River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Welcome to Stoke Ferry

Includes the Wissey Valley villages of Boughton, Stoke Ferry, Wereham, West Dereham, Whittington and Wretton

You Have To Smile

September 2002

It's a funny old world I have long considered that I have a sense of humour even if my friends, yes...

Why A Norfolk Accent?

September 2002

A broad opinion In spite of the fact that I am Norfolk born and bred, I have to say I'm not really a...

The Village Pump Soapbox

September 2002

Planners and Planning I suppose it was always obvious that East Anglia was in for a period of fairly...

The Village Kitchen

September 2002

Recipies for Cold Stuffed Tomatoes, Water Cress and Grapefruit Salad and Little Swans 4 to 6...

The Story So Far

September 2002

Chapter Six The last waltz has been played and Les finds himself alone at last with the delectable...

The First Hurricane Squadron

September 2002

Reprinted from the 'Journal of the Royal Air Force College' So little was known of our new aeroplane...

Runnin' On

September 2002

More thoughts and memories I'm afraid that when the sun comes out I lose all interest in writing,...

Rector's Letter

September 2002

Harvest Time September is the start of the new school year. It is a time of change and upheaval for...

It's A Gamble

September 2002

2-1 says you read this article I have to confess that I am not really a gambler. It's years since...

Green Living

September 2002

Painting a better world We all want our homes to look good and well cared for. As we rush to the DIY...

Gardener's Corner

September 2002

Saving seed from the garden Saving-seed is something that everyone can do. You might just want to...

Forget-Me-Not Club

September 2002

A summary of this groups activities so far this year We have had an extremely successful year so far...


September 2002

A brief history of this "natural element", and the measures used to counter it Fire has...


September 2002

As I prepare this piece for the September issue, the major news item remains the two missing girls...

Did You Know 2

September 2002

The meaning behind more everyday phrases I was very interested in the derivations of the phrases...


September 2002

New titles available from Mobile and Branch Libraries in Norfolk This month our newly published...

Another Day Out In Norfolk

September 2002

Er, Suffolk On Sunday August 11th, we set out for Rickinghall which is just over the county border...

What a difference

August 2002

A poem to rise the sun What a difference the sun can make,its golden warmth crowns daybreak. Where...

West Dereham Parish Council

August 2002

Minutes of the meeting held on 13th June at 8pm Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th June...

The Village Pump Soapbox

August 2002

What's wrong with Britain part two What has gone wrong? There was a time when we, as a nation, could...

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