River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Welcome to Stoke Ferry

Includes the Wissey Valley villages of Boughton, Stoke Ferry, Wereham, West Dereham, Whittington and Wretton


April 2001

A poem about what those words used to mean Computers are beyond me, I just don't understand A person...


April 2001

New titles available from Mobile and Branch Libraries in Norfolk Recently published debut novels by...

Alzheimer's Disease

April 2001

All about this condition of memory loss There are three main conditions of Dementia, of which...


April 2001

The pedants are getting faster Sir, Us Anoraks have a reputation for being boring and getting up...

Water Meters

March 2001

Are they really necessary? It almost seems laughable now that five or more years ago we were having...

The Rector's Letter

March 2001

Lent - a Grace Jar Dear friends, Use an old glass jam jar with a metal top or empty tin which has a...

The Phyllis Croft Foundation

March 2001

Information about this charity in aid of canine epilepsy I have a Border Collie called Gemma; she is...

The Lonely Philosopher

March 2001

The thoughts of a man drifting off to sleep You may or may not know that I play the guitar. My...

Stoke Ferry and District Ladies Group

March 2001

Report from the February meeting 29 members attended the February meeting. Members were reminded of...

St Andrews' Church, West Dereaham

March 2001

Parish Mission Statement for Spring 2001 The following mission statement was approved at our recent...

Should We Vote On It?

March 2001

Quick, form a committee! It could be my age but the older I get the more convinced I am that the...

Runnin' On

March 2001

This month - a favourite savoury recipie Each week when I read the "Woman's Weekly" I...

Please Sponsor Me

March 2001

8 hour organthon to raise money for Wereham Church In March the 101 year old organ at Wereham Church...

Off To The Pub

March 2001

Don't sit there, get yourself down your local I was recently reading an excellent article in one of...

Musings from the Methodist Manse

March 2001

Thoughts on the lead-up to Easter Dear Friends, God knew our greatest need If our greatest need had...

Living with Nazi V Weapons

March 2001

The Germans' WWII attack on the UK During the blitz of 1940 and early 1941 air raids on London...

Junction of the A10 and the A134

March 2001

An opinion on this dangerous section of road Many of us are well aware of the difficulties that can...

I Got There in the End

March 2001

A poem about finding Stoke Ferry The first time I came to Norfolk, to see their bungalowRay wrote...


March 2001

The editor's comments for March Well here we are in March already. The next issue will be the Easter...

Easter Simnel Cake

March 2001

A recipe for this traditional cake This is now the traditional Easter cake, but originally it was...

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