village open day with multiple attractions and delicious cream treas...


August 2005

Graham invents some more dictionary definitions CITATION -To spot an Indian or Pakistani CARBUNCLE...

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