River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Welcome to Stoke Ferry

Includes the Wissey Valley villages of Boughton, Stoke Ferry, Wereham, West Dereham, Whittington and Wretton


April 2005

A delightful little tale from a dog lover. A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was...

Growing Old

April 2005

Another "you know when you are growing old when..." You know you are growing old when:...

Grampian Country Food Group monthly Update

April 2005

A brief history of Grampian Foods For many residents in Stoke Ferry, the name Grampian Country Food...

Cashew & Apple Savouries

April 2005

Try these new delicacies from the Village Kitchen, I dare you! Baked in a tray of 6 Yorkshire...

Boughton News

April 2005

Our monthly input from Boughton. Why not add your contribution? New to Boughton and keen on...


April 2005

Ron looks at the vexed question of the religious influence on day to day school matters Regular...

April Editorial

April 2005

This editorial bemoans the loss of David Sheppard, the cricketing vicar, and welcomes the approach...

Yet another letter to the Editor

March 2005

Ron takes the editor to task! Dear Ray Goodness knows I have criticisms of this government,...

West Dereham Parish Council Minutes

March 2005

Minutes of the West Dereham PC Minutes of the meeting of the West Dereham Parish Council held on...

Wereham News

March 2005

The March Newsletter from Wereham Mr and Mrs Swan What a lovely sight it is to see swans on our...


March 2005

Ron examines the problems of global warming, atmoshperic pollution and the future for millions of...


March 2005

Some more unintentionally stupid headlines for your amusement 4-H girls win prizes for fat calves...

The Treacherous Female

March 2005

An amusing story from Ron A married couple in their early sixties were out celebrating their 35th...

St Andrew's Newsletter

March 2005

The March Newsletter ST. ANDREWS, WEST DEREHAM (also St. Mary's, Denver; St. Mary the Virgin,...


March 2005

Try this for fun Subject: QUIZ (Passing requires 4 correct answers) How long did the Hundred Years...

"Runnin' on"

March 2005

Janet explores her elationships with old friends and previews a forthcoming 21st Well, here we are,...

Reader's Letter

March 2005

Keith looks at the dilemmas that faces his church Synod I am looking out of my window at the remains...

Notes from a Newcomer

March 2005

Marion wonders what has happened to our ethical standards. "Whatever." How often every day...

More of The WORLD'S STUPIDIST (but true) SIGNS

March 2005

Some more improbable signs for you amusement Whole Chicken Medium Fresh From a supermarket leaflet...

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council

March 2005

The January Minutes of the Stoke Ferry PC Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council meeting held in the...

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