River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Welcome to Stoke Ferry

Includes the Wissey Valley villages of Boughton, Stoke Ferry, Wereham, West Dereham, Whittington and Wretton

They Also Served

June 2002

Working in a telephone exchange during WWII The warning buzzer flashed and blew a raucous raspberry....

The Village Pump Soapbox

June 2002

I'm not a racist, am I? Everywhere you turn these days the word 'racist' or 'racism' seems to hit...

The Village Pump Soapbox

June 2002

Pick it up! Dogs' mess on the streets and playgrounds represent a major health and injury hazard: *...

The Village Kitchen

June 2002

Recipies for Sausage in sweet and sour sauce and Apple-Nut-Ring 450g / 1lb sausages 15g / 1/2 oz...

The Story So Far

June 2002

The anonymous novella continues into its third chapter Les has returned to the banks of the Stoke...

The Good Old Pub

June 2002

Put the public back into public house I read a lot of newspapers, very seldom books, but most...

The Dawn Chorus

June 2002

How exactly does National Dawn Chorus Day take all day? On May 6th, I woke up just before 4.30 am...

Stoke Ferry Parish Council

June 2002

Minutes of the March meeting Minutes of the meeting held on 14the March in the school at 7.30pm...

Stoke Ferry and District Ladies Group

June 2002

Minutes from the April and May meetings The April meeting was attended by 35 members. Apologies were...

Runnin' On

June 2002

Short-term memory loss leads to long-term memory recollection Nothing has happened in the last month...

Rector's Letter

June 2002

The Queen's Jubilee celebrations June this year brings the Queen's Jubilee celebrations when we...

Memories Of Norfolk Childhood

June 2002

When everyone knew everyone When all the buds of spring have blossomed into summer, memories of past...

Making Garden Compost

June 2002

Making a compost heap and manure A compost heap is both a recycling facility for kitchen and garden...

Limerick to Les Lawrence

June 2002

(the younger) There was a young man called Les Who lived in a very 'des-res' With his wit and his...

Letters to the Editor

June 2002

Wind farms, mobile phones and punishment for crime Dear Ray, I was interested to read your soapbox...

I am the Wind

June 2002

A blusteringly good poem I send ripples through the cornfield,I whisper through the trees,I carry...

Hoarder, hoarder!

June 2002

What's in your fridge? Recently, we offered to clear out the two fridges that our daughter and...

Green Living

June 2002

Babies When you or someone close to you is expecting a baby the environment is not likely to be the...


June 2002

Introducing the new editorial team, childhood memories, sugar beet and birds Hello again, Welcome to...

Close to Death

June 2002

That sinking feeling you get after Christmas January 2nd: The cold frosty weather was not on Sam 's...

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