River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Welcome to Stoke Ferry

Includes the Wissey Valley villages of Boughton, Stoke Ferry, Wereham, West Dereham, Whittington and Wretton


May 2005

The monthly newsletter from St Andrews ST. ANDREWS, WEST DEREHAM (also St. Mary's, Denver; St. Mary...


May 2005

Ron has a good old moan about a range of subjects If the editor will indulge me I have a number of...

"Runnin' on"

May 2005

Janet gives a message to a friend and then chastises those who do not respect the countryside I...

Red Herrings & White Elephants

May 2005

Some more well known phrases and sayings explained Dickens to Pay is used as a threat: "If you...

Pork Oaties

May 2005

Try this delicious recipe at your next family gathering Serves 4 Ingredients 1 medium, sized onion 1...

Peruvian Adventure - Final part

May 2005

The concluding part of Anne's Peruvian Adventure Called at 5am. It was still dark! Pancakes for...

Notes from a newcomer

May 2005

Marion muses on "If she ruled the world" If I ruled the world, every day would be the...


May 2005

Can you believe some of these signs? FOR THE SICK AND TIRED OF THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH On a New York...


May 2005

Some more humourous headlines for your enjoyment PATIENT AT DEATH'S DOOR - DOCTORS PULL HIM THROUGH...

Minutes of West Dereham Parish Council - 7th April 2005

May 2005

West Dereham PC Minutes Minutes of the meeting of the West Dereham Parish Council held on Thursday...

May Editorial

May 2005

Ray looks back on a month of unbelievable happenings. Hello again, Once more, what a month that was?...

Insights into antipodean airline humour!

May 2005

Some spicey air line humour All too rarely, Australian airline attendants make an effort to make the...

How to be a Responsible Dog Owner

May 2005

One of our local Environmental Health Officers explains the need to be a responsible dog owner Dogs...

Heather's Humour.....

May 2005

Some light hearted inputs from Heather I went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day - but I...

Golf Etiquette

May 2005

A humourous golfing story Four lawyers in a law firm lived and died for their Saturday morning round...

Forces Humour

May 2005

An unusual outcome from a car breakdown at the supermarket From the "Times and Transcript"...

Crispy Pork & Potato Pie

May 2005

Another mouth watering recipe for your delictation Crispy Pork & Potato Pie Serves 4...

Boughton Newsletter

May 2005

Our monthly update from Boughton Boughton Pre-School Group News Easter Egg Hunt Easter Sunday saw...


May 2005

A moving adaptation of Waltzing Matilda by an ANZAC member As many of the older Village Pump readers...

A letter to the Editor from Hilman Durrance

May 2005

Hilman objects to the Stoke Ferru Resident's Association Minutes 2 April 2005 Dear Mr Thompson I...

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