River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Welcome to Stoke Ferry

Includes the Wissey Valley villages of Boughton, Stoke Ferry, Wereham, West Dereham, Whittington and Wretton

Green Living

January 2002

Ideas for saving water First a big thank you to those of you who wrote to me with encouragement and...


January 2002

Happy New Year! The start of yet another New Year; an opportunity to make new resolutions and new...

Desert Island Discs

January 2002

A reader shares their choice of records and luxury item I can't think anyone will be interested in...

Country Kitchen

January 2002

Rump steak and beef casserole 275g / 10oz rump steak125g / 4oz brown or white rice1 large onion,...

Christmas In The 1930s

January 2002

How the festive season used to be As I write Christmas is fast approaching and I am very aware of...

Am I Normal?

January 2002

Happy New Another Year Being 72 and retired I shall stay in and watch 'Home and Away.' Miss Jones...

Your letters

December 2001

Vandalism, Youth Club, blood and, er, Favor Parker Dear Ray, Excellent copy of the Pump. What's...

This War

December 2001

One Man's View The attack on the World Trade Centre must rank amongst the world's worst disaters and...

The Village Kitchen

December 2001

Poultry, Game and Gammon For this you need a large saute or frying pan with a good lid. An electric...

The Ghost Writer

December 2001

The novel continues... I enjoyed reading Les Lawrence's article in the October Pump entitled Its'...

Stoke Ferry Parish Council

December 2001

Minutes of the meeting held on 13th September in the school PRESENT: V.Chairman, Messrs Patterson,...


December 2001

GMT and BST So here we are again with the dark evenings. Of course the amount of daylight hours is...

Runnin' On

December 2001

Christmas is coming Boxer the carthorse had a good old snuffle around his manger, not one grain of...

Rector's Letter

December 2001

Act in love not hate As I write this I am also preparing for Remembrance Sunday. As I do so I am...

Not Another AGM

December 2001

Are you candidate? All of this of course reminds me of years gone by; now just a minute let me...

Musings From The Methodist Manse

December 2001

A prayer for Christmas What is the gift I pray for most this year? What would I like to find beneath...

Money Under False Pretences

December 2001

Earning a good wage doing a bad job We live in an age when it is very easy to earn a good living by...

It's Tomorrow That Counts

December 2001

What does the future hold for Stoke Ferry? I just wondered where would she be in say 50 odd years...

It's Time For A Commercial

December 2001

The congregation dwindles The other day I was painting away with a dear Lady volunteer. You have to...

Imaginings / Falling in Love Again

December 2001

A poetic double bill Have you ever had a dream, where words are soft and sweet? Yet when the morning...

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