River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Welcome to Stoke Ferry

Includes the Wissey Valley villages of Boughton, Stoke Ferry, Wereham, West Dereham, Whittington and Wretton

Wereham Parish Council

June 2003

Minutes of the annual meeting held on 14th May 2003 Minutes of the Wereham Annual Parish Council...

The Village Pump Soapbox

June 2003

Smacking So we are back to the old debate of whether children should or should not be smacked. Of...

The Village Pump Soapbox

June 2003

Our Judiciary There can be no denying that there are occasions when we suffer the most horrendous...

The Village Kitchen

June 2003

Chicken souffle and cheese pudding Base 1 medium sized onion 2 rashers of back bacon 15 g / 0.5 oz...

Stoke Ferry Parish Council

June 2003

Minutes of a meeting held on Wednesday 26th March 2003 1. Those attending: Mr M Mycock...

Stoke Ferry Harvest Fayre

June 2003

More horticultural tips foe this years fayre Don't be put off growing vegetables just ecause your...

Runnin' On

June 2003

Have a good old chinwag Some years ago I heard that there was going to be a meeting in Downham...

Reader's Letter

June 2003

News from the new representative for the Church of England It is important that I comment on the...

Our Village

June 2003

A poem singing its praises! This Village of ours is not pretty,We don't have a duck pond or...

One Thing Leads To Another

June 2003

The benefits (and pitfalls) of computer ownership When our daughter finished at university, moved...

On The Buses

June 2003

Les' favourite mode of transport I'm sure I have mentioned this before but even so I make no apology...

Letters to the Editor

June 2003

Recycling, redundancy, harassment and crosswired crosswords Dear Ray I received a letter today to...

Land Army Days

June 2003

One mum's war memories In the June 2002 issue of the Pump I wrote about my childhood memories. One...

Keith MacLeod

June 2003

A Potted Biography Keith was born in 1937 and lived in India for his first five years from when he...


June 2003

Pump's gone political? Hello again, Our last edition seemed to strike a chord with many of our...

An Illegal War

June 2003

Did the war on Iraq contravene international law? Congratulations on May's Village Pump - an...

This War

May 2003

Should Israel be treated as Iraq has been? There has been enough said about this war and I hesitate...

The Village Pump Soapbox

May 2003

Truancy I am sure we are all pleased to hear that the Government is requiring local authorities to...

The Village Pump Soapbox

May 2003

Global Warming Yet Again Last year scientists working for the UK Climate Impacts Programme said that...

The Village Kitchen

May 2003

Breast of lamb with prune and apple stuffing 300ml / 0.5 pint butterbeans, to serve 450 g / 1 lb...

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