River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Welcome to Stoke Ferry

Includes the Wissey Valley villages of Boughton, Stoke Ferry, Wereham, West Dereham, Whittington and Wretton

Favor Parker Village Liaison Committee Meeting

May 2002

Minutes of the meeting held on 15th March 2002 Mr Dave Robson (Principal Environmental Health...


May 2002

A country in crisis, the return of the summer birds and a new editorial team Older readers will...

Drunkards and Vagabonds

May 2002

Our alcoholics are too anonymous It you want my opinion, that's the trouble with the world today!...

Desert Island Films

May 2002

Another reader shares their favourite movies Having found to my great surprise that my jottings a...

Your Letters about Favor Parker

April 2002

Unsuitable traffic on unsuitable roads; Favor Parkers must do more for the area Dear Ray, I am...

Your Letters

April 2002

Recycling schemes should shift up a gear; more lessons in faith schools Dear Editor In one of your...

Village Kitchen

April 2002

Recipies for bobotie and minced meat curry 1 to 2 thick slices of bread 150ml / 1/4pint of milk 1...

The Wireless Experience

April 2002

More praise for the air waves I thoroughly enjoyed Janet Tilburn's article last month in which she...

The Story So Far

April 2002

One river one bridge and many memories Les has spent some time now searching for material for his...

Stop Waffling

April 2002

Could Les Lawrence write the script for a soap opera? I was talking to a Lady recently. Yes I know...

Stoke Ferry and District Ladies Group

April 2002

Minutes of the March meeting, 2002 The March meeting was an open meeting with all proceeds going to...

Runnin' on

April 2002

Flyin' on Back home again after a lovely holiday in Tenerife. I am just getting over what I hope is...

Rector's Letter

April 2002

Alleluia! Christ is risen! Easter is here. All the hope of Christmas has been fulfilled. The baby...

PMQs and the MOE

April 2002

The government are not answering the questions that the opposition are not asking I think that Prime...

No Not That Word

April 2002

No sex please, we're British Did you know that when you pick up your copy of the Village Pump you...

My Love Affairs

April 2002

Men and Motors Most men love women in general as well as one particular woman. So it has been for me...

Minutes Of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting

April 2002

Held in the school on 17th Jan 2002 at 7:30pm Held in the school on 17th Jan 2002 at 7:30pm PRESENT...

It'a All Too Much

April 2002

Les talks to himself about himself An hour or so ago I woke up and discovered I was in bed; in fact...

Green Living

April 2002

Re-use. It's that simple. The aim of this column is to publicise good ideas for both the committed...

Garden Talk

April 2002

Scarecrows and tips for beginners A homemade scarecrow will look really good in your garden, it...

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