River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Welcome to Stoke Ferry

Includes the Wissey Valley villages of Boughton, Stoke Ferry, Wereham, West Dereham, Whittington and Wretton

An Alternative Dictionary....

July 2005

Silly alternative word meanings.... Benign what you be, after you be eight Artery the study of...

A New Book by local author:

July 2005

BOY ON A BRANCH A King's Lynn & Isle of Ely Boyhood by Cyril Marsters About eight or nine years...


June 2005

Les, with tongue firmly in cheek, looks at "The Wedding!" A couple I know very well...


June 2005

A delightful monthly update fron Wereham Open Gardens We look forward to welcoming visitors to our...

The Benefice of All Saints Wretton with Stoke Ferry,

June 2005

Church services for the month of July The Benefice of All Saints Wretton with Stoke Ferry, Christ...


June 2005

SFRA Meeting Minutes Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 12 April 2005 1. Present: Brian Harrison...

Stoke Ferry Playing Fields

June 2005

A big thank you to the Playing Fields Committee Dear Ray We would like to say what a great...


June 2005

The Parish Newsletter for St Antrew's West Dereham (also St. Mary's, Denver; St. Mary the Virgin,...

Some more useless facts.....

June 2005

I challenge you to dispute these... No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times. The...

Some more of the World's Stupidest Headlines

June 2005

Another humourous look at some of the worlds stupidest headlines 10 REVOLTING OFFICERS EXECUTED...


June 2005

Rn takes a jaundice view of the recent election Election With so much written and said about the...


June 2005

Some fun derived from a seried of boks by Rich Hall, an American comedian SNIGLETS I discovered...

"Runnin' on"

June 2005

Janet has a critical view of shopping in West Norfolk! Do you ever get cross when you go into your...

Notes from a newcomer

June 2005

An environmental quiz for you.. I used to roll my eyes skywards when my mother carefully saved...


June 2005

Your monthly update from Boughton Boughton Flower Festival 2005 The beginning of May heralded the...

My Favourite Things

June 2005

Julie Andrews updates one of her most favourite songs (sic) To commemorate her 69th birthday on...

More of the WORLD'S STUPIDIST (but true) SIGNS

June 2005

Some mor fun with signs CAUTION CONTENTS MAY CATCH FIRE On a box of matches NOT TO BE USED AS A HAIR...

Minutes of the West Dereham Parish Meeting

June 2005

West Dereham OC Minutes held on Thursday 12th May 2005 in the Village Hall at 7.OOp.m. 1. Present:...

Minutes of the Wereham Parish Meeting

June 2005

Minutes of Wereham PC Minutes of the Wereham Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 9th May 2005 at 7.00p.m....

Minutes of the Annual West Dereham Parish Council

June 2005

Minutes of Annual West Dereham PC Minutes of the Annual West Dereham Parish Council Meeting held on...

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