River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Welcome to Stoke Ferry

Includes the Wissey Valley villages of Boughton, Stoke Ferry, Wereham, West Dereham, Whittington and Wretton

Bombed Out

June 2002

Ron recalls the destruction of his family home in London during the Blitz It was October 1940, there...

A Tree Is For Life - Not Just For Christmas

June 2002

The thirteenth day of Christmas Ah! What a great day. Nice cool crisp breeze, birds singing in the...

A Special Agent

June 2002

From door to bore There's a knock on your door and who is it? Well it's that nice Insurance Man. You...

A Question of Knowledge

June 2002

Les glazes over another topic One of the things that never cease to amaze me is that when it comes...

A New Club

June 2002

Too much useless information? Did you know that I gave up smoking some 512 weeks ago last Sunday?...

Your Letters

May 2002

Favor Parker's £1.3 million profit Dear Editor, Favor Parker made a profit of £1.3 million last...

You A Preacher?

May 2002

Les Lawrence tries to convert I have some news for anyone who has my best interests at heart; I have...

Why Move?

May 2002

A newcomer gets Les thinking about moving, or maybe not I was talking the other day to a charming...

Village Kitchen

May 2002

Recipies for Moussaka and Pork Oaties 450 g/ 1lb aubergines 1-tablespoon salt Good cooking oil 2...

The Story So Far

May 2002

Les returns with chapter two, but so has the ghost writer... Some compelling instinct has drawn Les...

The London Taxi

May 2002

All hail this remarkable vehicle The London taxi is unique, no other city requires a purpose...


May 2002

Danger line In the past month, two incidents have infuriated me as a driver. Firstly, I got stuck...


May 2002

Tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime That is what they said. How are they doing? Now they...


May 2002

Not in my backyard As we all know, Norfolk has many attractions. Perhaps it cannot compete for...

Runnin' on

May 2002

Birds in our garden One day last week we were shopping in Downham when someone said, "Hello...

Rector's Letter

May 2002

Practice practical love May is still in the season of Easter. There's hope and there should be...

Potential Authors

May 2002

Lawrence asks for contributors (Repeat) (Subtitles) Did you know that this article is the 55th one I...

If it should be...

May 2002

In memory of Elsa and for anyone else who has lost a dog If it should be that I grow frail and weak...

Green Living

May 2002

More ideas for the reluctant environmentalist The aim of this column is to publicise good ideas for...

Garden Talk

May 2002

Natural Fabric - The garden of Stoke Ferry's Claire Smith Colour and texture have always played an...

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