River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Welcome to Stoke Ferry

Includes the Wissey Valley villages of Boughton, Stoke Ferry, Wereham, West Dereham, Whittington and Wretton

Runnin' On

January 2004

Another refreshing look at life by our regular correspondent "Runnin' On Does every family have...

Role Models

January 2004

In praise of Jonny Wilinson ROLE MODELS As expected, Jonny Wilkinson won Sportsview Personality of...

Rainbow Bridge

January 2004

A delightful thought for much loved pets Rainbow Bridge Just this side of heaven is a place called...

Notes from a newcomer

January 2004

Marion waxes lyrical about old Norfolk Apples Notes from a newcomer Apples are among the pleasures...

Northwold, Wretton,Stoke Ferry and Whittington Parish newsletter

January 2004

Keith MacLeods Newsletter for his parishioners The Parishes of St. Andrew, Northwold; All Saints,...

Life's Imponderables

January 2004

Kelley offers some lighthearted views of life in the fast lane More of Life's Imponderables Why does...

Letter from Stoke ferry Football Club

January 2004

A report from the Village Football Club Dear Editor, Stoke Ferry Football Club would like to say a...

Letter from John

January 2004

John bemoans the need to diet and life in general Dear Ray, The last time I went into hospital they...

Laughs for Golfers

January 2004

Seasonal laughs at the expense of the golfing fraternity LAUGHS FOR GOLFERS A golfer set up his ball...

January Editorial

January 2004

The Editor bemoans the ever shrinking armed forces Happy New Year to you All, At the beginning of...


January 2004

Les has a tilt at modern English useage I have always enjoyed a play on words so it came as no...


January 2004

Ron Watts examines the case fo war with Iraq Iraq We should never have joined with America to invade...


January 2004

Ray looks at some of the idiotic responses received in this oh so modern world! IDIOTS!!!!! This...

Apple & Fig Crumble

January 2004

A mouthwatering recipe for the Pump readers to try. Apple and Fig Crumble Serves 3 or 4 Crumble...

Alex & Lovell's Grand Tour report

January 2004

Alex and Lovell describe part of their visit to New Zealand Alex and Lovell's Grand Tour > New...

A religious joke

January 2004

A sacriligious piece of religious humour A Priest, Rabbi and Minister . . . A priest, a Pentecostal...

A Pre-christmas weekend in Norfolk

January 2004

Graham describes an idyllic weekend visitng some of the delightful Norfolk villages which celebrate...

A Letter from Graham Forster

January 2004

Graham expresses concern at the increasing dominance of far Eastern imports to the UK Dear Ray, With...

When Things Go Wrong

December 2003

Encouragement to us all to stick at it. When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road...

Wacky Book Titles

December 2003

Graham suggests some more interesting reads for the Christmas season The inveterate liar By Lloyd...

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