River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Welcome to Stoke Ferry

Includes the Wissey Valley villages of Boughton, Stoke Ferry, Wereham, West Dereham, Whittington and Wretton


July 2004

Minutes of the Stoke Ferry - Grampian Liaison Committee Agriculture Division Stoke Ferry Compound...

Village Kitchen

July 2004

More delicious recipes from the Village Kitchen With the barbeque season now well underway, I...

The Plimsoll Line

July 2004

Ron examines the development of the Plimsoll lines found on all Merchant Ships As the Napoleonic...

Stoke Ferry Stompers

July 2004

A report on the Stoke Ferry Stompers open evening The Stoke Ferry Stompers (Line Dancers) held an...

Stoke Ferry Methodist Church Services

July 2004

The Methodist Newsletter for June Ministers Revd Andrew Sankey Revd Matt Finch 01366 383231 01353...


July 2004

Parish notices for St Andrew's West Dereham ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH, WEST DEREHAM Vicar: During the...


July 2004

Ron examines the pros and cons of recent criticism of the Royal Mail Royal Mail The vultures are...

"Runnin' On".

July 2004

Janet runs on about charity collections and how the monies are spent With all the sunshine we have...

Parish Newsletter for St Andrew's Northwold etc

July 2004

Keith gives us details of services and happenings within the combined parishes of Norrthwold,...

Open Gardens at Wereham

July 2004

Another delightful afternoon exploring the Wereham gardens and meeting the delightful residents...

Notes from a newcomer

July 2004

Marion has a playful look at our ever increasing "Nanny" state With the nanny state...

Minutes to Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting

July 2004

Minutes of the June Meeting of Stoke Ferry Parish Council held in the Community Centre Wednesday...

Minutes to Stoke Ferry Annual Parish Meeting

July 2004

Minutes of the Stoke Ferry Parish Council Annual Meeting Minutes to Stoke Ferry Annual Parish...

Letter to the Editor

July 2004

An erudite contribution to the debate on speed cameras Dear Editor, I contacted the Stoke Ferry Pump...


July 2004

A delightful poem from America reminding us just how precious is our family I ran into a stranger as...


July 2004

A timely poem from Beryl giving some of the tensions of this time in the school year A taut tense...

Editorial _ July

July 2004

Ray discusses why June really was such a mixed month for him. The more mature among you will...

Boughton Open Gardens

July 2004

Ray descreibes a delightful tour of the Boughton Gardens on the hottest day of the year so far!...

Bird Quiz

July 2004

Mavis sets you a challenge to identify the birds described in the clues Bird Quiz - 2 Submitted by...

Answers to June Bird Quiz

July 2004

How well did you do with last month's quiz? Bird Quiz 1 - Answers Submitted by Mavis Smith Clue...

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