River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Welcome to Stoke Ferry

Includes the Wissey Valley villages of Boughton, Stoke Ferry, Wereham, West Dereham, Whittington and Wretton


April 2002

Spring birds, spring gardening, the prize crossword and Easter memories Well now it is officially...

Desert Island Discs

April 2002

John Baxter selects his favorite music and luxury item Having read the previous selections for...

Comedians and Politicians

April 2002

It's not what you say but how you say it I find it isn't just Comedians cracking jokes that make me...

An open letter to King's Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council

April 2002

Is 98.78% of your council tax being paid to the rest of the county? Revenues Services, Central...

Academic Standards

April 2002

Part two of this month's soapbox Here we are again, approaching examination time, the annual torture...

Academic Snobbery

April 2002

Part one of this month's Soapbox I can't stand snobbery. I suppose most people would say that,...

Your Letters

March 2002

Favor Parker, Wombles, Faith Schools, The Euro and Retired Professionals Dear Village Pump, My name...

Village Kitchen

March 2002

Recipes for lamb Serves 4 to 6. Start this dish the night before serving. 50 to 75 g/2 to 3oz dried...

The Wireless Experience

March 2002

Turn off your TV set, stay in, listen to the radio instead I thoroughly enjoyed Janet Tilburn's...

The Story So Far

March 2002

Page Six Les continues his search for material for his Best Seller. Taking time out for relaxation...

The Favor Parker Issue

March 2002

One resident thinks apathy has a lot to do with it To start with we have to remember that FP has...

Spring Flowers

March 2002

Primrose Poetry Daffodils Yellow,Up you spring.Come and greet the sunshine,Come and greet the...


March 2002

The rich, lifers, adoption and the postal system all come under the hammer The idea of the 'Soapbox'...

Scene One Take One

March 2002

The making of a promotional video I had spent some 25 years working for an Insurance Company and I...

Runnin' on

March 2002

Roads Driving along Bexwell Road into Downham, the car in front of us activated the 30 mph speed...

Regeneration of your Village

March 2002

What can I do for my village? Sounds rather grand, but what's it all about? Well, why not start at...

Rector's Letter

March 2002

A dramatic Easter March is here and we're still very much in the midst of Lent. So if you haven't...

Organ replant dedicated

March 2002

Christchucrch Whittington gets a new instrument There was a good congregation at Christchurch,...

Green Living

March 2002

Cleaning your home without chemicals The aim of this column is to publicise good ideas for both the...

Going Downhill Fast

March 2002

Things to do as you get old I' m starting to feel my age. Well physically I've been feeling my age...

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