River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Welcome to Stoke Ferry

Includes the Wissey Valley villages of Boughton, Stoke Ferry, Wereham, West Dereham, Whittington and Wretton

George Coates 1913-2002

March 2002

In Memoriam George Coates, who died on 12th February 2002, was Headmaster of Stoke Ferry School for...

Garden Talk

March 2002

Indoor Gardening Tasks Winter is a time when lots of people like to concentrate on indoor plants...

From Now On - A New You

March 2002

You can't buy confidence Just imagine you won the Lottery. And if we must fantasize- and why...

Favor Parker Village Liaison Committee Meeting

March 2002

Minutes of the meeting held on 1st February 2002 Friday 1st February 2002 Mr. Dave Robson (Principal...


March 2002

Q: What do Favor Parker and part-worn tyres have in common? A: They both appear in this month's...

Don't Bank on them!

March 2002

Are our banks full of Merchants? What do you think of banks? When I first opened an account in the...

Desert Island Films

March 2002

Another reader's selection of memorable movies I was delighted that Audrey McBride followed my...

British Leyland

March 2002

The story behind the company and its cars Poor old BL they got a lot of stick towards the end, but...

Your Letters

February 2002

Favor Parker, Rats and Darts Dear Ray, I am getting thoroughly fed up with all the letters that you...

Village Kitchen

February 2002

Beef Recipies A very old Gloucestershire recipe, economical and nourishing 900g / 2 lb skirt of beef...

Tomorrow's the Day

February 2002

United we stand, divided we fall Disconcerting readers will be more than aware of my dislike of TV...

The Things Children Say!

February 2002

The pump goes all ITV I know there are books on these and I am sure we all have our own tales to...

The Story So Far

February 2002

Turn to page 4 as the novel continues Les's ambition is to write a Best Seller, but finds if...

Stories Of Flood

February 2002

The fenland floods of 1937 and 1947 The High spring tides coincide with heavy rain. The great sluice...

Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting (8th November 2001)

February 2002

Minutes of the meeting held at 7:30om in the school PRESENT. Chairman, V.Chairman & Messrs...

Stoke Ferry and District Ladies' group

February 2002

Moinutes of the January 2002 meeting 21 members attended the 1st meeting of the New Year. Apologies...


February 2002

The Euro It isn't so much the euro itself that annoys me but the endless talk about it (so here am I...

Runnin' on

February 2002

Radio shows remembered Watching a flock of fieldfares eating the bright red berries on our rowan...


February 2002

Customer Service? The other day I got to thinking just how much progress had been made in my...

Just Round The Bend

February 2002

Have I been here before? There is of course a very good explanation for all of this and people who...

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