River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Welcome to Stoke Ferry

Includes the Wissey Valley villages of Boughton, Stoke Ferry, Wereham, West Dereham, Whittington and Wretton

The Tree

August 2001

Poet-tree For hundreds of years the tree has grown up,To touch the sky it will never give up,Tall...

The Percentages Have It

August 2001

90% of you should read this This expression 'social intercourse' first came to my attention many...

Stoke Ferry Annual Parish Council Meeting

August 2001

Held on 10th May 2001 at 7.30pm PRESENT Chairman, V.Chairman & Messrs Patterson, Bonnett and...

Stoke Ferry and District Ladies Group

August 2001

Minutes of the July meeting 23 members enjoyed a visit to 'Elgoods Brewery' at Wisbech. We were...


August 2001

Parliamentary Election Party politics have no place in the Village Pump, but it may not be out of...

Runnin' on

August 2001

Tree Henge Unearthed One day last week we decided to take a picnic to Holme, the sand dunes always...

Rector's Letter

August 2001

A holiday collage Our word 'holiday' comes from 'holy day', a day set aside from work to thank God...

Local Band Supports Harvest Fayre

August 2001

Dumpster Pop to play charity gig Stoke Ferry punk rock group Dumpster Pop has donated £157 from the...

It's Time For Music

August 2001

Learn to play a new instrument Talking about music, I have never understood why it is that some...

Garden Talk

August 2001

Beds and Borders Any seasoned gardener will tell you that there is nothing more satisfying than...

Fakenham Gas Works

August 2001

The continuing search for future fuels looks to the past I recently wrote about the possibility of...


August 2001

Crazy Weather Well, did we have the summer or is it still to come? We really have run through all...


August 2001

New titles available from the mobile library Newly published bestsellers include: * Katie Forde -...

Why Wait for Holidays?

July 2001

Because you're a sheep? This year, as my wife and I celebrate over 47 years of married bliss, it...

The Vilage Kitchen

July 2001

Salads and Vegetables 1 small cucumber 2 medium sized dessert apples Lettuce leaves Half a box of...


July 2001

Selective Secondary Schools Education in this country has suffered a good deal of criticism in...

Runnin' On

July 2001

A stroll along the coastline Yesterday looked as though we could rely on the weather enough to have...

Rector's Letter

July 2001

Shell collecting on St James' Day If you go to the beach, spend some time collecting shells. See how...

One last tear

July 2001

That poetry emotion I wrote this poem after shutting down a club that a friend and I were running....

Musings from the Methodist Manse

July 2001

Thoughts for July Dear Friends, When in your life do you find you are most awake? When are you least...

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